Tk Source Code

Changes On Branch main

Many hyperlinks are disabled.
Use anonymous login to enable hyperlinks.

Changes In Branch main Excluding Merge-Ins

This is equivalent to a diff from 32a9cba0 to 5b0bfdb5

Merge-mark Leaf check-in: 5b0bfdb5 user: jan.nijtmans tags: trunk, main
Merge 8.6 Leaf check-in: b577bce1 user: jan.nijtmans tags: core-8-branch
Update check-in: afaaeca2 user: fvogel tags: trunk, main
Rename "trunk" to "main". Add "trunk" propagating tag for backwards compatibility check-in: 0f77b70d user: jan.nijtmans tags: trunk, main
Merge 8.6 Closed-Leaf check-in: 32a9cba0 user: marc_culler tags: trunk
Merge 8.6 check-in: 88e0ce57 user: jan.nijtmans tags: trunk
Adjustment for Sierra. Closed-Leaf check-in: 77a51c32 user: culler tags: bug-5cc72e002c

Changes to .fossil-settings/ignore-glob.

Added .github/

Added .github/

Added .github/workflows/linux-build.yml.

Added .github/workflows/linux-with-tcl8-build.yml.

Added .github/workflows/linux-with-tcl91-build.yml.

Added .github/workflows/mac-build.yml.

Added .github/workflows/onefiledist.yml.

Added .github/workflows/win-build.yml.

Changes to .gitignore.

Changes to .project.

Deleted .travis.yml.

Deleted ChangeLog.

Deleted ChangeLog.2002.

Deleted ChangeLog.2004.

Deleted ChangeLog.2007.

Changes to

Deleted changes.


Deleted compat/stdint.h.

Changes to doc/3DBorder.3.

Changes to doc/AddOption.3.

Changes to doc/BindTable.3.

Changes to doc/CanvPsY.3.

Changes to doc/CanvTkwin.3.

Changes to doc/CanvTxtInfo.3.

Changes to doc/Clipboard.3.

Changes to doc/ClrSelect.3.

Changes to doc/ConfigWidg.3.

Changes to doc/ConfigWind.3.

Changes to doc/CoordToWin.3.

Changes to doc/CrtCmHdlr.3.

Changes to doc/CrtConsoleChan.3.

Changes to doc/CrtErrHdlr.3.

Changes to doc/CrtGenHdlr.3.

Changes to doc/CrtImgType.3.

Changes to doc/CrtItemType.3.

Changes to doc/CrtPhImgFmt.3.

Changes to doc/CrtSelHdlr.3.

Changes to doc/CrtWindow.3.

Changes to doc/DeleteImg.3.

Changes to doc/DrawFocHlt.3.

Changes to doc/EventHndlr.3.

Changes to doc/FindPhoto.3.

Changes to doc/FontId.3.

Deleted doc/FreeXId.3.

Changes to doc/GeomReq.3.

Changes to doc/GetAnchor.3.

Changes to doc/GetBitmap.3.

Changes to doc/GetCapStyl.3.

Changes to doc/GetClrmap.3.

Changes to doc/GetColor.3.

Changes to doc/GetCursor.3.

Changes to doc/GetFont.3.

Changes to doc/GetGC.3.

Changes to doc/GetHINSTANCE.3.

Changes to doc/GetHWND.3.

Changes to doc/GetImage.3.

Changes to doc/GetJoinStl.3.

Changes to doc/GetJustify.3.

Changes to doc/GetOption.3.

Changes to doc/GetPixels.3.

Changes to doc/GetPixmap.3.

Changes to doc/GetRelief.3.

Changes to doc/GetRootCrd.3.

Changes to doc/GetScroll.3.

Changes to doc/GetSelect.3.

Changes to doc/GetUid.3.

Changes to doc/GetVRoot.3.

Changes to doc/GetVisual.3.

Changes to doc/Grab.3.

Changes to doc/HWNDToWindow.3.

Changes to doc/HandleEvent.3.

Changes to doc/IdToWindow.3.

Changes to doc/ImgChanged.3.

Changes to doc/Inactive.3.

Changes to doc/InternAtom.3.

Changes to doc/MainLoop.3.

Changes to doc/MainWin.3.

Changes to doc/MaintGeom.3.

Changes to doc/ManageGeom.3.

Changes to doc/MapWindow.3.

