Tk Source Code

Tickets for revised [text] (Version contains "revised_text")
Priority: 9 (Blocker) 8 7 (High) 6 5 (Normal) 4 3 (Low) 2 1 (Zero) Closed
# Type Status Priority Last Changed Subsystem Summary Assigned To
026e2bb685 Bug Pending 5 Medium 2024-06-04 08:04:46 18. [text] text tag sets bad relief, gets error, but bad relief is saved anyway jan.nijtmans
194c0b8650 Bug Open 5 Medium 2025-02-22 10:48:51 78. Other Demos revised_text branch / tableList demo crash nobody
ad458a3a72 Bug Open 5 Medium 2025-02-03 22:59:14 18. [text] Sections consistency assertion fails when switching -elide in the revised text widget fvogel
73d8d94916 Bug Open 5 Medium 2025-01-12 14:42:23 18. [text] tablelist widget displaying a tree structure crashes when run with revised_text nobody
4600d4d9ec RFE Open 5 Medium 2024-11-15 23:32:46 99. Other about revised_text branch nobody
dd35d8b1e2 Bug Open 5 Medium 2024-01-28 20:06:42 18. [text] Assertion failed when resizing the text widget nobody
ffe8ad2f0 RFE Open 5 Medium 2023-11-25 21:44:44 18. [text] Revised text widget: create new boolean tag option '-field' nobody
6a33585a35 Bug Open 5 Medium 2023-07-14 13:59:10 18. [text] Legacy and Revised [text]: textDisp-6.5, -6.6, -7.[1-8] fail on aqua marc_culler
aad0231f07 Bug Open 5 Medium 2022-08-07 09:01:47 66. Aqua Window Operations On macOS, DisplayText is called twice (inside and outside of drawRect) marc_culler
cb21f579dd Bug Open 5 Medium 2022-05-21 06:39:32 18. [text] Embedded windows leak over border and highlight areas of [text] nobody
6a78781cc3 Bug Open 5 Medium 2021-07-14 15:45:05 18. [text] Revised [text]: (textDisp-27.10) numeric adjust text needs calculation fixes gcramer
a34b49f8c6 Bug Open 5 Medium 2021-07-14 15:44:28 18. [text] Revised [text]: (textDisp-2.26 and 24.24) tag -tabs does not work properly gcramer
c6978a9ec7 Bug Open 5 Medium 2021-07-14 15:43:49 18. [text] Revised [text]: Linux : spacemode trim reports wrong character as hidden (24.11.1) gcramer
5a670c16ba Bug Open 5 Medium 2019-01-01 15:07:21 18. [text] Revised [text]: -undo tag option default should be changed gcramer
aadbe6dd95 RFE Open 5 Medium 2018-11-30 16:00:10 18. [text] Graphical display showing a line is wrapped gcramer
1c8aad0efa Bug Open 5 Medium 2018-10-23 20:14:27 18. [text] Tab justifications other than "left" don't work with -wrap none gcramer
e9ba676e03 Bug Open 5 Medium 2018-10-07 19:29:02 18. [text] Revised [text]: assertion failed in tkTextPriv.h:773 gcramer
8b1cc43f74 Bug Deleted 1 Zero 2017-07-05 18:59:52 18. [text] tabs: numeric justification is not working nobody
bdd1f64523 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2025-02-02 16:59:11 18. [text] Assertion failed when switching -elide in the revised text widget fvogel
a67252b384 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2024-12-15 13:45:22 18. [text] Memory leak when running the revised_text test suite fvogel
d5a3b86f3a Bug Closed 5 Medium 2024-11-17 19:08:03 18. [text] tablelist widget with header items and title columns crashes when run with revised_text fvogel
24d6449976 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2024-11-16 17:55:42 18. [text] Tablelist crash with revised_text nobody
432d8daf8b Bug Closed 5 Medium 2024-11-15 21:32:26 18. [text] revised_text widget limits number of tags to 32 fvogel
8289adf26b Bug Closed 5 Medium 2024-11-15 15:26:01 18. [text] Tablelist crash with revised_text nobody
1871581951 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2024-09-14 07:32:26 18. [text] Assertion failed in textIndex-19.12.2 fvogel
34db75c0ac Bug Closed 5 Medium 2024-09-13 21:48:37 75. wish Text peer widget error on Down arrow key when passed -endline line fvogel
57b821d2db Bug Closed 5 Medium 2024-02-08 20:53:54 18. [text] text index {insert wordstart} fails at 0 and 1 word start positions fvogel
84b066a8 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2023-11-21 07:36:46 18. [text] crash with text tags operation in revised_text fvogel
053afb19b6 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2023-11-16 21:45:57 18. [text] AddressSanitizer: stack-buffer-overflow during text-39.10 fvogel
