Tk Source Code

 * tkoGraph.h --
 *      This file constructs the basic functionality of the
 *      rbc commands.
 * Copyright (c) 2001 BLT was created by George Howlett.
 * Copyright (c) 2009 RBC was created by Samuel Green, Nicholas Hudson, Stanton Sievers, Jarrod Stormo
 * Copyright (c) 2018 Rene Zaumseil

 * See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
 * this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.

#ifndef _TKOGRAPH_H
#define _TKOGRAPH_H

#include "tkoWidget.h"

 * For C++ compilers, use extern "C"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * Used standard values
#define RBC_NORMAL_BG_MONO	    "white"
#define RBC_NORMAL_FG_MONO	    "black"
#define RBC_ACTIVE_BG_MONO	    "black"
#define RBC_ACTIVE_FG_MONO	    "white"
#define RBC_SELECT_BG_MONO	    "black"
#define RBC_SELECT_FG_MONO      "black"
#define RBC_BORDERWIDTH 	    "2"
#define RBC_FONT                "TkDefaultFont 10"
#define RBC_FONT_HUGE           "TkDefaultFontArial 16"
#define RBC_FONT_LARGE          "TkDefaultFontArial 12"
#define RBC_FONT_SMALL          "TkDefaultFontArial 8"
#define RBC_NORMAL_BACKGROUND   "gray85"
#define RBC_NORMAL_FOREGROUND   "black"
#define RBC_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND   "gray64"
#define RBC_ACTIVE_FOREGROUND   "black"
#define RBC_SELECT_BACKGROUND   "lightblue1"
#define RBC_SELECT_FOREGROUND   "black"
#define RBC_INDICATOR_COLOR	    "maroon"



#define RBC_NS_SEARCH_NONE		(0)
#define RBC_NS_SEARCH_CURRENT	(1<<0)
#define RBC_NS_SEARCH_GLOBAL	(1<<1)

/* Recognize "min", "max", and "++end" as valid indices */
#define RBC_INDEX_SPECIAL	(1<<0)

/* Also recognize a range of indices separated by a colon */
#define RBC_INDEX_COLON	(1<<1)

/* Verify that the specified index or range of indices are within limits */
#define RBC_INDEX_CHECK	(1<<2)

/* The data of the vector has changed.  Update the min and max limits when they are needed */
#define RBC_UPDATE_RANGE		(1<<9)

#define RBC_COLOR_NONE		    (XColor *)0
#define RBC_COLOR_DEFAULT		(XColor *)1

#define RBC_STATE_ACTIVE	(1<<0)
#define RBC_STATE_DISABLED	(1<<1)
#define RBC_STATE_EMPHASIS	(1<<2)

#define RBC_ROTATE_0	0
#define RBC_ROTATE_90	1
#define RBC_ROTATE_180	2
#define RBC_ROTATE_270	3

#define RBC_SEARCH_X	0
#define RBC_SEARCH_Y	1

#define RBC_SHOW_NONE	0
#define RBC_SHOW_X		1
#define RBC_SHOW_Y		2
#define RBC_SHOW_BOTH	3

#define RBC_SEARCH_POINTS	0       /* Search for closest data point. */
#define RBC_SEARCH_TRACES	1       /* Search for closest point on trace.
                                         * Interpolate the connecting line segments
                                         * if necessary. */
#define RBC_SEARCH_AUTO	2      /* Automatically determine whether to search
                                * for data points or traces.  Look for
                                * traces if the linewidth is > 0 and if
                                * there is more than one data point. */

#define	RBC_ELEM_ACTIVE	(1<<8) /* Non-zero indicates that the element
                                * should be drawn in its active
                                * foreground and background
                                * colors. */
#define	RBC_ACTIVE_PENDING	(1<<7)

#define	RBC_LABEL_ACTIVE 	(1<<9)  /* Non-zero indicates that the
                                         * element's entry in the legend
                                         * should be drawn in its active
                                         * foreground and background
                                         * colors. */
#define RBC_SCALE_SYMBOL	(1<<10)

#define RBC_SWITCH_ARGV_ONLY		(1<<0)
#define RBC_SWITCH_OBJV_ONLY		(1<<0)

 * Possible flag values for RbcSwitchSpec structures.  Any bits at
 * or above RBC_SWITCH_USER_BIT may be used by clients for selecting
 * certain entries.
#define RBC_SWITCH_NULL_OK		(1<<0)
#define RBC_SWITCH_SPECIFIED		(1<<4)
#define RBC_SWITCH_USER_BIT		(1<<8)

 * Bit flags definitions:
 * 	All kinds of state information kept here.  All these
 *	things happen when the window is available to draw into
 *	(DisplayGraph). Need the window width and height before
 *	we can calculate graph layout (i.e. the screen coordinates
 *	of the axes, elements, titles, etc). But we want to do this
 *	only when we have to, not every time the graph is redrawn.
 *	Same goes for maintaining a pixmap to double buffer graph
 *	elements.  Need to mark when the pixmap needs to updated.
 *	MAP_ITEM		Indicates that the element/marker/axis
 *				configuration has changed such that
 *				its layout of the item (i.e. its
 *				position in the graph window) needs
 *				to be recalculated.
 *	MAP_ALL			Indicates that the layout of the axes and
 *				all elements and markers and the graph need
 *				to be recalculated. Otherwise, the layout
 *				of only those markers and elements that
 *				have changed will be reset.
 *	GET_AXIS_GEOMETRY	Indicates that the size of the axes needs
 *				to be recalculated.
 *	RESET_AXES		Flag to call to RbcResetAxes routine.
 *				This routine recalculates the scale offset
 *				(used for mapping coordinates) of each axis.
 *				If an axis limit has changed, then it sets
 *				flags to re-layout and redraw the entire
 *				graph.  This needs to happend before the axis
 *				can compute transformations between graph and
 *				screen coordinates.
 *	REDRAW_BACKING_STORE	If set, redraw all elements into the pixmap
 *				used for buffering elements.
 *	REDRAW_PENDING		Non-zero means a DoWhenIdle handler has
 *				already been queued to redraw this window.
 *	DRAW_LEGEND		Non-zero means redraw the legend. If this is
 *				the only DRAW_* flag, the legend display
 *				routine is called instead of the graph
 *				display routine.
 *	DRAW_MARGINS		Indicates that the margins bordering
 *				the plotting area need to be redrawn.
 *				The possible reasons are:
 *				1) an axis configuration changed
 *				2) an axis limit changed
 *				3) titles have changed
 *				4) window was resized.
#define	RBC_MAP_ITEM		(1<<0)  /* 0x0001 */
#define	RBC_MAP_ALL			(1<<1)  /* 0x0002 */
#define	RBC_GET_AXIS_GEOMETRY	(1<<2)  /* 0x0004 */
#define RBC_RESET_AXES		(1<<3)  /* 0x0008 */
#define RBC_LAYOUT_NEEDED		(1<<4)  /* 0x0010 */