Changes to doc/MeasureChar.3.

Changes to doc/MoveToplev.3.

Changes to doc/Name.3.

Changes to doc/NameOfImg.3.

Changes to doc/OwnSelect.3.

Changes to doc/ParseArgv.3.

Changes to doc/QWinEvent.3.

Changes to doc/Restack.3.

Changes to doc/RestrictEv.3.

Changes to doc/SetAppName.3.

Changes to doc/SetCaret.3.

Changes to doc/SetClass.3.

Changes to doc/SetClassProcs.3.

Changes to doc/SetGrid.3.

Changes to doc/SetOptions.3.

Changes to doc/SetVisual.3.

Changes to doc/StrictMotif.3.

Changes to doc/TextLayout.3.

Changes to doc/TkInitStubs.3.

Changes to doc/Tk_Init.3.

Changes to doc/Tk_Main.3.

Added doc/WinUtil.3.

Changes to doc/WindowId.3.

Changes to doc/bind.n.

Changes to doc/bitmap.n.

Changes to doc/busy.n.

Changes to doc/button.n.

Changes to doc/canvas.n.

Changes to doc/checkbutton.n.

Changes to doc/chooseColor.n.

Changes to doc/chooseDirectory.n.

Changes to doc/clipboard.n.

Changes to doc/colors.n.

Changes to doc/console.n.

Changes to doc/cursors.n.

Changes to doc/dialog.n.

Changes to doc/entry.n.

Changes to doc/event.n.

Changes to doc/focus.n.

Changes to doc/focusNext.n.

Changes to doc/font.n.

Changes to doc/fontchooser.n.

Changes to doc/frame.n.

Changes to doc/getOpenFile.n.

Changes to doc/grab.n.

Changes to doc/grid.n.

Changes to doc/image.n.

Changes to doc/keysyms.n.

Changes to doc/label.n.

Changes to doc/labelframe.n.

Changes to doc/listbox.n.

Changes to doc/loadTk.n.

Changes to doc/menu.n.

Deleted doc/menubar.n.

Changes to doc/menubutton.n.

Changes to doc/message.n.

Changes to doc/messageBox.n.

Added doc/nsimage.n.

Changes to doc/option.n.

Changes to doc/options.n.

Deleted doc/pack-old.n.

Changes to doc/pack.n.

Changes to doc/palette.n.

Changes to doc/panedwindow.n.

Changes to doc/photo.n.

Changes to doc/place.n.

Changes to doc/popup.n.

Added doc/print.n.

Changes to doc/radiobutton.n.

Changes to doc/raise.n.

Changes to doc/scale.n.

Changes to doc/scrollbar.n.

Changes to doc/selection.n.

Changes to doc/send.n.

Changes to doc/spinbox.n.

Added doc/sysnotify.n.

Added doc/systray.n.

Changes to doc/text.n.

Changes to doc/tk.n.

Deleted doc/

Changes to doc/tk_mac.n.

Changes to doc/tkerror.n.

Changes to doc/tkvars.n.

Changes to doc/tkwait.n.

Changes to doc/toplevel.n.

Changes to doc/ttk_Geometry.3.

Changes to doc/ttk_button.n.

Changes to doc/ttk_checkbutton.n.

Changes to doc/ttk_combobox.n.

Changes to doc/ttk_entry.n.

Changes to doc/ttk_frame.n.

Changes to doc/ttk_image.n.

Changes to doc/ttk_intro.n.

Changes to doc/ttk_label.n.

Changes to doc/ttk_labelframe.n.

Changes to doc/ttk_menubutton.n.

Changes to doc/ttk_notebook.n.

Changes to doc/ttk_panedwindow.n.

Changes to doc/ttk_progressbar.n.

Changes to doc/ttk_radiobutton.n.

Changes to doc/ttk_scale.n.

Changes to doc/ttk_scrollbar.n.

Changes to doc/ttk_separator.n.

Changes to doc/ttk_sizegrip.n.

Changes to doc/ttk_spinbox.n.

Changes to doc/ttk_style.n.

Changes to doc/ttk_treeview.n.

Changes to doc/ttk_vsapi.n.

Changes to doc/ttk_widget.n.

Changes to doc/winfo.n.

Changes to doc/wish.1.

Changes to doc/wm.n.

Changes to generic/default.h.

Changes to generic/ks_names.h.

