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02:42 Ticket [2958768f] error immediately destroying interpreter status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: e6e390db user: chrstphrchvz
20:29 Closed ticket [310c74ec]: ThemeChangedProc() can be called after Tk destroyed plus 5 other changes artifact: d8825731 user: fvogel
Fix [310c74ecf4]: ThemeChangedProc() can be called after Tk destroyed. check-in: 95c34e13 user: fvogel tags: trunk, main
Fix [310c74ecf4]: ThemeChangedProc() can be called after Tk destroyed. check-in: b1876b9e user: fvogel tags: core-8-6-branch
20:14 Ticket [310c74ec] ThemeChangedProc() can be called after Tk destroyed status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: 5e8c06f2 user: chrstphrchvz
19:11 Ticket [310c74ec]: 5 changes artifact: c86251e1 user: fvogel
20:34 Ticket [310c74ec]: 3 changes artifact: 0ad13b64 user: fvogel
16:30 Ticket [310c74ec]: 3 changes artifact: 073b7268 user: chrstphrchvz
14:29 Ticket [310c74ec]: 3 changes artifact: 9cc59f16 user: fvogel
Alternate fix for [310c74ecf4], not making use of a delete trace. check-in: 67ac1ac1 user: fvogel tags: bug-310c74ecf4
18:34 Ticket [310c74ec] ThemeChangedProc() can be called after Tk destroyed status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: f1b80f1d user: chrstphrchvz
09:31 Ticket [310c74ec]: 3 changes artifact: 720abcaf user: fvogel
12:40 Ticket [310c74ec]: 3 changes artifact: 51ee6887 user: chrstphrchvz
14:05 Ticket [310c74ec]: 3 changes artifact: 7bab4124 user: chrstphrchvz
12:14 Ticket [310c74ec]: 4 changes artifact: 504a8eb3 user: fvogel
Fix [310c74ecf4]: ThemeChangedProc() can be called after Tk destroyed. Patch from CHristopher Chavez. check-in: fcbbbaa3 user: fvogel tags: bug-310c74ecf4
22:47 Ticket [310c74ec] ThemeChangedProc() can be called after Tk destroyed status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: 763cdeae user: chrstphrchvz
22:36 Ticket [310c74ec]: 3 changes artifact: c5a784bf user: chrstphrchvz
20:04 Ticket [310c74ec]: 3 changes artifact: 368a9fbd user: fvogel
11:36 Ticket [310c74ec]: 3 changes artifact: 7011d6c0 user: chrstphrchvz
11:31 Ticket [310c74ec]: 3 changes artifact: 72f5efb3 user: chrstphrchvz
15:48 Ticket [310c74ec]: 3 changes artifact: b4cd59e7 user: chrstphrchvz
17:41 Ticket [310c74ec]: 4 changes artifact: 12d907c4 user: fvogel
22:08 Ticket [310c74ec]: 3 changes artifact: 0b425b88 user: chrstphrchvz
20:06 Open ticket [2958768f]: error immediately destroying interpreter plus 5 other changes artifact: ab3a3c2a user: fvogel
20:05 Ticket [310c74ec] ThemeChangedProc() can be called after Tk destroyed status still Open with 4 other changes artifact: 85c39b38 user: fvogel
21:20 Add attachment 310c74ecf440.diff to ticket [310c74ec] artifact: 185e6ed3 user: chrstphrchvz
21:20 Delete attachment "310c74ecf440.diff" from ticket [310c74ec] artifact: abb7b028 user: chrstphrchvz
21:20 Add attachment 310c74ecf440.diff to ticket [310c74ec] artifact: a23b36d8 user: chrstphrchvz
21:19 Add attachment 310c74ecf440.diff to ticket [310c74ec] artifact: e744cbc9 user: chrstphrchvz
21:15 Ticket [310c74ec] ThemeChangedProc() can be called after Tk destroyed status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: fc7bb947 user: chrstphrchvz
04:50 Ticket [310c74ec]: 3 changes artifact: 4657e504 user: chrstphrchvz
04:12 Ticket [3e9e82bc] Aqua: draw to alternative backing store status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: d3885fb0 user: chrstphrchvz
04:08 Ticket [2958768f] error immediately destroying interpreter status still Closed with 5 other changes artifact: 3b11b078 user: chrstphrchvz
02:51 New ticket [310c74ec] ThemeChangedProc() can be called after Tk destroyed. artifact: 5c852766 user: chrstphrchvz