#define RBC_REDRAW_PENDING		(1<<8)  /* 0x0100 */
#define RBC_DRAW_LEGEND		(1<<9)  /* 0x0200 */
#define RBC_DRAW_MARGINS		(1<<10) /* 0x0400 */
#define	RBC_REDRAW_BACKING_STORE	(1<<11) /* 0x0800 */

#define RBC_GRAPH_FOCUS		(1<<12) /* 0x1000 */
#define RBC_DATA_CHANGED		(1<<13) /* 0x2000 */

#define RBC_GRAPH_DELETED   (1<<15)     /* 0x8000 */


/* Legend */
#define RBC_LEGEND_RIGHT	(1<<0)  /* Right margin */
#define RBC_LEGEND_LEFT	(1<<1) /* Left margin */
#define RBC_LEGEND_BOTTOM	(1<<2)  /* Bottom margin */
#define RBC_LEGEND_TOP	(1<<3) /* Top margin, below the graph title. */
#define RBC_LEGEND_PLOT	(1<<4) /* Plot area */
#define RBC_LEGEND_XY	(1<<5) /* Screen coordinates in the plotting
                                * area. */
#define RBC_LEGEND_WINDOW	(1<<6)  /* External window. */

#define RBC_MARKER_UNDER	1       /* Draw markers designated to lie underneath
                                         * elements, grids, legend, etc. */
#define RBC_MARKER_ABOVE	0       /* Draw markers designated to rest above
                                         * elements, grids, legend, etc. */

 * Mask values used to selectively enable GRAPH or BARCHART entries in
 * the various configuration specs.


#define RBC_MARGIN_NONE     -1
#define RBC_MARGIN_LEFT     1
#define RBC_MARGIN_TOP      2
#define RBC_MARGIN_RIGHT    3

/* forward references, defined later */
    typedef struct RbcGraph RbcGraph;
    typedef struct RbcElement RbcElement;
    typedef struct RbcLegend RbcLegend;
    typedef struct RbcBindTable RbcBindTable;
    typedef struct RbcChainLink RbcChainLink;
    typedef struct RbcTileClient *RbcTile;      /* Opaque type for tiles */
    typedef struct RbcPsToken RbcPsToken;
    typedef struct RbcPen RbcPen;
    typedef struct RbcMarker RbcMarker;
    typedef struct RbcCrosshairs RbcCrosshairs;
    typedef struct RbcParseValue RbcParseValue;

 * RbcPad --
 * 	Specifies vertical and horizontal padding.
 *	Padding can be specified on a per side basis.  The fields
 *	side1 and side2 refer to the opposite sides, either
 *	horizontally or vertically.
 *		side1	side2
 *              -----   -----
 *      x | left    right
 *	    y | top     bottom
    typedef struct {
        short int side1;
        short int side2;
    } RbcPad;

 * RbcTextFragment --
    typedef struct {
        char *text;            /* Text to be displayed */
        short int x, y;        /* X-Y offset of the baseline from the
                                * upper-left corner of the bbox. */
        short int sx, sy;      /* See rbcWinUtil.c */
        short int count;       /* Number of bytes in text. The actual
                                * character count may differ because of
                                * multi-byte UTF encodings. */
        short int width;       /* Width of segment in pixels. This
                                * information is used to draw
                                * PostScript strings the same width
                                * as X. */
    } RbcTextFragment;

 * RbcTextLayout --
    typedef struct {
        int nFrags;            /* # fragments of text */
        short int width, height;        /* Dimensions of text bounding box */
        RbcTextFragment fragArr[1];     /* Information about each fragment of text */
    } RbcTextLayout;

 * RbcShadow --
    typedef struct {
        XColor *color;
        int offset;
    } RbcShadow;

 * RbcTextStyle --
 * 	Represents a convenient structure to hold text attributes
 *	which determine how a text string is to be displayed on the
 *	window, or drawn with PostScript commands.  The alternative
 *	is to pass lots of parameters to the drawing and printing
 *	routines. This seems like a more efficient and less cumbersome
 *	way of passing parameters.
    typedef struct {
        unsigned int state;    /* If non-zero, indicates to draw text
                                * in the active color */
        short int width, height;        /* Extents of text */
        XColor *color;         /* Normal color */
        XColor *activeColor;   /* Active color */
        Tk_Font font;          /* Font to use to draw text */
        Tk_3DBorder border;    /* Background color of text.  This is also
                                * used for drawing disabled text. */
        RbcShadow shadow;      /* Drop shadow color and offset */
        Tk_Justify justify;    /* Justification of the text string. This
                                * only matters if the text is composed
                                * of multiple lines. */
        GC  gc;                /* GC used to draw the text */
        double theta;          /* Rotation of text in degrees. */
        Tk_Anchor anchor;      /* Indicates how the text is anchored around
                                * its x and y coordinates. */
        RbcPad padX, padY;     /* # pixels padding of around text region */
        short int leader;      /* # pixels spacing between lines of text */
    } RbcTextStyle;

    typedef ClientData(
        RbcBindPickProc) (
        ClientData clientData,
        int x,
        int y,
        ClientData * contextPtr);

 * RbcBindTable --
 * Binding structure information:
    typedef struct RbcBindTable {
        unsigned int flags;
        Tk_BindingTable bindingTable;   /* Table of all bindings currently defined.
                                         * NULL means that no bindings exist, so the
                                         * table hasn't been created.  Each "object"
                                         * used for this table is either a Tk_Uid for
                                         * a tag or the address of an item named by
                                         * id. */
        ClientData currentItem; /* The item currently containing the mouse
                                 * pointer, or NULL if none. */
        ClientData currentContext;      /* One word indicating what kind of object
                                         * was picked. */
        ClientData newItem;    /* The item that is about to become the
                                * current one, or NULL.  This field is
                                * used to detect deletions of the new
                                * current item pointer that occur during
                                * Leave processing of the previous current
                                * tab.  */
        ClientData newContext; /* One-word indicating what kind of object
                                * was just picked. */
        ClientData focusItem;
        ClientData focusContext;
        XEvent pickEvent;      /* The event upon which the current choice
                                * of the current tab is based.  Must be saved
                                * so that if the current item is deleted,
                                * we can pick another. */
        int activePick;        /* The pick event has been initialized so
                                * that we can repick it */
        int state;             /* Last known modifier state.  Used to
                                * defer picking a new current object
                                * while buttons are down. */
        ClientData clientData;
        Tk_Window tkwin;
        RbcBindPickProc *pickProc;      /* Routine to report the item the mouse is
                                         * currently over. */
    } RbcBindTable;