Changes to generic/nanosvg.h.

Changes to generic/nanosvgrast.h.

Changes to generic/tk.decls.

Changes to generic/tk.h.

Changes to generic/tk3d.c.

Changes to generic/tk3d.h.

Changes to generic/tkArgv.c.

Changes to generic/tkArray.h.

Changes to generic/tkAtom.c.

Changes to generic/tkBind.c.

Changes to generic/tkBitmap.c.

Changes to generic/tkBusy.c.

Changes to generic/tkButton.c.

Changes to generic/tkButton.h.

Changes to generic/tkCanvArc.c.

Changes to generic/tkCanvBmap.c.

Changes to generic/tkCanvImg.c.

Changes to generic/tkCanvLine.c.

Changes to generic/tkCanvPoly.c.

Changes to generic/tkCanvPs.c.

Changes to generic/tkCanvText.c.

Changes to generic/tkCanvUtil.c.

Changes to generic/tkCanvWind.c.

Changes to generic/tkCanvas.c.

Changes to generic/tkCanvas.h.

Changes to generic/tkClipboard.c.

Changes to generic/tkCmds.c.

Changes to generic/tkColor.c.

Changes to generic/tkColor.h.

Changes to generic/tkConfig.c.

Changes to generic/tkConsole.c.

Changes to generic/tkCursor.c.

Changes to generic/tkDList.h.

Changes to generic/tkDecls.h.

Changes to generic/tkEntry.c.

Changes to generic/tkEntry.h.

Changes to generic/tkError.c.

Changes to generic/tkEvent.c.

Changes to generic/tkFileFilter.c.

Changes to generic/tkFileFilter.h.

Changes to generic/tkFocus.c.

Changes to generic/tkFont.c.

Changes to generic/tkFont.h.

Changes to generic/tkFrame.c.

Changes to generic/tkGC.c.

Changes to generic/tkGeometry.c.

Changes to generic/tkGet.c.

Changes to generic/tkGrab.c.

Changes to generic/tkGrid.c.

Added generic/tkIcu.c.

Changes to generic/tkImage.c.

Changes to generic/tkImgBmap.c.

Changes to generic/tkImgGIF.c.

Changes to generic/tkImgListFormat.c.

Changes to generic/tkImgPNG.c.

Changes to generic/tkImgPPM.c.

Changes to generic/tkImgPhInstance.c.

Changes to generic/tkImgPhoto.c.

Changes to generic/tkImgPhoto.h.

Changes to generic/tkImgSVGnano.c.

Changes to generic/tkImgUtil.c.

Changes to generic/tkInt.decls.

Changes to generic/tkInt.h.

Changes to generic/tkIntDecls.h.

Changes to generic/tkIntPlatDecls.h.

Changes to generic/tkIntXlibDecls.h.

Changes to generic/tkListbox.c.

Changes to generic/tkMacWinMenu.c.

Changes to generic/tkMain.c.

Changes to generic/tkMenu.c.

Changes to generic/tkMenu.h.

Changes to generic/tkMenuDraw.c.

Changes to generic/tkMenubutton.c.

Changes to generic/tkMenubutton.h.

Changes to generic/tkMessage.c.

Changes to generic/tkObj.c.

Changes to generic/tkOldConfig.c.

Deleted generic/tkOldTest.c.

Changes to generic/tkOption.c.

Changes to generic/tkPack.c.

Changes to generic/tkPanedWindow.c.

Changes to generic/tkPkgConfig.c.

Changes to generic/tkPlace.c.

Changes to generic/tkPlatDecls.h.

Changes to generic/tkPointer.c.

Changes to generic/tkPort.h.

Changes to generic/tkRectOval.c.

Changes to generic/tkScale.c.

Changes to generic/tkScale.h.

Changes to generic/tkScrollbar.c.

Changes to generic/tkScrollbar.h.

Changes to generic/tkSelect.c.

Changes to generic/tkSelect.h.

Changes to generic/tkSquare.c.

Changes to generic/tkStubInit.c.

Changes to generic/tkStubLib.c.

Changes to generic/tkStyle.c.

Changes to generic/tkTest.c.

Changes to generic/tkText.c.

Changes to generic/tkText.h.

Changes to generic/tkTextBTree.c.

Changes to generic/tkTextDisp.c.

Changes to generic/tkTextImage.c.

