Tcl Library Source Code

Ticket Change Details

Artifact ID: d7f3293e74bf9317f6d880050d39ece3de1d14a91cd4e0293192462cc65335ce
Ticket: 7733d51d638ab8dafffcdd37825c86b20256d935
error building crc32 tcllibc code on Win
User & Date: anonymous 2019-12-24 21:49:16

  1. assignee changed to: "nobody"
  2. closer changed to: "nobody"
  3. cmimetype changed to: "text/plain"
  4. comment changed to:
    I tried building the tcllibc library for Windows:
    Windows 10
    Latest MinGW release using GCC 8.1.0 installed today
    Tcllib release 1.20 downloaded today
    Windows critcl.exe downloaded from AK's site today
    The following was echoed to the terminal screen:
    D:\critcl\tcllib-1.20>D:\tcltk86-8.6.8-5.tcl86.Win7.x86_64\bin\tclsh.exe sak.tcl critcl
    Building critcl components.
    Note: you can ignore warnings for tcllibc.tcl, base64c.tcl and crcc.tcl.
    D:/critcl/critcl.exe -cache D:/critcl/tcllib-1.20/.critcl -force -libdir ./modules -pkg tcllibc ./modules/tcllibc.tcl ./modules/md4/md4c.tcl ./modules/struct/graph_c.tcl ./modules/base32/base32_c.tcl ./modules/struct/sets_c.tcl ./modules/json/jsonc.tcl ./modules/pt/pt_rdengine_c.tcl ./modules/pt/pt_parse_peg_c.tcl ./modules/uuid/uuid.tcl ./modules/struct/tree_c.tcl ./modules/base32/base32hex_c.tcl ./modules/base64/base64c.tcl ./modules/base64/uuencode.tcl ./modules/base64/yencode.tcl ./modules/sha1/sha1c.tcl ./modules/md5/md5c.tcl ./modules/crc/crcc.tcl ./modules/crc/sum.tcl ./modules/crc/crc32.tcl ./modules/md5crypt/md5cryptc.tcl ./modules/struct/queue_c.tcl ./modules/rc4/rc4c.tcl ./modules/sha1/sha256c.tcl ./modules/struct/stack_c.tcl ./modules/dns/ipMoreC.tcl
    Config:   win32-ix86-gcc
    Build:    win32-ix86-gcc
    Target:   win32-ix86
    Source:   tcllibc.tcl  (provide tcllibc 0.3.15)md4c.tcl  (provide md4c 1.1.0)graph_c.tcl  (provide struct_graphc 2.4.3) (require Tcl 8.2)base32_c.tcl  (provide  ) (require Tcl 8.4)sets_c.tcl  (provide struct_setc 2.1.1) (require Tcl 8.4)jsonc.tcl  (provide jsonc 1.1.2) (require Tcl 8.4)pt_rdengine_c.tcl  (provide pt::rde::critcl 1.3.4) (require Tcl 8.4)pt_parse_peg_c.tcl  (provide pt_parse_peg_c 1.0.1) (require Tcl 8.4)uuid.tcl  (provide uuid 1.0.7) (require Tcl 8.5md5 2)tree_c.tcl  (provide struct_treec 2.1.1) (require Tcl 8.2)base32hex_c.tcl  (provide  ) (require Tcl 8.4)base64c.tcl  (provide base64c 0.1.0)uuencode.tcl  (provide uuencode 1.1.5) (require Tcl 8.2)yencode.tcl  (provide crc32 1.3.2) (require Tcl 8.2) (provide yencode 1.1.3) (require Tcl 8.2)sha1c.tcl  (provide sha1c 2.0.3)md5c.tcl  (provide md5c 0.12)crcc.tcl  (provide  )sum.tcl  (provide sum 1.1.2) (require Tcl 8.2)crc32.tcl (FAILED) md5cryptc.tcl  (provide md5cryptc 1.0)queue_c.tcl  (provide struct_queuec 1.3.1) (require Tcl 8.4)rc4c.tcl  (provide rc4c 1.1.0)sha256c.tcl  (provide sha256c 1.0.2)stack_c.tcl  (provide struct_stackc 1.3.1) (require Tcl 8.4)ipMoreC.tcl  (provide ipMorec 1.0)Compilation forced
    Files left in D:/critcl/tcllib-1.20/.critcl
    FAILED:  ./modules/crc/crc32.tcl
    FAILED   Tue Dec 24 15:16:05 CST 2019 - D:/critcl/tcllib-1.20/modules/crc/crc32.tcl
    FAILED   gcc
    FAILED          -c
    FAILED          -fPIC
    FAILED          -D_REENTRANT=1
    FAILED          -D_THREAD_SAFE=1
    FAILED          -DHAVE_READDIR_R=1
    FAILED          -DTCL_THREADS=1
    FAILED          -ID:/critcl/tcllib-1.20/.critcl/tcl8.4
    FAILED          -ID:/critcl/tcllib-1.20/.critcl
    FAILED          -o
    FAILED          D:/critcl/tcllib-1.20/.critcl/v307_7eeb435b69d6726865877fc4e0da33e9_pic.o
    FAILED          D:/critcl/tcllib-1.20/.critcl/v307_7eeb435b69d6726865877fc4e0da33e9.c
    FAILED          -O2
    FAILED          -DNDEBUG
    FAILED   crc32.tcl:252:12: error: redefinition of 'tcl__crc_Crc32_c'
    FAILED   D:/critcl/tcllib-1.20/.critcl/v307_7eeb435b69d6726865877fc4e0da33e9.c:11:12: note: previous definition of 'tcl__crc_Crc32_c' was here
    FAILED    static int tcl__crc_Crc32_c(ClientData dummy, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])
    FAILED               ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    FAILED   ERROR while compiling code in D:/critcl/tcllib-1.20/modules/crc/crc32.tcl:
    FAILED   child process exited abnormally
  5. foundin changed to: "1.20"
  6. is_private changed to: "0"
  7. login: "anonymous"
  8. priority changed to: "5 Medium"
  9. private_contact changed to: "22e3b7a55e291d179313f4c2e34877f09743ee31"
  10. resolution changed to: "None"
  11. severity changed to: "Important"
  12. status changed to: "Open"
  13. submitter changed to: "anonymous"
  14. subsystem changed to: "crc"
  15. title changed to: "error building crc32 tcllibc code on Win"
  16. type changed to: "Bug"