Tk Source Code

Changes On Branch offsetof

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Changes In Branch offsetof Excluding Merge-Ins

This is equivalent to a diff from e704fbb6 to 83678378

TIP #528 impelemtation: Deprecate Tk_Offset() check-in: a7e92cf4 user: jan.nijtmans tags: trunk
Fix [c345ddf1a7]: typo in comment of tkMacOSXDraw.c check-in: ff8d6c88 user: fvogel tags: trunk
Merge trunk check-in: c4aca028 user: oehhar tags: tip-545-svg-options
merge trunk Closed-Leaf check-in: 83678378 user: jan.nijtmans tags: offsetof
Fix bug [9ebc6fd168]: Aqua can report incorrect mouse coordinates. check-in: e704fbb6 user: culler tags: trunk
Remove trailing whitespace that emacs inserts. check-in: 01e3ff40 user: culler tags: core-8-6-branch
merge-mark check-in: 7b9b1460 user: jan.nijtmans tags: trunk
Merge trunk check-in: 8505328a user: jan.nijtmans tags: offsetof

Changes to doc/ConfigWidg.3.

Changes to doc/CrtItemType.3.

Changes to doc/ParseArgv.3.

Changes to doc/SetClassProcs.3.

Changes to doc/SetOptions.3.

Changes to generic/tk.h.

Changes to generic/tkArgv.c.

Changes to generic/tkBusy.c.

Changes to generic/tkButton.c.

Changes to generic/tkCanvArc.c.

Changes to generic/tkCanvBmap.c.

Changes to generic/tkCanvImg.c.

Changes to generic/tkCanvLine.c.

Changes to generic/tkCanvPoly.c.

Changes to generic/tkCanvPs.c.

Changes to generic/tkCanvText.c.

Changes to generic/tkCanvWind.c.

Changes to generic/tkCanvas.c.

Changes to generic/tkEntry.c.

Changes to generic/tkFrame.c.

Changes to generic/tkImgBmap.c.

Changes to generic/tkImgPhoto.c.

Changes to generic/tkListbox.c.

Changes to generic/tkMenu.c.

Changes to generic/tkMenubutton.c.

Changes to generic/tkMessage.c.

Changes to generic/tkPanedWindow.c.

Changes to generic/tkPlace.c.

Changes to generic/tkRectOval.c.

Changes to generic/tkScale.c.

Changes to generic/tkScrollbar.c.

Changes to generic/tkSelect.c.

Changes to generic/tkSquare.c.

Changes to generic/tkTest.c.

Changes to generic/tkText.c.

Changes to generic/tkTextBTree.c.

Changes to generic/tkTextDisp.c.

Changes to generic/tkTextImage.c.

Changes to generic/tkTextMark.c.

Changes to generic/tkTextTag.c.

Changes to generic/tkTextWind.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkButton.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkClamTheme.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkClassicTheme.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkDefaultTheme.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkElements.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkEntry.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkFrame.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkInit.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkLabel.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkNotebook.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkPanedwindow.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkProgress.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkScale.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkScrollbar.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkSeparator.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkSquare.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkTreeview.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkWidget.h.

Changes to macosx/ttkMacOSXTheme.c.

Changes to unix/tkUnixWm.c.

Changes to win/tkWinWm.c.

Changes to win/ttkWinTheme.c.

Changes to win/ttkWinXPTheme.c.