05b06ad0 Patch Closed 5 Medium 2023-11-08 21:39:00 18. [text] TIP 466: Remove tkAlloc.h fvogel
72e9ddba21 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2023-10-06 20:47:45 18. [text] text: textDisp-3.1 : font agnostic fvogel
49cd46f5c9 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2023-07-19 08:39:26 83. Mac OS X Build revised_text branch crashes when trying to run widget demo fvogel
48079fad72 Patch Closed 5 Medium 2023-07-18 18:53:04 81. Portability revised_text still uses compat/stdint.h fvogel
82b78e96f5 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2023-07-16 13:50:26 18. [text] #define CLIPPING_IS_WORKING in revised_text fvogel
81965cf8d8 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2023-07-15 12:52:38 02. Appearance Revised text displays fuzzy text on OSX high resolution displays fvogel
a1802dc77b Bug Closed 5 Medium 2023-07-15 07:36:18 18. [text] Lots of textDisp.test fail fvogel
b461c70399 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2022-12-26 10:05:57 75. wish text widget handling of the empty space left from line wrap fvogel
44e92d896e Patch Closed 5 Medium 2022-06-11 21:34:34 18. [text] reworked textDisp.test : font agnostic fvogel
d2331df5a6 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2022-06-08 06:02:59 18. [text] Revised [text]: textDisp-6.6 redraws line 3.0 fvogel
94547cbef7 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2022-06-07 21:21:17 18. [text] Revised [text]: borders not always redrawn fvogel
54fe7a5e71 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2022-03-20 01:20:14 18. [text] crash with destroy and text widget embedded windows fvogel
18371b7ce7 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2022-03-08 20:20:42 18. [text] Double-Button-1 selects more than a word (with elided text) fvogel
a6a5985713 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2022-03-02 06:57:04 18. [text] Deleting into an elided segment breaks b-tree branch fvogel
9ec740c4da Patch Closed 5 Medium 2022-02-25 23:09:23 (unused) Changeover to size_t not reflected in revised_text jan.nijtmans
8bc5e2c827 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2022-02-21 20:55:17 18. [text] Crash with Tk built from revised_text branch fvogel
934cab5005 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2022-02-17 21:28:31 18. [text] Erroneous index calculation and crash with revised_text fvogel
631a0b2d95 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2021-12-04 18:26:11 18. [text] text tag bind of tag covering 1.0 to end stops working after clearing all text and entering new text fvogel
df89872c94 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2021-05-28 08:34:28 -- New Widgets revised_text: indices incremented by line are not preserving the column correctly. fvogel
977c61ea08 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2021-04-24 13:32:19 18. [text] text widget test suite errors with Tcl9 fvogel
ea876b3e8a Bug Closed 5 Medium 2021-04-18 12:04:48 75. wish Text peer widget ignores set -startline fvogel
3540e4929c Bug Closed 5 Medium 2021-04-17 21:58:30 18. [text] Revised [text]: textDisp-17.10 fails fvogel
881c87c2a9 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2021-04-14 12:39:28 85. Win Build package require Tk error in revised_text jan.nijtmans
8980ba1d0b Bug Closed 5 Medium 2020-09-03 15:44:32 18. [text] Revised [text]: several text-38.* tests fail on macOS and Linux (release/deploy only) fvogel
943d5ebe51 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2019-08-28 20:17:40 68. Win Window Operations Destroying a widget cancels resizing of main window on Windows fvogel
c8ccd1899c Bug Closed 5 Medium 2019-08-21 19:23:01 18. [text] Pressing the up arrow key on the first line of a [text] does not move the cursor to 1.0 fvogel
4f309446ea Bug Closed 5 Medium 2019-08-21 18:54:14 18. [text] revised_text: wrong answer for "index displaylines", and failed assertion fvogel
0b9dc76e3e Bug Closed 5 Medium 2019-05-09 15:00:59 18. [text] revised_text: text-32.4 fails (recent regression) fvogel