Changes to generic/tkTextIndex.c.

Changes to generic/tkTextMark.c.

Changes to generic/tkTextTag.c.

Changes to generic/tkTextWind.c.

Changes to generic/tkTrig.c.

Changes to generic/tkUndo.c.

Changes to generic/tkUndo.h.

Changes to generic/tkUtil.c.

Changes to generic/tkVisual.c.

Changes to generic/tkWindow.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttk.decls.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkBlink.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkButton.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkCache.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkClamTheme.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkClassicTheme.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkDecls.h.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkDefaultTheme.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkElements.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkEntry.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkFrame.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkImage.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkInit.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkLabel.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkLayout.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkManager.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkManager.h.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkNotebook.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkPanedwindow.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkProgress.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkScale.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkScroll.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkScrollbar.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkSeparator.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkSquare.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkState.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkStubInit.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkStubLib.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkTagSet.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkTheme.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkTheme.h.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkThemeInt.h.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkTrace.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkTrack.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkTreeview.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkWidget.c.

Changes to generic/ttk/ttkWidget.h.

Changes to library/bgerror.tcl.

Changes to library/button.tcl.

Changes to library/choosedir.tcl.

Changes to library/clrpick.tcl.

Changes to library/comdlg.tcl.

Changes to library/console.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/anilabel.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/aniwave.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/arrow.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/bind.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/bitmap.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/browse.

Changes to library/demos/button.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/check.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/clrpick.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/colors.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/combo.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/cscroll.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/ctext.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/en.msg.

Changes to library/demos/entry1.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/entry2.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/entry3.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/filebox.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/floor.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/fontchoose.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/form.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/goldberg.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/hello.

Changes to library/demos/hscale.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/icon.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/image1.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/image2.tcl.

Added library/demos/images/Tcl.svg.

Added library/demos/images/Tk_feather.png.

Changes to library/demos/images/earth.gif.

Added library/demos/images/plowed_field.png.

Added library/demos/images/starry_night.png.

Changes to library/demos/items.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/ixset.

Changes to library/demos/knightstour.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/label.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/labelframe.tcl.

Added library/demos/mac_styles.tcl.

Added library/demos/mac_tabs.tcl.

Added library/demos/mac_wm.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/mclist.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/menu.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/menubu.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/msgbox.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/nl.msg.

Changes to library/demos/paned1.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/paned2.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/pendulum.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/plot.tcl.

Added library/demos/print.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/puzzle.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/radio.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/rmt.

Changes to library/demos/rolodex.

Changes to library/demos/ruler.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/sayings.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/search.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/spin.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/square.

Changes to library/demos/states.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/style.tcl.

Added library/demos/systray.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/tclIndex.

Changes to library/demos/tcolor.

Changes to library/demos/text.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/textpeer.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/timer.

Changes to library/demos/toolbar.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/tree.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/ttkbut.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/ttkmenu.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/ttknote.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/ttkpane.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/ttkprogress.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/ttkscale.tcl.

Added library/demos/ttkspin.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/twind.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/unicodeout.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/vscale.tcl.

Changes to library/demos/widget.

Added library/demos/windowicons.tcl.

Changes to library/dialog.tcl.

Changes to library/entry.tcl.

Changes to library/fontchooser.tcl.

Added library/iconbadges.tcl.

Changes to library/iconlist.tcl.

Changes to library/icons.tcl.

Changes to library/listbox.tcl.

Changes to library/megawidget.tcl.

Changes to library/menu.tcl.

Changes to library/msgbox.tcl.

Changes to library/msgs/cs.msg.

Changes to library/msgs/da.msg.

Changes to library/msgs/de.msg.

Changes to library/msgs/el.msg.

Changes to library/msgs/en.msg.

Changes to library/msgs/eo.msg.

Changes to library/msgs/es.msg.

Added library/msgs/fi.msg.

Changes to library/msgs/fr.msg.

Changes to library/msgs/hu.msg.

Changes to library/msgs/it.msg.

Changes to library/msgs/nl.msg.

Changes to library/msgs/pl.msg.

Changes to library/msgs/pt.msg.

Changes to library/msgs/ru.msg.

Changes to library/msgs/sv.msg.

Added library/msgs/zh_cn.msg.

Deleted library/obsolete.tcl.

Changes to library/optMenu.tcl.

Changes to library/palette.tcl.

