Tcl Extensions
3dcanvas - 3-D Canvas Widget
adbsql - A(nother) database engine for Tcl/Tk
aejaks - Tcl interface to Echo2 web framework
aem - Lightweight Apple Events
amazons3 - Tcl interface to Amazon S3 web service
applehelp - critcl wrapper for Apple Carbon Help API functions
aquahig - Mac OSX look and feel
arc4random - Tcl interface to BSD arc4random(3) function
blt - The BLT toolkit
bwidget - A suite of megawidgets
byzi - Tk [busy] command implementation
casstcl - Tcl language interface to the Cassandra database
cephes - Bindings to the Cephes special mathematical functions library
ceptcl - Communication Endpoints
clock - Improved clock command
cmdr - Command line parsing and dispatch framework
colibri - Cloverfield project
combat - CORBA scripting with Tcl
combobox - Combobox megawidget
cookfs - VFS designed for tclkit applications
cost - SGML and XML processing toolkit
crimp - C Raster Image Manipulation
critcl - C Runtime in Tcl
csp - Golang inspired concurrency library for Tcl
csv - tclcsv is a binary extension for reading CSV format files.
cups - Tcl interface to CUPS
curl - Tcl binding to libcurl, multiprotocol file transfer library
dbi - Generic Tcl interface to SQL databases
dbus - Interface to D-BUS
dict - A backport of the Tcl 8.5 [dict] command for Tcl 8.4
dtrace - Tcl bindings to DTrace profiling tool
duft - Datagrams and UDP for Tcl
etcd - Tcl bindings to etcd key-value store
expect - Automation for interactive applications
fbsql - Tcl interface to MySQL database
femtol - Tcl in FORTRAN 77
festtcl - Speech synthesis via festival
ffidl - Foreign Function Interface
fickle - Lexical analyser generator
fileicons - File type icons
filtr - File Inventory for Loading, Transfer and Recovery
freewrap - Create single-file binary executables
ftcl - A library to combine Fortran and Tcl
garuda - Link to the Common Language Runtime (CLR)
gdi - Direct access to Windows GDI
generator - Generators for Tcl
gestaltitems - User interface library
gnocl - Tcl meets GTK+ and Gnome
gridplus - Layout system for Tk
helpbrowser - Help browser widget
hugelist - List widget supporting large lists
hwloc - Tcl binding to hwloc, the "Portable Hardware Locality".
iaxclient - Voice over IP using IAX Protocol
image - Image management
img - Additional image formats
imgop - Image operations
inotify - File system notification service (Linux only)
iocpsock - Improved sockets for Windows NT
irdasock - IrDA (infrared) socket support
itcl - Object-oriented extension
itk - Megawidget framework based on [incr Tcl]
iwidgets - A megawidget set based on [incr Tcl] and [incr Tk]
jim - Small footprint re-implementation of Tcl.
kafka - Interface to Kafka messaging system
la - Hume Linear Algebra Package
ldap - LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) bindings
libmsgque - Application linking infrastructure
libtclpy - Tcl/Python integration
lmdb - Bindings to Lightning Memory-Mapped Database
macbag - Additional MacOS-like widget styles
mactoolbar - Mac OSX style toolbars
maybe - Sensible NULL values
mclistbox - Multi-column listbox widget
memcached - Tcl interface to memcached caching service
memchan - In-memory channels for Tcl
mentry - Multi-entry widget package
menubar - Simplified menubar construction
metakit - Embedded database library
milter - Tcl interface to Sendmail's mail filtering API
mkwidgets - A method for writing metawidgets, and a collection of these
mongotcl - MongoDB database interface
mpexpr - Multi-precision arithmetic
mpi - Tcl bindings for MPI, the Message Passing Interface standard
mpssespi - Interface to FTDI serial converter chips
mysqltcl - Tcl interface to MySQL database
nacl - Cryptographic toolkit
nap - N-dimensional array processor
netinfo - Protocol, service, network, host and ether info
next-scripting - Next Scripting Framework
nextk - Next-generation Tk
ntext - Enhanced text widget bindings
odata - OData (Open Data Protocol) bindings
ode - Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) solver.