 * RbcChainLink --
 * A RbcChainLink is the container structure for the RbcChain.
    typedef struct RbcChainLink {
        RbcChainLink *prevPtr; /* Link to the previous link */
        RbcChainLink *nextPtr; /* Link to the next link */
        ClientData clientData; /* Pointer to the data object */
    } RbcChainLink;

    typedef int (
        RbcChainCompareProc) (
        RbcChainLink ** l1PtrPtr,
        RbcChainLink ** l2PtrPtr);

 * RbcChain --
 * A RbcChain is a doubly chained list structure.
    typedef struct {
        RbcChainLink *headPtr; /* Pointer to first element in chain */
        RbcChainLink *tailPtr; /* Pointer to last element in chain */
        int nLinks;            /* Number of elements in chain */
    } RbcChain;

 * Rbc_Vector --
    typedef struct {
        double *valueArr;      /* Array of values (possibly malloc-ed) */
        int numValues;         /* Number of values in the array */
        int arraySize;         /* Size of the allocated space */
        double min, max;       /* Minimum and maximum values in the vector */
    } Rbc_Vector;

 * RbcVectorInterpData --
    typedef struct {
        Tcl_HashTable vectorTable;      /* Table of vectors */
        Tcl_HashTable mathProcTable;    /* Table of vector math functions */
        Tcl_HashTable indexProcTable;
        Tcl_Interp *interp;
        unsigned int nextId;
    } RbcVectorInterpData;

 * RbcVectorObject --
 *	A vector is an array of double precision values.  It can be
 *	accessed through a Tcl command, a Tcl array variable, or C
 *	API. The storage for the array points initially to a
 *	statically allocated buffer, but to malloc-ed memory if more
 *	is necessary.
 *	Vectors can be shared by several clients (for example, two
 *	different graph widgets).  The data is shared. When a client
 *	wants to use a vector, it allocates a vector identifier, which
 *	identifies the client.  Clients use this ID to specify a
 *	callback routine to be invoked whenever the vector is modified
 *	or destroyed.  Whenever the vector is updated or destroyed,
 *	each client is notified of the change by their callback
 *	routine.
    typedef struct {
         * If you change these fields, make sure you change the definition
         * of RbcVector in rbcVector.h too.
        double *valueArr;      /* Array of values (malloc-ed) */
        int length;            /* Current number of values in the array. */
        int size;              /* Maximum number of values that can be stored
                                * in the value array. */
        double min, max;       /* Minimum and maximum values in the vector */
        /* The following fields are local to this module  */
        char *name;            /* The namespace-qualified name of the vector command.
                                * It points to the hash key allocated for the
                                * entry in the vector hash table. */
        RbcVectorInterpData *dataPtr;
        Tcl_Interp *interp;    /* Interpreter associated with the vector */
        Tcl_HashEntry *hashPtr; /* If non-NULL, pointer in a hash table to
                                 * track the vectors in use. */
        Tcl_FreeProc *freeProc; /* Address of procedure to call to
                                 * release storage for the value
                                 * array, Optionally can be one of the
                                 * following: TCL_STATIC, TCL_DYNAMIC,
                                 * or TCL_VOLATILE. */
        char *arrayName;       /* The namespace-qualified name of the
                                * Tcl array variable
                                * mapped to the vector
                                * (malloc'ed). If NULL, indicates
                                * that the vector isn't mapped to any variable */
        int offset;            /* Offset from zero of the vector's
                                * starting index */
        Tcl_Command cmdToken;  /* Token for vector's Tcl command. */
        RbcChain *chainPtr;    /* List of clients using this vector */
        int notifyFlags;       /* Notification flags. See definitions
                                * below */
        int varFlags;          /* Indicate if the variable is global,
                                * namespace, or local */
        int freeOnUnset;       /* For backward compatibility only: If
                                * non-zero, free the vector when its
                                * variable is unset. */
        int flush;
        int first, last;       /* Selected region of vector. This is used
                                * mostly for the math routines */
    } RbcVectorObject;

    typedef struct RbcVectorIdStruct *RbcVectorId;

 * RbcVectorNotify --
    typedef enum {
        RBC_VECTOR_NOTIFY_UPDATE = 1,   /* The vector's values has been updated */
        RBC_VECTOR_NOTIFY_DESTROY       /* The vector has been destroyed and the client
                                         * should no longer use its data (calling
                                         * Rbc_FreeVectorId) */
    } RbcVectorNotify;

    typedef void (
        RbcVectorChangedProc) (
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        ClientData clientData,
        RbcVectorNotify notify);
    typedef double (
        Rbc_VectorIndexProc) (
        Rbc_Vector * vecPtr);

 * RbcParseValue --
 *	The following data structure is used by various parsing
 *	procedures to hold information about where to store the
 *	results of parsing (e.g. the substituted contents of a quoted
 *	argument, or the result of a nested command).  At any given
 *	time, the space available for output is fixed, but a procedure
 *	may be called to expand the space available if the current
 *	space runs out.
    typedef struct RbcParseValue {
        char *buffer;          /* Address of first character in
                                * output buffer. */
        char *next;            /* Place to store next character in
                                * output buffer. */
        char *end;             /* Address of the last usable character
                                * in the buffer. */
        void (
            *expandProc) (
            RbcParseValue * pvPtr,
            int needed);
        /* Procedure to call when space runs out;
         * it will make more space. */
        ClientData clientData; /* Arbitrary information for use of
                                * expandProc. */
    } RbcParseValue;

 * RbcParseVector --
    typedef struct {
        RbcVectorObject *vPtr;
        char staticSpace[RBC_STATIC_STRING_SPACE];
        RbcParseValue pv;      /* Used to hold a string value, if any. */
    } RbcParseVector;

 * RbcOp --
 * 	Generic function prototype of CmdOptions.
    typedef int (
        *RbcOp) (

 * RbcOpSpec --
 * 	Structure to specify a set of operations for a Tcl command.
 *      This is passed to the RbcGetOp procedure to look
 *      for a function pointer associated with the operation name.
    typedef struct {
        const char *name;      /* Name of operation */
        int minChars;          /* Minimum # characters to disambiguate */
        RbcOp proc;
        int minArgs;           /* Minimum # args required */
        int maxArgs;           /* Maximum # args required */
        const char *usage;     /* Usage message */
    } RbcOpSpec;

 * RbcOpIndex --
    typedef enum {
        RBC_OP_ARG0,           /* Op is the first argument. */
        RBC_OP_ARG1,           /* Op is the second argument. */
        RBC_OP_ARG2,           /* Op is the third argument. */
        RBC_OP_ARG3,           /* Op is the fourth argument. */
        RBC_OP_ARG4            /* Op is the fifth argument. */
    } RbcOpIndex;

    typedef int (
        QSortCompareProc) (
        const void *,
        const void *);

 * RbcDashes --
 * 	List of dash values (maximum 11 based upon PostScript limit).
    typedef struct {
        char values[12];
        int offset;
    } RbcDashes;
#define RbcLineIsDashed(d) ((d).values[0] != 0)