Ticket UUID: 310c74ecf440c9c29b4d5c7e879998d7727acb06
Title: ThemeChangedProc() can be called after Tk destroyed
Type: Bug Version: core-8-6-branch
Submitter: chrstphrchvz Created on: 2022-09-07 02:51:50
Subsystem: 88. Themed Tk Assigned To: fvogel
Priority: 5 Medium Severity: Important
Status: Closed Last Modified: 2023-05-03 20:29:17
Resolution: Fixed Closed By: fvogel
    Closed on: 2023-05-03 20:29:17

I observed this issue under cgimage-drawing, but I believe it is an existing issue being exposed (possibly also due to running on slow hardware) rather than a newly introduced one. I believe it is likely the same issue reported in [2958768] (which I do not believe was a duplicate of [456548]).

I occasionally encounter window-2.12 failing due to an unexpected error (shown in red) from the child script:

can't invoke "event" command: application has been destroyed
    while executing
"event generate $w <<ThemeChanged>>"
    (procedure "ttk::ThemeChanged" line 6)
    invoked from within
ringing the bell -> can't invoke "bell" command: application has been destroyed
done waiting
bell -> can't invoke "bell" command: application has been destroyed
update ->

(Note that window-2.12 runs exec such that it reports stderr from the child script after all stdout rather than in chronological order; maybe this can be improved for clarity.)

Even when trying the child script by itself, this error would not always appear, as it only happens when the ThemeChangedProc() idle handler doesn’t get handled before after 100 {destroy .}. I think this reveals an issue where outstanding calls to ThemeChangedProc() are not canceled when Tk is destroyed: Ttk_StylePkgFree(), the function responsible for doing Tcl_CancelIdleCall(ThemeChangedProc, …), is given to Tcl_SetAssocData() and so is only called when the interp is destroyed rather than when Tk is destroyed.

I’m not aware what should be used instead of Tcl_SetAssocData(). If there is no readily available fix for this, then as a workaround the window-2.12 test can wait longer for Tk to settle, or at least do update idletasks, before doing destroy ..

User Comments: fvogel added on 2023-05-03 20:29:17:
Thanks, I think our release manager will do that.

Fix is now merged in core-8-6-branch and in trunk.

Many thanks again!

chrstphrchvz added on 2023-05-03 20:14:27:

Only other suggestion I have would be to include the error message itself in the blurb for this fix in the 8.6.14 release notes.

fvogel added on 2023-05-03 19:11:59:

To alleviate any doubts, I have tried to build Tk with a C++ compiler (specifically, passing CC=g++ ./configure... on Linux). There are lots of build errors, so I was right when stating we have lost C++ build compatibility anyway.

More specifically, the first build error in ttkTheme.c is on line 995 where an explicit cast is missing. This position is way *after* the two lines changed in [fadca8dc], so the cast removals on these lines do not worsen the situation regarding building with a C++ compiler.

fvogel added on 2023-05-02 20:34:36:

I like [67ac1ac13e] more since it's just a direct call to the handler from the right place in the destroy code, instead of making use of a more complicated Tcl_TraceCommand() machinery. As already mentioned, both ways do work but I prefer simplicity to ease code maintenance.

