Tk Source Code

tko(n) -- oo class like widgets


Tko widgets

::tko::toplevel pathName ?option value? ..

::tko::frame pathName ?option value? ..

::tko::labelframe pathName ?option value? ..

Class functions

::tko initclass

::tko initfrom tkoclass

::tko initwrap widget readonlyoptionlist methodlist

::tko eventoption

::tko optiondef classname ?-option definitionlist? .. ?body?

::tko optiondel classname ?-option? ..

::tko optionget classname ?-option? ..

::tko optionhide classname ?-option? ..

::tko optionshow classname ?-option? ..

Widget methods

my _tko optionadd -option definitionlist ?body?

my _tko optiondel -option ..

my _tko optionhide -option ..

my _tko optionshow -option ..


Command-Line Name: -class Database Name: class Database Class: Class

Define class for use in getting values from option database. Can only be set on widget creation time. The option should be the first option in the option definition list because it is needed to get other option values from the option database. Only the -screen option can precede it.

Command-Line Name: -screen Database Name: screen Database Class: Screen

Affect creation of underlying widget structure. If given the created widget will be a toplevel widget. The option should be the very first option of an widget to be recognised.


Option definitionlist

In the definitionlist description below an entry with name flags can contain a combination of the following letters:

The definitionlist can have one of the following forms:

Description of an synonym option. When -option is set then instead the provided -synonym option will be set.

Description of an option. If dbname or dbclass is not empty then the values will be used to search for an default option value in the option database. The search will need a Tk_Window and therefore this definition can only be used in an widget class. If both value are empty then the option definition can be used in an normal class create with tko initclass. default is the default value if no value can be found in the option database.

Function ::tko

::tko initclass

The function will create public constructor, destructor, cget and configure methods and private _tko and _tko_configure methods in the current class.

The function can be used to add cget and configure functionality to an normal oo class. No additional functionality is added.

The function should be called only once inside the "oo::class create" script. When called the list of used options will be cleared.

::tko initfrom tkoclass

This function will provide the necessary initialization of an oo class as tko widget. The argument tkoclass should be an tko widget class. The class tkoclass will be the superclass of the current widget and all options of tkoclass will be added to our new class.

If you create your own constructor, destructor, cget or configure methods you need to call next inside these function to call the function of the tkoclass superclass.

The function should be called only once inside the "oo::class create" script. When called the list of used options will be cleared.

::tko initwrap widget readonlyoptionlist methodlist

This function will wrap an existing normal tk widget as an tko widget class. The argumen widget is the name of the normal tk widget. The argument readonlyoptionlist is a list of all readonly options of the given widget. The argument methodlist is a list of methods to link to the wrapped widget.

The function will create public constructor, destructor, cget and configure methods and private _tko and _tko_configure methods in the current class.

The function should be called only once inside the "oo::class create" script. When called the list of used options will be cleared.

::tko eventoption

This option will send an <> virtual event to all widgets. If a option value was set using the option database then the value of this option will updated with the current value of the option database. The option database can so be used as a style source.

::tko optiondef classname ?-option definitionlist? .. ?body?

The function will add or replace all given -option definitionlist pairs to the given classname. If an additional ?body? argument is given it will be used to create the -option method of the last given -option in classname

::tko optiondel ::classname ?-option? ..

The function will remove the given options from the defined class options of the given ::classname. If no option is given then all existing options will be removed.

::tko optionget ::classname ?-option? ..

This function will return a list of -option definitionlist pairs ready for use in the ::tko optiondef command. The list consist of the specified options or all options if there are no options given. THe option will be read from the fully qualified ?::classname? definitions.

::tko optionhide ::classname ?-option ..

Hide the given options from the use in cget and configure methods. If no options are given then return the list of all hidden options.

::tko optionshow ::classname ?-option ..

Unhide the given options from the use in cget and configure methods. If no options are given then return the list of all useable options.