Changes to library/panedwindow.tcl.

Added library/print.tcl.

Changes to library/safetk.tcl.

Changes to library/scale.tcl.

Added library/scaling.tcl.

Changes to library/scrlbar.tcl.

Changes to library/spinbox.tcl.

Added library/systray.tcl.

Changes to library/tclIndex.

Changes to library/tearoff.tcl.

Changes to library/text.tcl.

Changes to library/tk.tcl.

Changes to library/tkfbox.tcl.

Changes to library/ttk/altTheme.tcl.

Changes to library/ttk/aquaTheme.tcl.

Changes to library/ttk/button.tcl.

Changes to library/ttk/clamTheme.tcl.

Changes to library/ttk/classicTheme.tcl.

Changes to library/ttk/combobox.tcl.

Changes to library/ttk/cursors.tcl.

Changes to library/ttk/defaults.tcl.

Changes to library/ttk/entry.tcl.

Changes to library/ttk/fonts.tcl.

Changes to library/ttk/menubutton.tcl.

Changes to library/ttk/notebook.tcl.

Changes to library/ttk/panedwindow.tcl.

Changes to library/ttk/progress.tcl.

Changes to library/ttk/scale.tcl.

Changes to library/ttk/scrollbar.tcl.

Changes to library/ttk/sizegrip.tcl.

Changes to library/ttk/spinbox.tcl.

Changes to library/ttk/treeview.tcl.

Changes to library/ttk/ttk.tcl.

Changes to library/ttk/utils.tcl.

Changes to library/ttk/vistaTheme.tcl.

Changes to library/ttk/winTheme.tcl.

Changes to library/ttk/xpTheme.tcl.

Deleted library/unsupported.tcl.

Changes to library/xmfbox.tcl.

Added macosx/

Changes to macosx/GNUmakefile.

Changes to macosx/README.

Deleted macosx/Tk-Common.xcconfig.

Deleted macosx/Tk-Debug.xcconfig.

Changes to macosx/

Deleted macosx/Tk-Release.xcconfig.

Deleted macosx/Tk.xcode/default.pbxuser.

Deleted macosx/Tk.xcode/project.pbxproj.

Deleted macosx/Tk.xcodeproj/default.pbxuser.

Deleted macosx/Tk.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj.

Changes to macosx/

Changes to macosx/Wish.sdef.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSX.h.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXBitmap.c.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXButton.c.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXClipboard.c.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXColor.c.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXColor.h.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXConfig.c.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXConstants.h.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXCursor.c.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXCursors.h.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXDebug.c.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXDebug.h.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXDefault.h.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXDialog.c.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXDraw.c.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXEmbed.c.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXEntry.c.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXEvent.c.

Added macosx/tkMacOSXFileTypes.c.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXFont.c.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXFont.h.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXHLEvents.c.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXImage.c.

Added macosx/tkMacOSXImage.h.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXInit.c.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXInt.h.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXKeyEvent.c.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXKeyboard.c.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXKeysyms.h.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXMenu.c.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXMenubutton.c.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXMenus.c.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXMouseEvent.c.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXNotify.c.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXPort.h.

Added macosx/tkMacOSXPrint.c.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXPrivate.h.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXRegion.c.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXScale.c.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXScrlbr.c.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXSend.c.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXServices.c.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXSubwindows.c.

Added macosx/tkMacOSXSysTray.c.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXTest.c.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXWindowEvent.c.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXWm.c.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXWm.h.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXXCursors.h.

Changes to macosx/tkMacOSXXStubs.c.

Changes to macosx/ttkMacOSXTheme.c.

Added macosx/ttkMacOSXTheme.h.

Changes to tests/all.tcl.

Changes to tests/bell.test.

Changes to tests/bevel.tcl.

Changes to tests/bgerror.test.

Changes to tests/bind.test.

Changes to tests/bitmap.test.

Changes to tests/border.test.

Changes to tests/busy.test.

Changes to tests/butGeom2.tcl.

Changes to tests/button.test.

Changes to tests/canvImg.test.

Changes to tests/canvMoveto.test.

Changes to tests/canvPs.test.

Changes to tests/canvPsImg.tcl.

Changes to tests/canvRect.test.

Changes to tests/canvText.test.

Changes to tests/canvWind.test.

Changes to tests/canvas.test.

Changes to tests/choosedir.test.