Thanks for the remark about superfluous casts, action taken in [fadca8dc]. Note however that the original cast in Ttk_RegisterCleanup() was added in [5da24ae4], which is implementation of TIP #557. This TIP strives to let Tcl/Tk compile with a C++ compiler. It says that the CI tool of this time (Travis) made specific builds using a C++ compiler in order to detect breakage of C++ builds. I think we have lost C++ build compatibility for a while because I don't see any build with a C++ compiler in the current CI Github Actions.

Anything more to do before merging, in your opinion?

chrstphrchvz added on 2023-05-02 16:30:09:

I am not sure [67ac1ac13e] is any better or worse. Had I found where the other …PkgFree functions were used and/or had not thought of using Tcl_TraceCommand(interp, ".", …), I probably would have tried something similar. Presumably [fcbbbaa3] would be the only option if Tile were still a separate package. But [67ac1ac13e] is fine especially if there is some downside to relying on Tcl_TraceCommand() which I’m overlooking.

Casting the result of GetStylePackageData(interp) to (StylePackageData*) (as also done in Ttk_RegisterCleanup()) should not be necessary.

fvogel added on 2023-05-01 14:29:59:

[fcbbbaa3] works because on destroying "." a DestroyNotify event is generated and immediately serviced in Tk_DestroyWindow() (tkWindow.c:1483). This triggers FrameEventProc(), which deletes the "." command. During this deletion process, Tcl_DeleteCommandFromToken() calls all command traces with flags TCL_TRACE_DELETE (tclBasic.c:3173), which includes our new handler Ttk_TkDestroyedHandler(). As a consequence, when returning from "destroy ." no pending <<ThemeChanged>> can still remain in the event queue. I think this answers your question about why it works.

I had a look at an alternate approach, consisting in calling Ttk_TkDestroyedHandler() directly (i.e. without resorting to the trace delete machinery) at the time Tk is destroyed. This is [67ac1ac13e]. With this patch I cannot reproduce the problem anymore. It's maybe less than totally ideal (regarding the memory hoarding you described), but as you mentioned, this memory hoarding issue is happening everytime Tcl_SetAssocData() is used in Tk and is therefore a broader (minor IMHO) problem. What do you think of [67ac1ac13e]?

chrstphrchvz added on 2023-04-29 18:34:46:

I am fine with closing this ticket if [fcbbbaa3] is considered good enough; again, I think the important thing is others agreeing *why* it eliminates the issue.

fvogel added on 2023-04-29 09:31:45:

Proposal: let's merge [fcbbbaa3] since this fix appears to work, and keep this ticket open until someone comes up either with a better fix or with a reasoning about why [fcbbbaa3] already is the best fix. Agreed?

chrstphrchvz added on 2023-04-25 12:40:15:

Note that there have been several reports of this error elsewhere, e.g. from Tkinter and matplotlib users, who tend to work around it by making sure update is run before doing destroy ".".

chrstphrchvz added on 2023-04-16 14:05:49:

I think the main reason I would want investigate the alternative to relying on a deletion callback passed to Tcl_SetAssocData() is to avoid hoarding memory which could be freed after Tk is destroyed rather than when the interpreter is deleted. But there are already several other instances of this issue in core Tk.

Ttk_StylePkgInit() is called from Ttk_Init() and much later than other …PkgInit() functions, so I am not sure whether adjusting Ttk_StylePkgFree() to be used like other …PkgFree() functions is as straightforward as it might look.

And I would also wonder if using Tcl_TraceCommand(interp, ".", …) is actually a better approach than Tk manually invoking …PkgFree() functions. But it would be better to know how Tk extensions usually/should clean themselves up (if they do).

fvogel added on 2023-04-15 12:14:23:

OK. I can reproduce by sourcing the script you posted on 2023-04-04 22:36:26.

I have committed your patch based on Tcl_TraceCommand() in a bugfix branch. With this patch I can no longer reproduce.