 * RbcPoint2D --
 *	2-D coordinate.
    typedef struct {
        double x;
        double y;
    } RbcPoint2D;

 * RbcPoint3D --
 *	3-D coordinate.
    typedef struct {
        double x;
        double y;
        double z;
    } RbcPoint3D;

 * RbcSegment2D --
 *	2-D line segment.
    typedef struct {
        RbcPoint2D p;          /* First end point of the segment. */
        RbcPoint2D q;          /* Last end point of the segment. */
    } RbcSegment2D;

 * RbcDim2D --
 *	2-D dimension.
    typedef struct {
        short int width;
        short int height;
    } RbcDim2D;

 * RbcRegion2D --
 *      2-D region.  Used to copy parts of images.
    typedef struct {
        int left;
        int right;
        int top;
        int bottom;
    } RbcRegion2D;

 * RbcExtents2D --
    typedef struct {
        double left;
        double right;
        double top;
        double bottom;
    } RbcExtents2D;

 * RbcExtents3D --
    typedef struct {
        double left;
        double right;
        double top;
        double bottom;
        double front;
        double back;
    } RbcExtents3D;

/* int RbcPointInRegion(RbcRegion2D e, int x, int y) */
#define RbcPointInRegion(e,x,y) \
	(((x) <= (e)->right) && ((x) >= (e)->left) && \
	 ((y) <= (e)->bottom) && ((y) >= (e)->top))

 * RbcColorPair --
 *	Holds a pair of foreground, background colors.
    typedef struct {
        XColor *fgColor, *bgColor;
    } RbcColorPair;

    typedef void (
        RbcTileChangedProc) (
        ClientData clientData,
        RbcTile tile);

 * RbcPix32 --
 *      A union representing either a pixel as a RGB triplet or a
 *	single word value.
    typedef union {
        unsigned int value;    /* Lookup table address */
        struct RGBA {
            unsigned char red; /* Red intensity 0..255 */
            unsigned char green;        /* Green intensity 0.255 */
            unsigned char blue; /* Blue intensity 0..255 */
            unsigned char alpha;        /* Alpha-channel for compositing. 0..255 */
        } rgba;
        unsigned char channel[4];
    } RbcPix32;

 * RbcColorImage --
 *      The structure below represents a color image.  Each pixel
 *	occupies a 32-bit word of memory: one byte for each of the
 *	red, green, and blue color intensities, and another for
 *	alpha-channel image compositing (e.g. transparency).
    typedef struct RbcColorImage {
        int width;             /* Dimensions of the image */
        int height;            /* Dimensions of the image */
        RbcPix32 *bits;        /* Array of pixels representing the image. */
    } RbcColorImage;

 * ResampleFilterProc --
 *      A function implementing a 1-D filter.
    typedef double (
        ResampleFilterProc) (
        double value);

 * RbcFilter2D --
 *      Defines a convolution mask for a 2-D filter.  Used to smooth or
 *	enhance images.
    typedef struct {
        double support;        /* Radius of filter */
        double sum, scale;     /* Sum of kernel */
        double *kernel;        /* Array of values (malloc-ed) representing
                                * the discrete 2-D filter. */
    } RbcFilter2D;

 * RbcPsColorMode --
    typedef enum {
        PS_MODE_MONOCHROME,    /* Only black and white. */
        PS_MODE_GREYSCALE,     /* Color converted to greyscale. */
        PS_MODE_COLOR          /* Full color */
    } RbcPsColorMode;

 * RbcPsToken --
    typedef struct RbcPsToken {
        Tcl_Interp *interp;    /* Interpreter to report errors to. */
        Tk_Window tkwin;       /* Tk_Window used to get font and color
                                * information */
        Tcl_DString dString;   /* Dynamic string used to contain the
                                * PostScript generated. */
        char *fontVarName;     /* Name of a Tcl array variable to convert
                                * X font names to PostScript fonts. */
        char *colorVarName;    /* Name of a Tcl array variable to convert
                                * X color names to PostScript. */
        RbcPsColorMode colorMode;       /* Mode: color or greyscale */
         * Utility space for building strings.  Currently used to create
         * PostScript output for the "postscript" command.
        char scratchArr[BUFSIZ * 2];
    } RbcPsToken;

 * RbxAxisRange --
 *	Designates a range of values by a minimum and maximum limit.
    typedef struct {
        double min;
        double max;
        double range;
        double scale;
    } RbcAxisRange;

 * RbcTicks --
 * 	Structure containing information where the ticks (major or
 *	minor) will be displayed on the graph.
    typedef struct {
        int nTicks;            /* # of ticks on axis */
        double values[1];      /* Array of tick values (malloc-ed). */
    } RbcTicks;

 * RbcTickSweep --
 * 	Structure containing information where the ticks (major or
 *	minor) will be displayed on the graph.
    typedef struct {
        double initial;        /* Initial value */
        double step;           /* Size of interval */
        int nSteps;            /* Number of intervals. */
    } RbcTickSweep;

