Tk Source Code

Changes On Branch tip-492

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Changes In Branch tip-492 Excluding Merge-Ins

This is equivalent to a diff from 745b4344 to aae2e547

Fix wrong formatting in busy.n check-in: c61698ed user: fvogel tags: trunk
Fix wrong formatting in busy.n Closed-Leaf check-in: aae2e547 user: fvogel tags: tip-492
Fix [9d27218f76]: ttk::spinbox doc page mentions current, but it is not a valid command check-in: 35639ec2 user: fvogel tags: core-8-6-branch
Implementation of TIP #496 - Display hints in ::ttk::entry (by RenĂ© Zaumseil) check-in: 7fc7849e user: fvogel tags: tip-496
Merge trunk since TIP #492 targets 8.7 check-in: 5445f741 user: fvogel tags: tip-492
Fix [502e74e9ad]: crash for untrusted X connections (for ssh: ForwardX11Trusted no). Patch from Christian Werner. check-in: 3c7f220c user: fvogel tags: bug-502e74e9ad
Fix [71b1319acc]: Regression in tkUnixRFont.c. Patch from Christian Werner. check-in: a16ed2d0 user: fvogel tags: bug-71b1319acc
merge core-8-6-branch ([e20d5ca7cd] - textTag-18.1 fails on OS X - was already fixed in trunk) check-in: db04f1ae user: fvogel tags: trunk
Fix [e20d5ca7cd]: textTag-18.1 fails on OS X check-in: 745b4344 user: fvogel tags: core-8-6-branch
Fix indentation that was lost in [f057be0817] check-in: 776de100 user: fvogel tags: core-8-6-branch

