Critcl 3.1.16 released


Welcome to the C Runtime In Tcl (CriTcl for short) version 3.1.16.

This is a system to build C extension packages for Tcl on the fly, from C code embedded within Tcl scripts, for all who wish to make their code go faster.


The changes for version 3.1.16 in short:

  1. critcl::cproc --- Arbitrary placement of optional arguments.

  2. critcl::cproc --- Support args for variadic functions.

  3. New result-type object0.

  4. Fixed bugs #54, #55, #56, #58 #60, #62.

  5. critcl::argtypesupport --- Extended to support sharing of definition between multiple types.

  6. Other bugfixes and debugging aids.

Happy Tcling.