Changes to tests/clipboard.test.

Changes to tests/clrpick.test.

Added tests/cluster.test.

Changes to tests/cmds.test.

Changes to tests/color.test.

Changes to tests/config.test.

Changes to tests/constraints.tcl.

Added tests/corruptTruncatedColormap.gif.

Changes to tests/cursor.test.

Changes to tests/dialog.test.

Changes to tests/earth.gif.

Changes to tests/embed.test.

Changes to tests/entry.test.

Changes to tests/event.test.

Changes to tests/filebox.test.

Changes to tests/focus.test.

Changes to tests/focusTcl.test.

Changes to tests/font.test.

Changes to tests/fontchooser.test.

Changes to tests/frame.test.

Changes to tests/geometry.test.

Changes to tests/get.test.

Changes to tests/grab.test.

Changes to tests/grid.test.

Changes to tests/image.test.

Changes to tests/imgBmap.test.

Changes to tests/imgListFormat.test.

Changes to tests/imgPNG.test.

Changes to tests/imgPPM.test.

Changes to tests/imgPhoto.test.

Changes to tests/imgSVGnano.test.

Changes to tests/listbox.test.

Changes to tests/main.test.

Changes to tests/menu.test.

Changes to tests/menuDraw.test.

Changes to tests/menubut.test.

Changes to tests/message.test.

Changes to tests/msgbox.test.

Changes to tests/obj.test.

Deleted tests/oldpack.test.

Changes to tests/option.test.

Added tests/ouster.png.

Changes to tests/pack.test.

Changes to tests/packgrid.test.

Changes to tests/panedwindow.test.

Changes to tests/pkgconfig.test.

Changes to tests/place.test.

Changes to tests/raise.test.

Changes to tests/safe.test.

Changes to tests/safePrimarySelection.test.

Changes to tests/scale.test.

Changes to tests/scrollbar.test.

Changes to tests/select.test.

Changes to tests/send.test.

Changes to tests/spinbox.test.

Added tests/systray.test.

Changes to tests/text.test.

Changes to tests/textBTree.test.

Changes to tests/textDisp.test.

Changes to tests/textImage.test.

Changes to tests/textIndex.test.

Changes to tests/textMark.test.

Changes to tests/textTag.test.

Changes to tests/textWind.test.

Changes to tests/tk.test.

Changes to tests/ttk/all.tcl.

Changes to tests/ttk/checkbutton.test.

Changes to tests/ttk/combobox.test.

Changes to tests/ttk/entry.test.

Changes to tests/ttk/image.test.

Changes to tests/ttk/labelframe.test.

Changes to tests/ttk/layout.test.

Changes to tests/ttk/notebook.test.

Changes to tests/ttk/panedwindow.test.

Added tests/ttk/pb_image.svg.

Changes to tests/ttk/progressbar.test.

Changes to tests/ttk/radiobutton.test.

Added tests/ttk/scale.test.

Changes to tests/ttk/scrollbar.test.

Changes to tests/ttk/spinbox.test.

Changes to tests/ttk/treetags.test.

Changes to tests/ttk/treeview.test.

Changes to tests/ttk/ttk.test.

Changes to tests/ttk/validate.test.

Changes to tests/ttk/vsapi.test.

Changes to tests/unixButton.test.

Changes to tests/unixEmbed.test.

Changes to tests/unixFont.test.

Changes to tests/unixMenu.test.

Changes to tests/unixSelect.test.

Changes to tests/unixWm.test.

Changes to tests/util.test.

Changes to tests/visual.test.

Changes to tests/visual_bb.test.

Changes to tests/winButton.test.

Changes to tests/winClipboard.test.

Changes to tests/winDialog.test.

Changes to tests/winFont.test.

Changes to tests/winMenu.test.

Changes to tests/winMsgbox.test.

Changes to tests/winSend.test.

Changes to tests/winWm.test.

Changes to tests/window.test.

Changes to tests/winfo.test.

Changes to tests/wm.test.

Changes to tests/xmfbox.test.

Changes to unix/

Changes to unix/README.

Changes to unix/configure.

Changes to unix/

Changes to unix/install-sh.

Changes to unix/installManPage.

Changes to unix/tcl.m4.

Changes to unix/tk.spec.

Changes to unix/tkAppInit.c.

Changes to unix/

Changes to unix/

Changes to unix/tkUnix.c.

