File 'lib/fileParse.tcl' (part of 'AutoDOC')

Description (short)
fileDescription helper procedures.
Written by
Andreas Kupries
Helper procedures used by fileDescription-objects to extract file level documentation and defined entities (procedures, classes).
Depends on
helper procedures, documentation parsing, definition extraction

fd_author (line)

Process @author commands
Argument: line tail of line containing the command (= the embedded documentation)

fd_bug (line)

Process @bug, @b commands
Argument: line tail of line containing the command (= the embedded documentation)

fd_comment (line)

Process @comment, @c commands
Argument: line tail of line containing the command (= the embedded documentation)

fd_danger (line)

Process @danger, @d commands
Argument: line tail of line containing the command (= the embedded documentation)

fd_date (line)

Process @date commands. No shortcut, @d is already used for @danger.
Argument: line tail of line containing the command (= the embedded documentation). Each line in the input will be on a separate line in the output.

fd_extract_definitions (log file)

extracts the procedure and class definitions contained in the file.
Argument: log reference to logger object.
Argument: file name of the file to scan.
Returns: A 4-element list. First element is list of procedure-, second a list of class-definitions. Next to last a list of packages the file depends on. At last a list of detached method definitions for [incr Tcl] classes.
The first two and the last list are readable by 'array set', keys are procedure-, class- and method-names.
Procedure value is a 2-element list containing the list of formal parameters (form usable by 'proc') and the procedures body. Class value is its specification script. Method value is either argument list and body, or body alone (config methods for options).

fd_index (line)

Process @index, @i commands
Argument: line tail of line containing the command (= the embedded documentation)

fd_note (line)

Process @note, @n commands
Argument: line tail of line containing the command (= the embedded documentation)

fd_see (line)

Process @see commands
Argument: line tail of line containing the command (= the embedded documentation)

fd_short (line)

Process @short, @s commands
Argument: line tail of line containing the command (= the embedded documentation)

fd_version (line)

Process @version commands. No shortcut, @v is already used for @var.
Argument: line tail of line containing the command (= the embedded documentation). Each line in the input will be on a separate line in the output.

file_util_init ()

Noop. Just an entrypoint for autoloading.

Generated by AutoDoc 2.4 at 09/28/2001, invoked by Andreas Kupries,,,