 * RbcAxis --
 * 	Structure contains options controlling how the axis will be
 * 	displayed.
    typedef struct {
        char *name;            /* Identifier to refer the element.
                                * Used in the "insert", "delete", or
                                * "show", commands. */
        Tk_Uid classUid;       /* Type of axis. */
        RbcGraph *graphPtr;    /* Graph widget of element */
        unsigned int flags;    /* Set bit field definitions below */
         * AXIS_DRAWN               Axis is designated as a logical axis
         * AXIS_DIRTY
         * AXIS_CONFIG_MAJOR        User specified major ticks.
         * AXIS_CONFIG_MINOR        User specified minor ticks.
        char **tags;
        const char *detail;
        int deletePending;     /* Indicates that the axis was
                                * scheduled for deletion. The actual
                                * deletion may be deferred until the
                                * axis is no longer in use.  */
        int refCount;          /* Number of elements referencing this
                                * axis. */
        Tcl_HashEntry *hashPtr; /* Points to axis entry in hash
                                 * table. Used to quickly remove axis
                                 * entries. */
        int logScale;          /* If non-zero, scale the axis values
                                * logarithmically. */
        int hidden;            /* If non-zero, don't display the
                                * axis title, ticks, or line. */
        int showTicks;         /* If non-zero, display tick marks and
                                * labels. */
        int descending;        /* If non-zero, display the range of
                                * values on the axis in descending
                                * order, from high to low. */
        int looseMin, looseMax; /* If non-zero, axis range extends to
                                 * the outer major ticks, otherwise at
                                 * the limits of the data values. This
                                 * is overriddened by setting the -min
                                 * and -max options.  */
        char *title;           /* Title of the axis. */
        RbcTextStyle titleTextStyle;    /* Text attributes (color, font,
                                         * rotation, etc.)  of the axis
                                         * title. */
        int titleAlternate;    /* Indicates whether to position the
                                * title above/left of the axis. */
        RbcPoint2D titlePos;   /* Position of the title */
        unsigned short int titleWidth, titleHeight;
        int lineWidth;         /* Width of lines representing axis
                                * (including ticks).  If zero, then
                                * no axis lines or ticks are
                                * drawn. */
        const char **limitsFormats;     /* One or two strings of sprintf-like
                                         * formats describing how to display
                                         * virtual axis limits. If NULL,
                                         * display no limits. */
        int nFormats;
        RbcTextStyle limitsTextStyle;   /* Text attributes (color, font,
                                         * rotation, etc.)  of the limits. */
        double windowSize;     /* Size of a sliding window of values
                                * used to scale the axis automatically
                                * as new data values are added. The axis
                                * will always display the latest values
                                * in this range. */
        double shiftBy;        /* Shift maximum by this interval. */
        int tickLength;        /* Length of major ticks in pixels */
        RbcTextStyle tickTextStyle;     /* Text attributes (color, font, rotation,
                                         * etc.) for labels at each major tick. */
        char *formatCmd;       /* Specifies a Tcl command, to be invoked
                                * by the axis whenever it has to generate
                                * tick labels. */
        char *scrollCmdPrefix;
        int scrollUnits;
        double min, max;       /* The actual axis range. */
        double reqMin, reqMax; /* Requested axis bounds. Consult the
                                * axisPtr->flags field for
                                * AXIS_CONFIG_MIN and AXIS_CONFIG_MAX
                                * to see if the requested bound have
                                * been set.  They override the
                                * computed range of the axis
                                * (determined by auto-scaling). */
        double scrollMin, scrollMax;    /* Defines the scrolling reqion of the axis.
                                         * Normally the region is determined from
                                         * the data limits. If specified, these
                                         * values override the data-range. */
        RbcAxisRange valueRange;        /* Range of data values of elements mapped
                                         * to this axis. This is used to auto-scale
                                         * the axis in "tight" mode. */
        RbcAxisRange axisRange; /* Smallest and largest major tick values
                                 * for the axis.  The tick values lie outside
                                 * the range of data values.  This is used to
                                 * auto-scale the axis in "loose" mode. */
        double prevMin, prevMax;
        double reqStep;        /* If > 0.0, overrides the computed major
                                * tick interval.  Otherwise a stepsize
                                * is automatically calculated, based
                                * upon the range of elements mapped to the
                                * axis. The default value is 0.0. */
        double tickZoom;       /* If > 0.0, overrides the computed major
                                * tick interval.  Otherwise a stepsize
                                * is automatically calculated, based
                                * upon the range of elements mapped to the
                                * axis. The default value is 0.0. */
        GC  tickGC;            /* Graphics context for axis and tick labels */
        RbcTicks *t1Ptr;       /* Array of major tick positions. May be
                                * set by the user or generated from the
                                * major sweep below. */
        RbcTicks *t2Ptr;       /* Array of minor tick positions. May be
                                * set by the user or generated from the
                                * minor sweep below. */
        RbcTickSweep minorSweep, majorSweep;
        int reqNumMinorTicks;  /* If non-zero, represents the
                                * requested the number of minor ticks
                                * to be uniformally displayed along
                                * each major tick. */
        int labelOffset;       /* If non-zero, indicates that the tick
                                * label should be offset to sit in the
                                * middle of the next interval. */
        /* The following fields are specific to logical axes */
        RbcChainLink *linkPtr; /* Axis link in margin list. */
        RbcChain *chainPtr;
        short int width, height;        /* Extents of axis */
        RbcSegment2D *segments; /* Array of line segments representing
                                 * the major and minor ticks, but also
                                 * the axis line itself. The segment
                                 * coordinates are relative to the
                                 * axis. */
        int nSegments;         /* Number of segments in the above array. */
        RbcChain *tickLabels;  /* Contains major tick label strings
                                * and their offsets along the axis. */
        RbcRegion2D region;
        Tk_3DBorder border;
        int borderWidth;
        int relief;
    } RbcAxis;

 * RbcAxis2D --
 *	The pair of axes mapping a point onto the graph.
    typedef struct {
        RbcAxis *x;
        RbcAxis *y;
    } RbcAxis2D;

* RbcElemWeight --
*	Designates a range of values by a minimum and maximum limit.
    typedef struct {
        double min;
        double max;
        double range;
    } RbcElemWeight;

 * RbcPenStyle --
 * An element has one or more vectors plus several attributes, such as
 * line style, thickness, color, and symbol type.  It has an
 * identifier which distinguishes it among the list of all elements.
    typedef struct {
        RbcElemWeight weight;  /* Weight range where this pen is valid. */
        RbcPen *penPtr;        /* Pen to use. */
        RbcSegment2D *xErrorBars;       /* Point to start of this pen's X-error bar
                                         * segments in the element's array. */
        RbcSegment2D *yErrorBars;       /* Point to start of this pen's Y-error bar
                                         * segments in the element's array. */
        int xErrorBarCnt;      /* # of error bars for this pen. */
        int yErrorBarCnt;      /* # of error bars for this pen. */
        int errorBarCapWidth;  /* Length of the cap ends on each
                                * error bar. */
        int symbolSize;        /* Size of the pen's symbol scaled to
                                * the current graph size. */
    } RbcPenStyle;

    typedef struct {
        int halo;              /* Maximal distance a candidate point
                                * can be from the sample window
                                * coordinate */
        int mode;              /* Indicates whether to find the closest
                                * data point or the closest point on the
                                * trace by interpolating the line segments.
                                * Can also be SEARCH_AUTO, indicating to
                                * choose how to search.*/
        int x, y;              /* Screen coordinates of test point */
        int along;             /* Indicates to let search run along a
                                * particular axis: x, y, or both. */
        /* Output */
        RbcElement *elemPtr;   /* Name of the closest element */
        RbcPoint2D point;      /* Graph coordinates of closest point */
        int index;             /* Index of closest data point */
        double dist;           /* Distance in screen coordinates */
    } RbcClosestSearch;

    typedef void (
        RbcElementDrawProc) (
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        Drawable drawable,
        RbcElement * elemPtr);
    typedef void (
        RbcElementToPostScriptProc) (
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        RbcPsToken * psToken,
        RbcElement * elemPtr);
    typedef void (
        RbcElementDestroyProc) (
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        RbcElement * elemPtr);
    typedef int (
        RbcElementConfigProc) (
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        RbcElement * elemPtr);
    typedef void (
        RbcElementMapProc) (
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        RbcElement * elemPtr);
    typedef void (
        RbcElementExtentsProc) (
        RbcElement * elemPtr,
        RbcExtents2D * extsPtr);
    typedef void (
        RbcElementClosestProc) (
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        RbcElement * elemPtr,
        RbcClosestSearch * searchPtr);
    typedef void (
        RbcElementDrawSymbolProc) (
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        Drawable drawable,
        RbcElement * elemPtr,
        int x,
        int y,
        int symbolSize);
    typedef void (
        RbcElementSymbolToPostScriptProc) (
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        RbcPsToken * psToken,
        RbcElement * elemPtr,
        double x,
        double y,
        int symSize);