Changes to .fossil-settings/encoding-glob.
Changes to .project.
Changes to README.
Changes to changes.
Changes to doc/3DBorder.3.
Changes to doc/BindTable.3.
Changes to doc/CanvPsY.3.
Changes to doc/CanvTkwin.3.
Changes to doc/CanvTxtInfo.3.
Changes to doc/Clipboard.3.
Changes to doc/ClrSelect.3.
Changes to doc/ConfigWind.3.
Changes to doc/CoordToWin.3.
Changes to doc/CrtCmHdlr.3.
Changes to doc/CrtConsoleChan.3.
Changes to doc/CrtErrHdlr.3.
Changes to doc/CrtGenHdlr.3.
Changes to doc/CrtImgType.3.
Changes to doc/CrtItemType.3.
Changes to doc/CrtPhImgFmt.3.
Changes to doc/DeleteImg.3.
Changes to doc/DrawFocHlt.3.
Changes to doc/EventHndlr.3.
Changes to doc/FreeXId.3.
Changes to doc/GeomReq.3.
Changes to doc/GetAnchor.3.
Changes to doc/GetBitmap.3.
Changes to doc/GetCapStyl.3.
Changes to doc/GetClrmap.3.
Changes to doc/GetDash.3.
Changes to doc/GetGC.3.
Changes to doc/GetHINSTANCE.3.
Changes to doc/GetHWND.3.
Changes to doc/GetImage.3.
Changes to doc/GetJoinStl.3.
Changes to doc/GetJustify.3.
Changes to doc/GetOption.3.
Changes to doc/GetPixels.3.
Changes to doc/GetPixmap.3.
Changes to doc/GetRelief.3.
Changes to doc/GetRootCrd.3.
Changes to doc/GetScroll.3.
Changes to doc/GetSelect.3.
Changes to doc/GetUid.3.
Changes to doc/GetVRoot.3.
Changes to doc/GetVisual.3.
Changes to doc/Grab.3.
Changes to doc/HWNDToWindow.3.
Changes to doc/HandleEvent.3.
Changes to doc/IdToWindow.3.
Changes to doc/ImgChanged.3.
Changes to doc/Inactive.3.
Changes to doc/InternAtom.3.
Changes to doc/MainLoop.3.
Changes to doc/MainWin.3.
Changes to doc/MaintGeom.3.
Changes to doc/ManageGeom.3.
Changes to doc/MoveToplev.3.
Changes to doc/Name.3.
Changes to doc/NameOfImg.3.
Changes to doc/OwnSelect.3.
Changes to doc/ParseArgv.3.
Changes to doc/QWinEvent.3.
Changes to doc/Restack.3.
Changes to doc/RestrictEv.3.
Changes to doc/SetAppName.3.
Changes to doc/SetCaret.3.
Changes to doc/SetClass.3.
Changes to doc/SetClassProcs.3.
Changes to doc/SetGrid.3.
Changes to doc/SetOptions.3.
Changes to doc/SetVisual.3.
Changes to doc/StrictMotif.3.
Changes to doc/TkInitStubs.3.
Changes to doc/Tk_Init.3.
Changes to doc/bell.n.
Changes to doc/bind.n.
Changes to doc/bindtags.n.
Changes to doc/bitmap.n.
Changes to doc/busy.n.
Changes to doc/chooseColor.n.
Changes to doc/console.n.
Changes to doc/cursors.n.
Changes to doc/destroy.n.
Changes to doc/dialog.n.
Changes to doc/entry.n.
Changes to doc/focus.n.
Changes to doc/focusNext.n.
Changes to doc/fontchooser.n.
Changes to doc/frame.n.
Changes to doc/grab.n.
Changes to doc/grid.n.
Changes to doc/image.n.
Changes to doc/label.n.
Changes to doc/lower.n.
Changes to doc/menu.n.
Changes to doc/menubar.n.
Changes to doc/menubutton.n.
Changes to doc/message.n.
Changes to doc/option.n.
Changes to doc/optionMenu.n.
Changes to doc/pack-old.n.
Changes to doc/pack.n.
Changes to doc/palette.n.
Changes to doc/photo.n.
Changes to doc/place.n.
Changes to doc/popup.n.
Changes to doc/raise.n.
Changes to doc/scrollbar.n.
Changes to doc/send.n.
Changes to doc/spinbox.n.
Changes to doc/text.n.
Changes to doc/tk.n.
Changes to doc/
Changes to doc/tk_mac.n.
Changes to doc/tkvars.n.
Changes to doc/tkwait.n.
Changes to doc/toplevel.n.
Changes to doc/ttk_Theme.3.
Changes to doc/ttk_button.n.
Changes to doc/ttk_entry.n.
Changes to doc/ttk_label.n.
Changes to doc/ttk_progressbar.n.
Changes to doc/ttk_sizegrip.n.
Changes to doc/ttk_widget.n.
Changes to doc/winfo.n.
Changes to doc/wish.1.
Changes to doc/wm.n.
Changes to generic/tk.decls.
Changes to generic/tk.h.
Changes to generic/tkBind.c.
Changes to generic/tkBusy.c.
Changes to generic/tkCmds.c.
Changes to generic/tkConfig.c.
Changes to generic/tkConsole.c.
Changes to generic/tkDecls.h.
Changes to generic/tkEntry.c.
Changes to generic/tkFont.c.
Changes to generic/tkGC.c.
Changes to generic/tkImgBmap.c.
Added generic/tkImgListFormat.c.
Changes to generic/tkImgPhoto.c.
Changes to generic/tkImgPhoto.h.
Changes to generic/tkInt.decls.
Changes to generic/tkInt.h.
Changes to generic/tkIntDecls.h.
Changes to generic/tkIntPlatDecls.h.
Changes to generic/tkIntXlibDecls.h.
Changes to generic/tkMain.c.
Changes to generic/tkMenu.c.
Changes to generic/tkObj.c.
Changes to generic/tkPack.c.
Changes to generic/tkPanedWindow.c.
Changes to generic/tkScrollbar.c.
Changes to generic/tkScrollbar.h.
Changes to generic/tkSelect.c.
Changes to generic/tkStubInit.c.
Changes to generic/tkStyle.c.
Changes to generic/tkTest.c.
Changes to generic/tkText.c.
Changes to generic/tkText.h.
Changes to generic/tkTextDisp.c.
Changes to generic/tkTextIndex.c.
Changes to generic/tkUtil.c.
Changes to generic/tkVisual.c.
Changes to generic/tkWindow.c.
Changes to generic/ttk/ttkButton.c.
Changes to generic/ttk/ttkClamTheme.c.
Changes to generic/ttk/ttkClassicTheme.c.
Changes to generic/ttk/ttkDefaultTheme.c.
Deleted generic/ttk/ttkGenStubs.tcl.
Changes to generic/ttk/ttkImage.c.
Changes to generic/ttk/ttkInit.c.
Changes to generic/ttk/ttkLabel.c.
Changes to generic/ttk/ttkLayout.c.
Changes to generic/ttk/ttkManager.c.
