Tk Source Code

View Ticket
Ticket UUID: 220561
Title: one minor bug, two minor problems
Type: Bug Version: obsolete: 8.2b1
Submitter: welch Created on: 2000-10-31 23:45:02
Subsystem: 99. Other Assigned To: nobody
Priority: 2 Severity:
Status: Closed Last Modified: 2000-11-01 06:46:55
Resolution: Fixed Closed By: welch
    Closed on: 2000-10-31 23:46:55
OriginalBugID: 2385 Bug
Version: 8.2b1
SubmitDate: '1999-07-19'
LastModified: '1999-07-22'
Severity: MED
Status: Released
Submitter: techsupp
ChangedBy: redman
OS: Windows NT
Machine: X86
FixedDate: '1999-07-22'
FixedInVersion: 8.2b2

vince darley

I'm running with my 'glob' patch.

Problem 1)
    In the pkgindex for iwidgets the following line:
    package ifneeded Iwidgets 3.0.0 "source [file join $dir iwidgets.tcl]"
    should be replaced with
    package ifneeded Iwidgets 3.0.0 [list source [file join $dir
    or iwidgets will not load if you've installed Tcl in a path with spaces
    (the default under Windows!).
    Problem 2)
    So that Tcl/Tk extensions can be built with the Metrowerks compiler on
    windows, two small changes should be made:
    In tkWinPort.h the following line should be wrapped as follows:
    #ifndef __MWERKS__
    #include <sys/stat.h>
    since this file doesn't exist in the Metrowerks Standard Library (or
    perhaps it's just 'stat.h' not in sys).  Anyway to build an extension
    the above suffices.
    Similarly tclWinPort.h requires the following minor change:
    #ifndef __MWERKS__
    #include <sys/stat.h>
    #include <sys/timeb.h>
    With these two changes one can easily build extensions for Tcl and Tk
    using the standard distribution.

Problem (1) was fixed in 8.2b1, but not the source release. Need to do (2) still.

-- 07/21/1999 redman

Fixed problem (2).

-- 07/22/1999 redman