Tk Source Code

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Ticket UUID: e699a7b606aac71d25bad749c2e913b1c28d22d3
Title: tkMacOSXImage.c: Fix build on macOS < 10.12
Type: Patch Version: 8.6.12
Submitter: chrstphrchvz Created on: 2021-11-09 00:48:22
Subsystem: 83. Mac OS X Build Assigned To: marc_culler
Priority: 5 Medium Severity: Important
Status: Closed Last Modified: 2021-11-09 22:21:19
Resolution: Fixed Closed By: marc_culler
    Closed on: 2021-11-09 22:21:19

Originally reported at

Building on macOS < 10.12 fails because in macosx/tkMacOSXImage.c, the NSBitmapFormatAlphaFirst constant rather than the deprecated NSAlphaFirstBitmapFormat constant is used.

The attached patch uses what I believe is the preferred approach to deal with this: predefine the deprecated constant in macosx/tkMacOSXConstants.h, then use that header and the deprecated constant in macosx/tkMacOSXImage.c.

User Comments: marc_culler (claiming to be Marc Culler) added on 2021-11-09 22:21:19:
I tested on macos 10.11.  Indeed the build fails before the crash.  But
it succeeds after the crash.  So I will close the ticket.  Sorry I didn't
test the build on anything less than 10.12.  That was an unfortunate

marc_culler (claiming to be Marc Culler) added on 2021-11-09 20:16:46:
Thank you, Christopher.  Indeed that is the preferred approach, although
it may be preferred only because I became so grouchy when Apple deprecated
tens, or was it hundreds, of enum constants in order to interchange the
order of two words in the camelCased name.  To get revenge I decided to
always use the deprecated name within Tk.  Well, OK, that approach also
has the advantage that when Apple does this stuff we only need to change
one file.