Changes to unix/tkUnix3d.c.

Changes to unix/tkUnixButton.c.

Changes to unix/tkUnixColor.c.

Changes to unix/tkUnixConfig.c.

Changes to unix/tkUnixCursor.c.

Changes to unix/tkUnixDefault.h.

Deleted unix/tkUnixDialog.c.

Changes to unix/tkUnixDraw.c.

Changes to unix/tkUnixEmbed.c.

Changes to unix/tkUnixEvent.c.

Changes to unix/tkUnixFocus.c.

Changes to unix/tkUnixFont.c.

Changes to unix/tkUnixInit.c.

Changes to unix/tkUnixInt.h.

Changes to unix/tkUnixKey.c.

Changes to unix/tkUnixMenu.c.

Changes to unix/tkUnixMenubu.c.

Changes to unix/tkUnixPort.h.

Added unix/tkUnixPrint.c.

Changes to unix/tkUnixRFont.c.

Changes to unix/tkUnixScale.c.

Changes to unix/tkUnixScrlbr.c.

Changes to unix/tkUnixSelect.c.

Changes to unix/tkUnixSend.c.

Added unix/tkUnixSysNotify.c.

Added unix/tkUnixSysTray.c.

Changes to unix/tkUnixWm.c.

Changes to unix/tkUnixXId.c.

Changes to win/

Changes to win/README.

Changes to win/configure.

Changes to win/

Added win/

Changes to win/

Changes to win/nmakehlp.c.

Deleted win/rc/buttons.bmp.

Deleted win/rc/lamp.bmp.

Changes to win/rc/tk.rc.

Changes to win/rc/tk_base.rc.

Added win/rc/tktest.rc.

Changes to win/rc/wish.rc.

Changes to win/

Changes to win/

Changes to win/stubs.c.

Added win/

Changes to win/

Changes to win/tcl.m4.

Changes to win/

Added win/

Changes to win/tkWin.h.

Changes to win/tkWin32Dll.c.

Changes to win/tkWin3d.c.

Changes to win/tkWinButton.c.

Changes to win/tkWinClipboard.c.

Changes to win/tkWinColor.c.

Changes to win/tkWinConfig.c.

Changes to win/tkWinCursor.c.

Changes to win/tkWinDefault.h.

Changes to win/tkWinDialog.c.

Changes to win/tkWinDraw.c.

Changes to win/tkWinEmbed.c.

Changes to win/tkWinFont.c.

Added win/tkWinGDI.c.

Added win/tkWinIco.c.

Added win/tkWinIco.h.

Changes to win/tkWinImage.c.

Changes to win/tkWinInit.c.

Changes to win/tkWinInt.h.

Changes to win/tkWinKey.c.

Changes to win/tkWinMenu.c.

Changes to win/tkWinPixmap.c.

Changes to win/tkWinPointer.c.

Changes to win/tkWinPort.h.

Changes to win/tkWinRegion.c.

Changes to win/tkWinScrlbr.c.

Changes to win/tkWinSend.c.

Changes to win/tkWinSendCom.c.

Changes to win/tkWinSendCom.h.

Added win/tkWinSysTray.c.

Changes to win/tkWinTest.c.

Changes to win/tkWinWindow.c.

Changes to win/tkWinWm.c.

Changes to win/tkWinX.c.

Changes to win/ttkWinMonitor.c.

Changes to win/ttkWinTheme.c.

Changes to win/ttkWinXPTheme.c.

Changes to win/winMain.c.

Changes to win/

Added win/x86_64-w64-mingw32-nmakehlp.exe.

Changes to xlib/X11/DECkeysym.h.

Changes to xlib/X11/HPkeysym.h.

Changes to xlib/X11/Sunkeysym.h.

Changes to xlib/X11/X.h.

Changes to xlib/X11/XF86keysym.h.

Changes to xlib/X11/Xfuncproto.h.

Changes to xlib/X11/Xlib.h.

Changes to xlib/X11/Xutil.h.

Changes to xlib/X11/ap_keysym.h.

Changes to xlib/X11/keysymdef.h.

Changes to xlib/xbytes.h.

Changes to xlib/xcolors.c.

Changes to xlib/xdraw.c.

Changes to xlib/xgc.c.

Changes to xlib/ximage.c.

Changes to xlib/xutil.c.