529239918c Bug Closed 5 Medium 2018-11-10 09:30:43 18. [text] revised_text: default value for -spacemode not backwards compatible gcramer
6e16952a49 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2018-11-04 18:57:39 18. [text] revised_text insertion cursor and -padx issues gcramer
6f99ae03c4 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2018-10-28 21:18:23 18. [text] Revised [text]: crash in tkTextDisp.c:3853 gcramer
c02b09a37 RFE Closed 5 Medium 2018-10-26 12:29:52 18. [text] Cursor's line options for text widget and text tags gcramer
e1b1dd7bb Bug Closed 5 Medium 2018-10-19 21:35:17 (unused) trunk/revised_text: compilation error jan.nijtmans
5a8e915150 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2018-10-19 20:17:58 (unused) revised_text: mac os x : compiler warnings jan.nijtmans
4b555aca34 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2018-10-17 20:23:49 18. [text] text: search -all hangs and eats all memory fvogel
0421e91b58 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2018-10-07 10:00:55 18. [text] right adjusted text doesn't wrap properly when the window size is reduced gcramer
48ff500999 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2018-10-06 16:28:57 18. [text] reworked textWind.test : font agnostic fvogel
0f4c69bd13 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2018-10-01 14:20:52 18. [text] edit info -array crashes fvogel
e20d5ca7cd Bug Closed 5 Medium 2018-02-01 21:08:13 18. [text] Revised [text]: textTag-18.1 fails on OS X fvogel
b68710aed6 Patch Closed 5 Medium 2018-01-29 03:33:45 18. [text] Minor fixes to library/text.tcl bindings fvogel
de156e9efe Bug Closed 5 Medium 2018-01-28 16:53:53 99. Other Safe Base interpreters must not write to the PRIMARY selection fvogel
92e614e612 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-11-07 20:58:43 66. Aqua Window Operations OS X - Redraw artifacts (ghosts) with text widget nobody
40a9abb9db Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-11-07 20:58:22 66. Aqua Window Operations Mac OS X: revised_text: peered widgets display as black until clicked nobody
cac4692585 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-08-27 19:04:44 18. [text] Revised [text]: assertion failed in tkTextDisp.c:7191 nobody
8d090c9d66 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-08-16 18:48:26 18. [text] Tab justifications other than "left" lead to wrong line widths gcramer
bb22591148 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-08-15 14:06:15 18. [text] Tab justification "right" doesn't work gcramer
db3fb30231 Bug Closed 7 High 2017-08-12 14:11:01 (unused) revised_text: compatibility change (tablelist) gcramer
6f52ddab1c Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-08-12 13:41:09 18. [text] Revised [text]: assertion failed in tkTextIndex.c:3392 gcramer
f21e8f9f48 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-08-10 15:50:02 18. [text] revised_text: tag configure not dumping -overstrikefg or -underlinefg correctly gcramer
03d910be56 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-08-09 15:29:21 18. [text] Revised [text]: compilation warning on OS X gcramer
9f283c0b90 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-07-12 18:34:07 18. [text] Revised [text]: textIndex-19.14 fails on Linux gcramer
ddead8705e Patch Closed 5 Medium 2017-07-09 15:20:33 18. [text] patch: textDisp.test 4.x font agnostic nobody
dd6895fe55 Patch Closed 5 Medium 2017-07-09 15:20:03 18. [text] patch: textDisp tests 1.x and 2.x : font agnostic nobody
5f61f1a6d0 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-07-03 18:56:00 18. [text] line wrap with space at the end should not display the space at the beginning of the next line nobody
83632316b9 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-07-02 15:54:29 18. [text] Revised [text]: crash with -showinsertforeground and -blockcursor fvogel
5cfd9dfe0d Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-07-02 15:52:28 18. [text] -startindex and -endindex defaults cannot be re-eaten by the text widget fvogel
