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50 events occurring around a4f16b1de83713e8.

15:29 Ticket [3608053f] Allow tristate selection for ttk::checkbuttons status still Pending with 6 other changes artifact: e427ab0c user: dkf
15:28 Ticket [3543420f] Toggle.TButton style doesn't work on Windows status still Pending with 6 other changes artifact: be6efdfb user: dkf
15:27 Closed ticket [3519111f]: Problem with horizontal scroll of treeview plus 5 other changes artifact: 532444b1 user: dkf
15:20 Ticket [2cf3d694] Test button-5.24 ConfigureButton - computing geometry fails on Linux status still Open with 5 other changes artifact: 8e82484a user: dkf
15:13 Edit [676da6c94c0cb945|676da6c9]: Change branch background color to "#f0a0a0". artifact: 187b9d1c user: dkf
15:12 Edit [631c22a1e6265bda|631c22a1]: Change branch background color to "#f0f0c0". artifact: 614076d3 user: dkf
10:17 Ticket [1474465f] TkAqua and Debian 8 focus test failures status still Open with 8 other changes artifact: 5d6e2a0e user: fvogel
10:09 Closed ticket [1591484f]: test suite focus test 5.1 failure plus 9 other changes artifact: fe452d2f user: fvogel
21:50 Edit [7fee88fe127543f9|7fee88fe]: Mark "Closed". artifact: 85aed94b user: fvogel
21:48 Edit [7fee88fe127543f9|7fee88fe]: Add propagating "hidden". artifact: c52e61be user: fvogel
21:47 Edit [4a464a6bd76ea381|4a464a6b]: Change branch background color to "#f0a0a0". artifact: 15fe5af9 user: fvogel
Fixed [2cf3d6942c] - Test button-5.24 fails. First, use {Helvetica -12} as font for the button text instead of {Helvetica -12 bold} since it's the former and not the latter that is tested against in constraints.tcl regarding the 'font' constraint. Second, don't force -width to a fixed value, otherwise width results can be wrong. Third, adjust the test results in width according to the two previous changes. check-in: 4a464a6b user: fvogel tags: bug-2cf3d6942c
21:46 Edit [7fee88fe127543f9|7fee88fe]: Move to branch bug-2cf3d6942c-mistake. artifact: 44c80af4 user: fvogel
21:43 Ticket [2cf3d694] Test button-5.24 ConfigureButton - computing geometry fails on Linux status still Open with 6 other changes artifact: bc4c03f0 user: fvogel ... 1 similar event omitted.
20:52 Ticket [fa322908] Can't dismiss ttk::menubutton menu until mouse has hovered over it status still Open with 6 other changes artifact: 0e38d553 user: fvogel
20:32 Edit [470cbe0b68e159a4|470cbe0b]: Change branch background color to "#f0a0a0". artifact: 444f02d0 user: fvogel
Fixed [fa32290898] - Can't dismiss ttk::menubutton menu until mouse has hovered over it check-in: 470cbe0b user: fvogel tags: bug-fa32290898
merge core-8-6-branch check-in: 39a7ebb5 user: jan.nijtmans tags: androwish
08:07 Ticket [1449858f] limit on inserted string size in an entry widget status still Open with 4 other changes artifact: 05722665 user: fvogel
08:07 Ticket [2421792f] Label with long text draws garbage status still Open with 4 other changes artifact: 41e1c89b user: fvogel ... 1 similar event omitted.
08:04 Ticket [1449858f] limit on inserted string size in an entry widget status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: 5b4256b1 user: fvogel
08:01 Closed ticket [1526437f]: no selection from disabled entry plus 9 other changes artifact: 83be6ecc user: fvogel
Implementation of TIP #442 by RenĂ© Zaumseil - Display text in progressbars check-in: a4f16b1d user: fvogel tags: tip-442
21:23 Closed ticket [2073526f]: Accented characters in text widget, linux plus 6 other changes artifact: 1ba3e18d user: fvogel
20:44 Ticket [415415ff] Long callback: One click -> Two steps status still Open with 4 other changes artifact: c3da4bf8 user: fvogel
19:40 Closed ticket [3381288f]: winWm-9.2 bg error during test plus 6 other changes artifact: 8d1b9f68 user: fvogel
15:38 Ticket [629827ff] Moving toplevel windows fails status still Open with 7 other changes artifact: 41296c9d user: fvogel
15:29 Closed ticket [582383ff]: winWm.test failure plus 8 other changes artifact: 694a2e34 user: fvogel
15:15 Ticket [3381288f] winWm-9.2 bg error during test status still Open with 7 other changes artifact: c9467315 user: fvogel
14:13 Ticket [3141377f] winfo screenwidth/height fail to track resolution changes status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: 9a344a78 user: fvogel
13:54 Pending ticket [1851526f]: 8.5 breaks some Tkinter text widgets plus 8 other changes artifact: 58879be7 user: fvogel
12:28 Pending ticket [495100ff]: Add invoke none subcommand plus 8 other changes artifact: b6a5bc1f user: fvogel
14:38 Closed ticket [b4dfd28a]: RFE: receive a bind pseudo-event when a widget is bound plus 7 other changes artifact: 6d29718f user: anonymous
20:56 Ticket [415415ff] Long callback: One click -> Two steps status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: 188d9c61 user: fvogel
19:50 Closed ticket [2153647f]: unreliable scrollbar tests plus 7 other changes artifact: 994d18a5 user: fvogel ... 1 similar event omitted.
19:19 Ticket [415415ff] Long callback: One click -> Two steps status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: 94218bf4 user: dgp
17:31 Ticket [2073526f] Accented characters in text widget, linux status still Open with 4 other changes artifact: 50de7e82 user: anonymous ... 6 similar events omitted.
14:13 Ticket [3119824f] Enter doesn't work in text input box status still Open with 7 other changes artifact: fc81735c user: fvogel
14:08 Ticket [787402ff] No KP_Enter on Windows status still Open with 7 other changes artifact: 3eb732d2 user: fvogel
13:33 Ticket [2153647f] unreliable scrollbar tests status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: e952a3fd user: fvogel
13:06 Ticket [415415ff] Long callback: One click -> Two steps status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: 614bdf51 user: fvogel