View Ticket
01:34 Closed ticket [305ee10b86]: support of openssl options in tls:init plus 4 other changes artifact: 21a8a47206 user: bohagan
08:42 Ticket [305ee10b86]: 5 changes artifact: a2bbedc6f5 user: anonymous
08:34 New ticket [305ee10b86]. artifact: be20e14a09 user: anonymous

Ticket Hash: 305ee10b8666aa7a3107dc2f1a62b2c3abe35353
Title: support of openssl options in tls:init
Status: Closed Type: Feature Request
Severity: Important Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2024-06-29 01:34:20
Version Found In: 1.7.22
User Comments:
anonymous added on 2021-09-29 08:34:09:

In some cases it is required to change openssl options running tcltls. There may be more and other options as I need and describe here.

E.g. running tclhttpd with tcltls needs openssl to change client to server cipher order to pass SSL Labs's 'SSL Server Rating Guide' (version 2009q from 2020-01-30) as grade A.

I don't know a better way as to add SSL_OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE to tcl.c but would prefer to have an option in ::tls::init

tls.c:1215 SSL_CTX_set_options( ctx, SSL_OP_ALL SSL_OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE ); /* all SSL bug workarounds */

anonymous added on 2021-09-29 08:42:00:

Of cause the added line should be

tls.c:1215 SSL_CTX_set_options( ctx, SSL_OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE ); /* force cipher order selection by server */

bohagan added on 2024-06-29 01:34:20:
This issue was fixed in commit [ba1403b62cb1bcd5]. Rather than a new option, the
server order was made the default. This is the recommended approach to ensure the
best ciphers are used.