Your alternate proposal based on calling Ttk_StylePkgFree() from Tk_DestroyWindow() remains to be investigated, if deemed better.

chrstphrchvz added on 2023-04-04 22:47:11:

In this case, however, I would hope that Tcl developers might be more convinced by the bug description of why this error possible and why the attached proposed fix or similar should eliminate that possibility, than by a script to empirically suggest whether the bug is present or gone.

chrstphrchvz added on 2023-04-04 22:36:26:

The most reliable way to trigger this that I know of is still by running the window-2.12 child script in tclsh with after 100 {destroy .} changed to after 0 {destroy .}:

package require Tk
after 1000 {set forever 1}
#after 100 {destroy .}
after 0 {destroy .}
after 200 {catch bell msg; puts "ringing the bell -> $msg"}
after 250 {update idletasks}
after 300 {update}
puts "waiting"
vwait forever
puts "done waiting"
catch {bell} msg
puts "bell -> $msg"
catch update msg
puts "update -> $msg"

I have also now tried the modified script on Windows and it triggers the error. So I have seen the error on Windows, X11, and the alternative Aqua implementation discussed on [3e9e82bcfe] (but not the current Aqua implementation, which I think is likely due to event handling peculiarities it has compared to other platforms).

fvogel added on 2023-04-04 20:04:31:
Sounds like a brilliant idea.

The problem, I think, is that first of all we would need a way to reliably trigger the issue. Only then we could confirm whether such a fix works or not.

chrstphrchvz added on 2023-04-04 11:36:20:

Sorry, I should have said: …instead of using Tcl_SetAssocData(interp, PKG_ASSOC_KEY, Ttk_StylePkgFree, pkgPtr) as done currently.

chrstphrchvz added on 2023-04-04 11:31:06:

Other …PkgFree() functions are called from Tk_DestroyWindow(), so I wonder if that is where Ttk_StylePkgFree() should be called from rather than trying to use Tcl_TraceCommand(interp, ".", TCL_TRACE_DELETE, Ttk_TkDestroyedHandler, pkgPtr).

chrstphrchvz added on 2022-09-29 15:48:01:

For reference, the current approach was introduced by

fvogel added on 2022-09-26 17:41:15:

Oops. Yes you're right. I could reproduce [2958768fff], then I had put my (wrong) proposed fix in and could no longer reproduce. I thought it was OK, but I realize now that this is a race condition: my proposed fix won't work. Sorry for the noise.

chrstphrchvz added on 2022-09-25 22:08:34:

If Tk is destroyed then the winfo command will be unavailable.

fvogel added on 2022-09-25 20:05:58:

This ticket is a duplicate of [2958768fff].

Another approach to fix this is the following one liner:

Index: library/ttk/ttk.tcl
--- library/ttk/ttk.tcl
+++ library/ttk/ttk.tcl
@@ -56,10 +56,11 @@
 #	Called from [::ttk::style theme use].
 #	Sends a <<ThemeChanged>> virtual event to all widgets.
 proc ::ttk::ThemeChanged {} {
     set Q .
+    if {![winfo exists $Q]} {return}
     while {[llength $Q]} {
 	set QN [list]
 	foreach w $Q {
 	    event generate $w <<ThemeChanged>>
 	    foreach child [winfo children $w] {

Isn't this easier? What do you think?

chrstphrchvz added on 2022-09-22 21:15:14:

If Tcl always handles delete trace callbacks before interpreter destroyed callbacks, then would it be appropriate to instead use a separate callback to cancel idle calls to ThemeChangedProc() and register it with Tcl_TraceCommand(interp, ".", TCL_TRACE_DELETE, …, pkgPtr)? See attached patch. I have not encountered any existing C API usage of Tcl_TraceCommand(interp, ".", …) in core Tk.

I think it would also be nice to have a dedicated test for this issue, but I have not figured out how to reliably trigger the issue on all platforms, even with after 0 {destroy .}; so far I have only observed it on X11 with 8.6.12, and Aqua with cgimage-drawing (but not core-8-6-branch; maybe it is a bug for it not to occur); I have not tried on Windows.