Widget ::tko::toplevel

These class contain the functionality of the toplevel widget command.

Widget ::tko::frame

These class contain the functionality of the frame widget command.

Widget ::tko::labelframe

These class contain the functionality of the labelframe widget command.


Widget methods can be dynamically added and removed at class or object level.

NOTE Do not change tkoClass's behaviour. Instead create your own class and modify it to your need! Or change created widget objects behaviour.

cget -option

Return the current value of the given option.


The method will return a sorted list of all configuration options.

configure -option

Return value of given option.

configure -option value ..

Use given -option vlaue pairs to set options.


my _tko optionadd -option definitionlist ?body?

Add a new option in the current object. The meaning of the definitionlist argument is the same as in the ::tko optionset command. The function will only add new options. It is not possible to change object options.

my _tko optiondel -option ..

Delete the given option and unset the entry in the tko array variable. The created -option method's are not deleted. This is the task of the caller.

my _tko optionhide -option ..

If no -option is given return a list of all not configure'able options. Otherwise hide all of the given options.

my _tko optionshow -option ..

If no -option is given return a list of all configure'able options. Otherwise make all of the given options configure'able.

my _tko_configure

This is an virtual method of the tkoClass widgets. This method will be called at the end of each configure -option value .. call. It can be implemented in each class to make necessary changes. If it is implemented it should also call next to notify underlying classes.


Widget option values are saved in an option array tko. The option name is the field name in the array. Additionally is an field "." containing the tk widget path name of the widget.

Widget options can be dynamically added and removed at class or object level. It is possible to hide and unhide options.


# Configurable object
oo::class create A {
  ::tko initclass
A create a1
a1 configure ==>

# Add class option
::tko optiondef A -o1 {o1 O1 v1 {}} {set tko(-o1) x}
A create a2
a2 configure
==> {-o1 o1 O1 v1 v1}

# Add object option
oo::define A method mycmd {args} {my {*}$args}
a2 mycmd _tko optionadd -o2 {o2 O2 v2 {}} {variable tko; set tko(-o2) x}
a2 configure
==> {-o1 o1 O1 v1 v1} {-o2 o2 O2 v2 x}

# Wrap an existing widget
oo::class create B {
  ::tko initwrap frame {-class -container -colormap -visual} {}
B .b
lindex [.b configure] 0
==> {-background background Background SystemButtonFace SystemButtonFace}

# Create a new widget class.
oo::class create C {
  ::tko initfrom ::tko::frame
  constructor {args} {next {*}$args}
  destructor {next}
  method mycmd {args} {my {*}$args}

# Hide all inherited frame options
::tko optionhide C {*}[::tko optionhide C]
::tko optionshow C
==> -class -visual -colormap -container -borderwidth ...
C .c
.c configure

# Add a new option
oo::define C method -o1 {} {puts $tko(-o1)}
::tko optiondef C -o1 {o1 O1 v1 {}}
::tko optionhide C
==> -o1

# Add another option
::tko optiondef C -o2 {o2 O2 v2 {}} {puts $tko(-o2)}
::tko optionhide C
==> -o1 -o2

# Add options at object level:
C .c1
.c1 mycmd _tko optionadd -o3 {o3 O3 v3 {}} {my variable tko; puts $tko(-o3)}
.c1 configure
==> {-o1 o1 O1 v1 v1} {-o2 o2 O2 v2 v2} {-o3 o3 O3 v3 v3}

# Show all frame options again
.c1 mycmd _tko optionshow {*}[.c1 mycmd _tko optionshow]
llength [.c1 configure]
==> 24

# Intercept options
oo::define C method -width {} {
    puts "[my cget -width]->$tko(-width)->[set tko(-width) 100]"
.c1 configure -width 1
==> 0->1->100


frame, labelframe, toplevel, oo::class


oo widget method option


© 2019- RenĂ© Zaumseil [email protected]

BSD style license.