Changes to generic/ttk/ttkManager.h.
Changes to generic/ttk/ttkNotebook.c.
Changes to generic/ttk/ttkPanedwindow.c.
Changes to generic/ttk/ttkProgress.c.
Changes to generic/ttk/ttkScale.c.
Changes to generic/ttk/ttkScrollbar.c.
Changes to generic/ttk/ttkSquare.c.
Changes to generic/ttk/ttkStubLib.c.
Changes to generic/ttk/ttkTagSet.c.
Changes to generic/ttk/ttkTheme.c.
Changes to generic/ttk/ttkTrace.c.
Changes to generic/ttk/ttkTreeview.c.
Changes to generic/ttk/ttkWidget.c.
Changes to generic/ttk/ttkWidget.h.
Changes to library/demos/menu.tcl.
Changes to library/demos/tree.tcl.
Changes to library/images/logo.eps.
Changes to library/images/pwrdLogo.eps.
Changes to library/msgs/cs.msg.
Changes to library/msgs/de.msg.
Changes to library/msgs/el.msg.
Changes to library/msgs/eo.msg.
Changes to library/msgs/es.msg.
Changes to library/msgs/fr.msg.
Changes to library/msgs/hu.msg.
Changes to library/msgs/it.msg.
Changes to library/msgs/nl.msg.
Changes to library/msgs/pl.msg.
Changes to library/msgs/pt.msg.
Changes to library/msgs/ru.msg.
Changes to library/msgs/sv.msg.
Changes to library/tclIndex.
Changes to library/text.tcl.
Changes to library/tk.tcl.
Changes to library/ttk/button.tcl.
Changes to library/ttk/clamTheme.tcl.
Changes to library/ttk/defaults.tcl.
Changes to library/ttk/entry.tcl.
Changes to library/ttk/menubutton.tcl.
Changes to library/ttk/notebook.tcl.
Changes to library/ttk/scrollbar.tcl.
Changes to library/ttk/treeview.tcl.
Changes to library/ttk/ttk.tcl.
Changes to library/ttk/vistaTheme.tcl.
Changes to library/xmfbox.tcl.
Changes to macosx/GNUmakefile.
Changes to macosx/Tk-Common.xcconfig.
Changes to macosx/Tk.xcode/project.pbxproj.
Changes to macosx/Tk.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj.
Changes to macosx/
Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXInit.c.
Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c.
Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXXStubs.c.
Changes to tests/bell.test.
Changes to tests/bind.test.
Changes to tests/bitmap.test.
Changes to tests/border.test.
Changes to tests/busy.test.
Changes to tests/button.test.
Changes to tests/canvImg.test.
Changes to tests/canvMoveto.test.
Changes to tests/canvRect.test.
Changes to tests/canvas.test.
Changes to tests/clipboard.test.
Changes to tests/clrpick.test.
Changes to tests/cmds.test.
Changes to tests/color.test.
Changes to tests/config.test.
Changes to tests/cursor.test.
Changes to tests/entry.test.
Changes to tests/event.test.
Changes to tests/filebox.test.
Changes to tests/focus.test.
Changes to tests/font.test.
Changes to tests/frame.test.
Changes to tests/geometry.test.
Changes to tests/image.test.
Added tests/imgListFormat.test.
Changes to tests/imgPhoto.test.
Changes to tests/listbox.test.
Changes to tests/main.test.
Changes to tests/menu.test.
Changes to tests/menuDraw.test.
Changes to tests/menubut.test.
Changes to tests/message.test.
Changes to tests/msgbox.test.
Changes to tests/option.file1.
Changes to tests/option.file3.
Changes to tests/option.test.
Changes to tests/pack.test.
Changes to tests/panedwindow.test.
Changes to tests/place.test.
Changes to tests/raise.test.
Changes to tests/scale.test.
Changes to tests/scrollbar.test.
Changes to tests/select.test.
Changes to tests/spinbox.test.
Added tests/teapotTransparent.png.
Changes to tests/text.test.
Changes to tests/textDisp.test.
Changes to tests/textImage.test.
Changes to tests/textIndex.test.
Changes to tests/textMark.test.
Changes to tests/textTag.test.
Changes to tests/textWind.test.
Changes to tests/tk.test.
Changes to tests/ttk/combobox.test.
Changes to tests/ttk/image.test.
Changes to tests/ttk/labelframe.test.
Changes to tests/ttk/panedwindow.test.
Changes to tests/ttk/progressbar.test.
Changes to tests/ttk/scrollbar.test.
Changes to tests/ttk/spinbox.test.
Changes to tests/ttk/treetags.test.
Changes to tests/ttk/ttk.test.
Changes to tests/ttk/validate.test.
Changes to tests/unixButton.test.
Changes to tests/unixEmbed.test.
Changes to tests/unixFont.test.
Changes to tests/unixMenu.test.
Changes to tests/unixWm.test.
Changes to tests/visual_bb.test.
Changes to tests/winDialog.test.
Changes to tests/winFont.test.
Changes to tests/winMenu.test.
Changes to tests/winWm.test.
Changes to unix/
Changes to unix/configure.
Added unix/
Deleted unix/
Changes to unix/tcl.m4.
Changes to unix/tk.spec.
Changes to unix/tkUnixDefault.h.
Changes to unix/tkUnixFont.c.
Changes to unix/tkUnixRFont.c.
Changes to unix/tkUnixSelect.c.
Changes to unix/tkUnixWm.c.
Changes to unix/tkUnixXId.c.
Changes to win/
Changes to win/README.
Changes to win/configure.
Added win/
Deleted win/
Changes to win/
Deleted win/mkd.bat.
Deleted win/rmd.bat.
Changes to win/
Changes to win/tcl.m4.
Changes to win/tkWin.h.
Changes to win/tkWinDefault.h.
Changes to win/tkWinFont.c.
Changes to win/tkWinMenu.c.
Changes to win/tkWinTest.c.
Changes to win/tkWinX.c.
Changes to win/ttkWinXPTheme.c.
Changes to xlib/X11/Xutil.h.
Changes to xlib/xcolors.c.