Tcllib 1.17 released


Another year passed, a new release of Tcllib, bringing us to 1.17. Well, a year plus a delay of two months due to distractions at work and otherwise.

An excerpt from the release README:

6   new packages                in 5   modules
66  changed packages            in 39  modules
46  internally changed packages in 31  modules
293 unchanged packages          in 74  modules
418 packages, total             in 118 modules, total

The full details can be found in the release technote.

Happy Tcling.

Saving NetNews with Tcl(lib)

Published , updated

Given my various interests I am following several groups like <news:comp.lang.tcl> and <news:comp.risks> on NetNews, a global bulletin board system which was started shortly after the internet itself.

Due to the ephemeral nature of the various boards' contents, with most servers keeping messages for only a week or two, any access to older messages means that I either have go to some website which backs them up, like Google Groups, or save them on my own.

Here I describe how to do the latter, using Tcl and Tcllib.

(... go on, you are curious)