 * RbcElementProcs --
    typedef struct {
        RbcElementClosestProc *closestProc;
        RbcElementConfigProc *configProc;
        RbcElementDestroyProc *destroyProc;
        RbcElementDrawProc *drawActiveProc;
        RbcElementDrawProc *drawNormalProc;
        RbcElementDrawSymbolProc *drawSymbolProc;
        RbcElementExtentsProc *extentsProc;
        RbcElementToPostScriptProc *printActiveProc;
        RbcElementToPostScriptProc *printNormalProc;
        RbcElementSymbolToPostScriptProc *printSymbolProc;
        RbcElementMapProc *mapProc;
    } RbcElementProcs;

 * RbcElemVector --
 * The data structure below contains information pertaining to a line
 * vector.  It consists of an array of floating point data values and
 * for convenience, the number and minimum/maximum values.
    typedef struct {
        Rbc_Vector *vecPtr;
        double *valueArr;
        int nValues;
        int arraySize;
        double min, max;
        RbcVectorId clientId;  /* If non-NULL, a client token identifying the
                                * external vector. */
        RbcElement *elemPtr;   /* Element associated with vector. */
    } RbcElemVector;

 * RbcElement --
    typedef struct RbcElement {
        char *name;            /* Identifier to refer the element.
                                * Used in the "insert", "delete", or
                                * "show", commands. */
        Tk_Uid classUid;       /* Type of element */
        RbcGraph *graphPtr;    /* Graph widget of element */
        unsigned int flags;    /* Indicates if the entire element is
                                * active, or if coordinates need to
                                * be calculated */
        char **tags;
        int hidden;            /* If non-zero, don't display the element. */
        Tcl_HashEntry *hashPtr;
        char *label;           /* Label displayed in legend */
        int labelRelief;       /* Relief of label in legend. */
        RbcAxis2D axes;        /* X-axis and Y-axis mapping the element */
        RbcElemVector x, y, w; /* Contains array of floating point
                                * graph coordinate values. Also holds
                                * min/max and the number of
                                * coordinates */
        RbcElemVector xError;  /* Relative/symmetric X error values. */
        RbcElemVector yError;  /* Relative/symmetric Y error values. */
        RbcElemVector xHigh, xLow;      /* Absolute/asymmetric X-coordinate high/low
                                         * error values. */
        RbcElemVector yHigh, yLow;      /* Absolute/asymmetric Y-coordinate high/low
                                         * error values. */
        int *activeIndices;    /* Array of indices (malloc-ed) which
                                * indicate which data points are
                                * active (drawn with "active"
                                * colors). */
        int nActiveIndices;    /* Number of active data points.
                                * Special case: if nActiveIndices < 0
                                * and the active bit is set in
                                * "flags", then all data points are
                                * drawn active. */
        RbcElementProcs *procsPtr;
        Tk_ConfigSpec *specsPtr;        /* Configuration specifications. */
        RbcSegment2D *xErrorBars;       /* Point to start of this pen's X-error bar
                                         * segments in the element's array. */
        RbcSegment2D *yErrorBars;       /* Point to start of this pen's Y-error bar
                                         * segments in the element's array. */
        int xErrorBarCnt;      /* # of error bars for this pen. */
        int yErrorBarCnt;      /* # of error bars for this pen. */
        int *xErrorToData;     /* Maps error bar segments back to the data
                                * point. */
        int *yErrorToData;     /* Maps error bar segments back to the data
                                * point. */
        int errorBarCapWidth;  /* Length of cap on error bars */
        RbcPen *activePenPtr;  /* Standard Pens */
        RbcPen *normalPenPtr;
        RbcChain *palette;     /* Palette of pens. */
        /* Symbol scaling */
        int scaleSymbols;      /* If non-zero, the symbols will scale
                                * in size as the graph is zoomed
                                * in/out.  */
        double xRange, yRange; /* Initial X-axis and Y-axis ranges:
                                * used to scale the size of element's
                                * symbol. */
        int state;
    } RbcElement;

 * RbcFreqInfo --
    typedef struct {
        int freq;              /* Number of occurrences of x-coordinate */
        RbcAxis2D axes;        /* Indicates which x and y axis are mapped to
                                * the x-value */
        double sum;            /* Sum of the ordinates of each duplicate
                                * abscissa */
        int count;
        double lastY;

    } RbcFreqInfo;

 * RbcBarMode --
 *	Bar elements are displayed according to their x-y coordinates.
 *	If two bars have the same abscissa (x-coordinate), the bar
 *	segments will be drawn according to one of the following
 *	modes:
    typedef enum {
        MODE_INFRONT,          /* Each successive segment is drawn in
                                * front of the previous. */
        MODE_STACKED,          /* Each successive segment is drawn
                                * stacked above the previous. */
        MODE_ALIGNED,          /* Each successive segment is drawn
                                * aligned to the previous from
                                * right-to-left. */
        MODE_OVERLAP           /* Like "aligned", each successive segment
                                * is drawn from right-to-left. In addition
                                * the segments will overlap each other
                                * by a small amount */
    } RbcBarMode;

    typedef RbcPen *(
        PenCreateProc) (
    typedef int (
        PenConfigureProc) (
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        RbcPen * penPtr);
    typedef void (
        PenDestroyProc) (
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        RbcPen * penPtr);

 * RbcPen --
    typedef struct RbcPen {
        char *name;            /* Pen style identifier.  If NULL pen
                                * was statically allocated. */
        Tk_Uid classUid;       /* Type of pen */
        char *typeId;          /* String token identifying the type of pen */
        unsigned int flags;    /* Indicates if the pen element is active or
                                * normal */
        int refCount;          /* Reference count for elements using
                                * this pen. */
        Tcl_HashEntry *hashPtr;

        Tk_ConfigSpec *configSpecs;     /* Configuration specifications */

        PenConfigureProc *configProc;
        PenDestroyProc *destroyProc;

    } RbcPen;

