File 'lib/classParse.tcl' (part of 'AutoDOC')
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cd_author (line)
Argument: line
tail of line containing the command (= the embedded documentation)
cd_bug (line)
Argument: line
tail of line containing the command (= the embedded documentation)
cd_classvar (line)
Argument: line
tail of line containing the command (= the embedded documentation)
cd_comment (line)
Argument: line
tail of line containing the command (= the embedded documentation)
cd_danger (line)
Argument: line
tail of line containing the command (= the embedded documentation)
cd_date (line)
Argument: line
tail of line containing the command (= the embedded documentation). Each line in the input will be on a separate line in the output.
cd_example (line)
Argument: line
tail of line containing the command (= the embedded documentation). Each line in the input will be on a separate line in the output. Leading whitespace is preserved, trailing whitespace not.
cd_extract_definitions (name log itk_opt_alias spec)
Argument: name
name of class to analyse
Argument: log
reference to logger object
Argument: itk_opt_alias
See <o distribution/itk-opt-alias>.
Argument: spec
tcl code containing the specification to scan.
Returns: A 5-element list. First element is a list of procedure-definitions, followed by the lists of options, members and superclasses. At last the list of packages the class depends on. Procedure definitions are keyed by name and contain argument list, body, visibility and class/object flag ([incr Tcl] allows class methods and variables). See fd_extract_definitions too for the basic format of procedure definitions.
cd_index (line)
Argument: line
tail of line containing the command (= the embedded documentation)
cd_note (line)
Argument: line
tail of line containing the command (= the embedded documentation)
cd_option (line)
Argument: line
tail of line containing the command (= the embedded documentation)
cd_see (line)
Argument: line
tail of line containing the command (= the embedded documentation)
cd_var (line)
Argument: line
tail of line containing the command (= the embedded documentation)
cd_version (line)
Argument: line
tail of line containing the command (= the embedded documentation). Each line in the input will be on a separate line in the output.
Home | Packages | Files | Procedures | Classes | Namespaces | Keywords | External packages
Generated by AutoDoc 2.4 at 09/28/2001, invoked by Andreas Kupries,,,