odie - Open Design and Integration Environment
oratcl - Tcl interface to Oracle database
osc - Open Sound Control interface
otcl - MIT Object Tcl
pcap - Packet capture
pdf4tcl - Generate PDF files
pgintcl - Pure-Tcl interface to PostgreSQL
pgtcl - Tcl interface to PostgreSQL database
pixane - Advanced image processing
plotchart - Simple plotting and charting package
poet - Prototype Object Extension for Tcl
printer - Windows printer contexts
promise - Promise abstraction for asynchronous programming
ptwidgets - New user interface elements
pty - Unix PTYs
qtcl - Tcl meets Qt and KDE
quill - Build tool for Tcl/Tk projects
radclient - RADIUS client library
ral - Relational Algebra package
raloo - Relation oriented programmming system
ratcl - Relational Algebra for Tcl
ratfink - Generate Microsoft RTF (Rich Text Format)
rbc - Refactored BLT Components
rbtree - Lookup table data structure
readline - Interactive command-line editing
resolver - Asynchronous name resolution
retcl - Redis client library
rootwin - rootwin widget: allows access to the X display's root window
rtl - Megawidget collection
scintillatk - Tk platform implementation for Scintilla text widget
scrodget - Generic scrolled window widget
shape - Shaped windows
signal - Unix/POSIX Signal handling for Tcl
simplednd - Intra-process drag and drop
snack - Audio processing toolkit
snit - Snit's Not Incr Tcl - A Truly Tcl Type System
snodbc - ODBC bindings
soap - Remote procedure call using SOAP or XML-RPC over HTTP
speedtables - High-performance, memory-resident database
spice - Spice circuit simulator
splash - Splash screens
spline - Generate quadratic splines
sqlite - Lightweight SQL database
stext - Extended text widget for source code editing
storage - Access and manipulate Microsoft "Structured Storage" files
stsatcl - A Single Threaded Software Architecture for Tcl
sybtcl - Interface to Sybase databases
tablelist - Multi-column listbox widget
taccle - LALR(1) parser generator
tao - Tcl Architecture of Objects
tarray - Typed arrays
tcl - Tool Command Language
tcl-pkg - Package repository browser
tcl3d - OpenGL bindings
tclae - Apple Event Manager interface
tclblend - Integrating Tcl and Java
tclcloud - Interface to Amazon AWS webservices
tcldb - Unified database API
tcldbi - Access to the GNU libdbi generic database interface
tcldom - W3C Document Object Model
tcldompro - W3C Document Object Model
tclgd - Interface to gd-2 graphics library
tclhpdf - PDF generation library
tcljs - JavaScript interpreter
tcllib - Tcl standard library
tclmagick - Image manipulation
tclmatlab - Tcl/Matlab integration
tclodbc - Open Data Base Connectivity driver
tclodbc-new - ODBC interface
tclogl - OpenGL bindings
tcloo - Object system for Tcl - TIP#257
tclpython - Call Python from Tcl
tclreval - Remote evaluation
tclrmq - Pure Tcl Library for RabbitMQ
tclservices - Access to Mac OSX "Services" menu
tcltds - Windows Remote Management protocol
tclx - Extended Tcl
tclxml - XML parser API
tcom - Access and implement COM objects
tdbc - Tcl Database Connectivity
tdbo - Object oriented database layer interface
tdom - XML processing toolkit
tensor - Multidimensional arrays
term - Terminal control
tgdbm - Store key/value pairs in portable files using GDBM
thread - Threading utilities
til - Tcl ICE Library
tile - Themable widget set
tilegtk - Ttk theme using Gtk+
tileqt - Tk/Tile integration with Qt/KDE
tix - A widget library for Tk
tk - The Tcl GUI toolkit
tkcon - The greatest thing since sliced bread
tkdnd - Drag-and drop support
tkdock - Change OS X dock icon
tkhtml - An HTML Widget For Tcl/Tk
tklib - A library of all-Tcl routines for Tk
tkpath - SVG-like rendering for the canvas
tkpng - PNG support
tkribbon - Windows Ribbon
tktable - Editable table/matrix widget
tktray - System tray icon support for Tk on X11
tkvideo - A video widget for use with Windows.
tls - Secure Sockets Layer
tnm - Network management
togl - A Tk widget for OpenGL rendering
trampoline - Helping PDF documents leap off the Tk canvas
treectrl - Multi-column hierarchical listbox widget
treso - Name resolution services
trf - Channel transformers
trofs - Read-only filesystem
twapi - Tcl Windows API extension
tweezer - Deep introspection tool
twsdl - Tcl API for building and accessing Web Services
txmbox - Tcl Xtreme message box -- Enhanced message box for Tk
udp - UDP socket extension
uninum - Number conversion
uno - Interface to
unqlite - Embedded NoSQL database
vectcl - Numeric array and linear algebra extension
vfs - Extra virtual filesystems
vix - Automation for VMware virtual machines
vlerq - Research project for data structures
vu - Extra valuator widgets
wcb - Widget callback package
webservices - Web Services for Tcl
webview - Lightweight HTML viewer
whimterm - Embed XTerm in Tk
winico - Extended icon handling for Windows
winutils - A random collection of stuff for Win32 Tcl
wmf - Windows metafile handling
woof - Web Oriented Object Framework
wtcl - Tcl module for Apache web server
wub - An HTTP server
xdgbasedir - XDG base directories
xop - Enables miscellaneous X window operations
xosd - Bindings for libxosd
xotcl - An object-oriented extension based on MIT OTcl
yajl - Interface to YAJL JSON library
yaml - Tcl bindings to libyaml serialization library.
zinc - Enhanced Canvas widget
zlib - Core support for zlib compression