 * RbcPostScript --
 * 	Structure contains information specific to the outputting of
 *	PostScript commands to print the graph.
    typedef struct {
        /* User configurable fields */

        int decorations;       /* If non-zero, print graph with
                                * color background and 3D borders */

        int reqWidth, reqHeight;        /* If greater than zero, represents the
                                         * requested dimensions of the printed graph */
        int reqPaperWidth;
        int reqPaperHeight;    /* Requested dimensions for the PostScript
                                * page. Can constrain the size of the graph
                                * if the graph (plus padding) is larger than
                                * the size of the page. */
        RbcPad padX, padY;     /* Requested padding on the exterior of the
                                * graph. This forms the bounding box for
                                * the page. */
        RbcPsColorMode colorMode;       /* Selects the color mode for PostScript page
                                         * (0=monochrome, 1=greyscale, 2=color) */
        char *colorVarName;    /* If non-NULL, is the name of a Tcl array
                                * variable containing X to PostScript color
                                * translations */
        char *fontVarName;     /* If non-NULL, is the name of a Tcl array
                                * variable containing X to PostScript font
                                * translations */
        int landscape;         /* If non-zero, orient the page 90 degrees */
        int center;            /* If non-zero, center the graph on the page */
        int maxpect;           /* If non-zero, indicates to scale the graph
                                * so that it fills the page (maintaining the
                                * aspect ratio of the graph) */
        int addPreview;        /* If non-zero, generate a preview image and
                                * add it to the PostScript output */
        int footer;            /* If non-zero, a footer with the title, date
                                * and user will be added to the PostScript
                                * output outside of the bounding box. */
        int previewFormat;     /* Format of EPS preview:
                                * PS_PREVIEW_WMF, PS_PREVIEW_EPSI, or
                                * PS_PREVIEW_TIFF. */

        /* Computed fields */

        int left, bottom;      /* Bounding box of PostScript plot. */
        int right, top;

        double pageScale;      /* Scale of page. Set if "-maxpect" option
                                * is set, otherwise 1.0. */
    } RbcPostScript;

 * RbcGrid --
 *	Contains attributes of describing how to draw grids (at major
 *	ticks) in the graph.  Grids may be mapped to either/both x and
 *	y axis.
    typedef struct {
        GC  gc;                /* Graphics context for the grid. */
        RbcAxis2D axes;
        int hidden;            /* If non-zero, grid isn't displayed. */
        int minorGrid;         /* If non-zero, draw grid line for minor
                                * axis ticks too */
        RbcDashes dashes;      /* Dashstyle of the grid. This represents
                                * an array of alternatingly drawn pixel
                                * values. */
        int lineWidth;         /* Width of the grid lines */
        XColor *colorPtr;      /* Color of the grid lines */

        struct GridSegments {
            RbcSegment2D *segments;     /* Array of line segments representing the
                                         * x or y grid lines */
            int nSegments;     /* # of axis segments. */
        } x,

    } RbcGrid;

 * RbcMargin --
    typedef struct {
        short int width, height;        /* Extents of the margin */

        short int axesOffset;
        short int axesTitleLength;      /* Width of the widest title to be shown.
                                         * Multiple titles are displayed in
                                         * another margin. This is the minimum
                                         * space requirement. */
        unsigned int nAxes;    /* Number of axes to be displayed */
        RbcChain *axes;        /* Extra axes associated with this margin */

        char *varName;         /* If non-NULL, name of variable to be
                                * updated when the margin size changes */

        int reqSize;           /* Requested size of margin */
        int site;              /* Indicates where margin is located:
                                * left/right/top/bottom. */
    } RbcMargin;

 * RbcGraph --
 *	Top level structure containing everything pertaining to
 *	the graph.
    typedef struct RbcGraph {
        Tk_Window *win;
        Tcl_Object object;
        Tcl_Interp *interp;    /* Interpreter associated with graph */
        Display *display;      /* Display containing widget; needed,
                                * among other things, to release
                                * resources after tkwin has already gone
                                * away. */
        unsigned int flags;    /* Flags;  see below for definitions. */
        Tk_Cursor cursor;
        int inset;             /* Sum of focus highlight and 3-D
                                * border.  Indicates how far to
                                * offset the graph from outside
                                * edge of the window. */
        int borderWidth;       /* Width of the exterior border */
        int relief;            /* Relief of the exterior border */
        Tk_3DBorder border;    /* 3-D border used to delineate the plot
                                * surface and outer edge of window */
        int highlightWidth;    /* Width in pixels of highlight to draw
                                * around widget when it has the focus.
                                * <= 0 means don't draw a highlight. */
        XColor *highlightBgColor;       /* Color for drawing traversal highlight
                                         * area when highlight is off. */
        XColor *highlightColor; /* Color for drawing traversal highlight. */
        char *title;
        short int titleX, titleY;
        RbcTextStyle titleTextStyle;    /* Graph title */
        char *takeFocus;
        int reqWidth, reqHeight;        /* Requested size of graph window */
        int width, height;     /* Size of graph window or PostScript
                                * page */
        Tcl_HashTable penTable; /* Table of pens */
        struct Component {
            Tcl_HashTable table;        /* Hash table of ids. */
            RbcChain *displayList;      /* Display list. */
            Tcl_HashTable tagTable;     /* Table of bind tags. */
        } elements,
        Tk_Uid classUid;       /* Default element type */
        const char *chartStyle; /* one of line, bar or strip */
        RbcBindTable *bindTable;
        int nextMarkerId;      /* Tracks next marker identifier available */
        RbcChain *axisChain[4]; /* Chain of axes for each of the
                                 * margins.  They're separate from the
                                 * margin structures to make it easier
                                 * to invert the X-Y axes by simply
                                 * switching chain pointers.
        RbcMargin margins[4];
        RbcPostScript *postscript;      /* PostScript options: see rbcGrPS.c */
        RbcLegend *legend;     /* Legend information: see rbcGrLegd.c */
        RbcCrosshairs *crosshairs;      /* Crosshairs information: see rbcGrHairs.c */
        RbcGrid *gridPtr;      /* Grid attribute information */
        int halo;              /* Maximum distance allowed between points
                                * when searching for a point */
        int inverted;          /* If non-zero, indicates the x and y axis
                                * positions should be inverted. */
        RbcTile tile;
        GC  drawGC;            /* Used for drawing on the margins. This
                                * includes the axis lines */
        GC  fillGC;            /* Used to fill the background of the
                                * margins. The fill is governed by
                                * the background color or the tiled
                                * pixmap. */
        int plotBorderWidth;   /* Width of interior 3-D border. */
        int plotRelief;        /* 3-d effect: TK_RELIEF_RAISED etc. */
        XColor *plotBg;        /* Color of plotting surface */
        GC  plotFillGC;        /* Used to fill the plotting area with a
                                * solid background color. The fill color
                                * is stored in "plotBg". */
        /* If non-zero, force plot to conform to aspect ratio W/H */
        double aspect;
        short int left, right; /* Coordinates of plot bbox */
        short int top, bottom;
        RbcPad padX;           /* Vertical padding for plotarea */
        int vRange, vOffset;   /* Vertical axis range and offset from the
                                * left side of the graph window. Used to
                                * transform coordinates to vertical
                                * axes. */
        RbcPad padY;           /* Horizontal padding for plotarea */
        int hRange, hOffset;   /* Horizontal axis range and offset from
                                * the top of the graph window. Used to
                                * transform horizontal axes */
        double vScale, hScale;
        int doubleBuffer;      /* If non-zero, draw the graph into a pixmap
                                * first to reduce flashing. */
        int backingStore;      /* If non-zero, cache elements by drawing
                                * them into a pixmap */
        Pixmap backPixmap;     /* Pixmap used to cache elements
                                * displayed.  If *backingStore* is
                                * non-zero, each element is drawn
                                * into this pixmap before it is
                                * copied onto the screen.  The pixmap
                                * then acts as a cache (only the
                                * pixmap is redisplayed if the none
                                * of elements have changed). This is
                                * done so that markers can be redrawn
                                * quickly over elements without
                                * redrawing each element. */
        int backWidth, backHeight;      /* Size of element backing store pixmap. */
         * barchart specific information
        double baseline;       /* Baseline from bar chart.  */
        double barWidth;       /* Default width of each bar in graph units.
                                * The default width is 1.0 units. */
        RbcBarMode mode;       /* Mode describing how to display bars
                                * with the same x-coordinates. Mode can
                                * be "stack", "align", or "normal" */
        RbcFreqInfo *freqArr;  /* Contains information about duplicate
                                * x-values in bar elements (malloc-ed).
                                * This information can also be accessed
                                * by the frequency hash table */
        Tcl_HashTable freqTable;        /* */
        int nStacks;           /* Number of entries in frequency array.
                                * If zero, indicates nothing special needs
                                * to be done for "stack" or "align" modes */
    } RbcGraph;