ef14e354f5 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-07-02 15:52:15 18. [text] Segfaults in revised_text gcramer
0d630132f2 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-07-02 15:51:51 18. [text] Assertion failed in tkTextIndex:2627 gcramer
3f1d48e263 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-07-02 15:51:39 18. [text] Revised [text]: assertion failed in tkTextIndex.c:1171 gcramer
c3e31d8f98 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-07-02 15:51:30 18. [text] Revised [text]: assertion failed in tkTextMark.c:2323 nobody
73175271f2 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-07-02 15:51:21 18. [text] Several assertions failed in revised text widget nobody
283d52f41 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-07-02 15:51:12 18. [text] Revised [text]: assertion failed in tkTextMark.c:2047 gcramer
3cd0454c1d Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-07-02 15:51:03 18. [text] Revised [text]: assertion failed in tkTextBTree.c:9753 gcramer
0bc9df5fe3 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-07-02 15:50:54 18. [text] Revised [text]: assertion failed in tkTextMark.c line 2986 gcramer
2563b9689e Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-07-02 15:50:40 18. [text] Revised [text]: unclear man for inspect subcommand gcramer
fc24165111 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-07-02 15:50:25 18. [text] Mac OS X: text bbox does not return {} for off-screen characters gcramer
e32292c454 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-07-02 15:49:50 18. [text] Revised [text]: undo is undoing too much gcramer
9ffb79059b Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-07-02 15:47:39 18. [text] Revised [text]: assertion failed in tkTextIndex.c:440 gcramer
f214a2e800 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-06-11 15:56:53 18. [text] Revised [text]: text-27.11 fails on OS X fvogel
7b43bb5322 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-06-11 13:14:21 18. [text] Revised [text]: textTag-16.2, -16.6, -16.7 fail on OS X fvogel
ef9490e849 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-06-09 20:56:14 18. [text] Revised [text]: Example code for 'watch' errors out on OS X nobody
34aa80222b Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-06-09 20:48:15 18. [text] Revised [text]: On OS X, bbox can return a list of two elements only fvogel
39e510f69e Bug Closed 6 2017-06-09 20:42:38 18. [text] Revised [text]: textDisp-27.7.2 segfaults on OS X nobody
cda289a8ea Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-05-28 18:20:39 18. [text] Revised [text]: text disappears when widget is out of focus gcramer
46d7a4d153 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-05-27 08:00:51 -- New Widgets tags not present as intended gcramer
0682e8504e Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-05-14 12:06:28 18. [text] Revised [text]: inconsistent tag reports gcramer
226ad18f97 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-05-14 12:01:39 18. [text] Revised [text]: assertion failed in tkTextTag.c:735 gcramer
1ceba63c01 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-05-14 01:55:33 18. [text] revised_text: Linux: clang: test 13.11 failure gcramer
a4719f2835 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-05-12 18:37:33 99. Other revised_text: Linux: panic in test textDisp-26.2 or 26.3 gcramer
80fe5971a4 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-05-04 19:04:54 18. [text] Wrong error returned when mistyping -startline/-endline gcramer
a046d65959 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-03-26 09:24:48 18. [text] Revised [text]: assertion failed in tkTextIndex.c gcramer
0819cc4018 Patch Closed 5 Medium 2017-03-20 23:15:47 81. Portability Revised [text]: Patches to build on Windows and Linux fvogel
710f7fd44b Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-03-20 23:15:15 85. Win Build Revised [text]: Missing dependency in win/ fvogel
3a56576157 Bug Closed 5 Medium 2017-03-12 13:20:37 18. [text] Test text-27.24 & text-30.3 seg faults on linux nobody