    typedef ClientData(
        MakeTagProc) (
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        const char *tagName);

    typedef int (
        RbcSwitchParseProc) (
        ClientData clientData,
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        char *switchName,
        char *value,
        char *record,
        int offset);

    typedef void (
        RbcSwitchFreeProc) (
        char *ptr);

 * RbcSwitchCustom --
    typedef struct {
        RbcSwitchParseProc *parseProc;  /* Procedure to parse a switch value
                                         * and store it in its converted
                                         * form in the data record. */
        RbcSwitchFreeProc *freeProc;    /* Procedure to free a switch. */
        ClientData clientData; /* Arbitrary one-word value
                                * used by switch parser,
                                * passed to parseProc. */
    } RbcSwitchCustom;

 * Type values for RbcSwitchSpec structures.  See the user
 * documentation for details.
    typedef enum {
    } RbcSwitchTypes;

    typedef struct {
        RbcSwitchTypes type;   /* Type of option, such as RBC_SWITCH_DOUBLE;
                                * see definitions above.  Last option in
                                * table must have type RBC_SWITCH_END. */
        const char *switchName; /* Switch used to specify option in argv.
                                 * NULL means this spec is part of a group. */
        int offset;            /* Where in widget record to store value;
                                * use RbcOffset macro to generate values
                                * for this. */
        int flags;             /* Any combination of the values defined
                                * below. */
        RbcSwitchCustom *customPtr;     /* If type is RBC_SWITCH_CUSTOM then this is
                                         * a pointer to info about how to parse and
                                         * print the option.  Otherwise it is
                                         * irrelevant. */
        int value;
    } RbcSwitchSpec;

 * RbcResampleFilter --
 *      Contains information about a 1-D filter (its support and
 *	the procedure implementing the filter).
    typedef struct {
        const char *name;      /* Name of the filter */
        ResampleFilterProc *proc;       /* 1-D filter procedure. */
        double support;        /* Width of 1-D filter */
    } RbcResampleFilter;

 * Data declarations:
    extern double rbcNaN;
    extern RbcResampleFilter *rbcBoxFilterPtr;  /* The ubiquitous box filter */
    extern Tk_Uid rbcBarElementUid;
    extern Tk_Uid rbcLineElementUid;
    extern Tk_Uid rbcStripElementUid;
    extern Tk_Uid rbcLineMarkerUid;
    extern Tk_Uid rbcBitmapMarkerUid;
    extern Tk_Uid rbcImageMarkerUid;
    extern Tk_Uid rbcTextMarkerUid;
    extern Tk_Uid rbcPolygonMarkerUid;
    extern Tk_Uid rbcWindowMarkerUid;
    extern Tk_Uid rbcXAxisUid;
    extern Tk_Uid rbcYAxisUid;

 * Inline function declarations:

/* int RbcNumberOfPoints(RbcAxis2D e); */
#define RbcNumberOfPoints(e)	MIN((e)->x.nValues, (e)->y.nValues)

/* int RbcLineWidth(int w); */
#define RbcLineWidth(w)	(((w) > 1) ? (w) : 0)

/* int RbcPadding(RbcPad w); */
#define RbcPadding(x)	((x).side1 + (x).side2)

/* ClientData RbcGetCurrentItem(RbcBindTable *bindPtr); */
#define RbcGetCurrentItem(bindPtr)  ((bindPtr)->currentItem)
/* */
/* ClientData RbcGetBindingData(RbcBindTable *bindPtr); */
#define RbcGetBindingData(bindPtr)  ((bindPtr)->clientData)
/* int RbcChainGetLength(RbcChain *c); */
#define RbcChainGetLength(c)	(((c) == NULL) ? 0 : (c)->nLinks)
/* RbcChainLink *RbcChainFirstLink(RbcChain *c); */
#define RbcChainFirstLink(c)	(((c) == NULL) ? NULL : (c)->headPtr)
/* */
/* RbcChainLink *RbcChainLastLink(RbcChain *c); */
#define RbcChainLastLink(c)	(((c) == NULL) ? NULL : (c)->tailPtr)
/* RbcChainLink *RbcChainPrevLink(RbcChainLink *l); */
#define RbcChainPrevLink(l)	((l)->prevPtr)
/* RbcChainLink *RbcChainNextLink(RbcChainLink *l); */
#define RbcChainNextLink(l) 	((l)->nextPtr)
/* ClientData RbcChainGetValue(RbcChainLink *l); */
#define RbcChainGetValue(l)  	((l)->clientData)
/* void RbcChainSetValue(RbcChainLink *l, ClientData value); */
#define RbcChainSetValue(l, value) ((l)->clientData = (ClientData)(value))

 * Function declarations:

/* rbcBind.c */
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcConfigureBindings(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        RbcBindTable * table,
        ClientData item,
        int argc,
        const char **argv);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcConfigureBindingsFromObj(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        RbcBindTable * table,
        ClientData item,
        int objc,
        Tcl_Obj * const *objv);
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcBindTable *RbcCreateBindingTable(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        Tk_Window tkwin,
        ClientData clientData,
        RbcBindPickProc * pickProc);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcDestroyBindingTable(
        RbcBindTable * table);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcPickCurrentItem(
        RbcBindTable * table);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcDeleteBindings(
        RbcBindTable * table,
        ClientData object);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcMoveBindingTable(
        RbcBindTable * table,
        Tk_Window tkwin);

/* rbcChain,c */
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcChain *RbcChainCreate(
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcChainInit(
        RbcChain * chainPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcChainLinkAfter(
        RbcChain * chainPtr,
        RbcChainLink * linkPtr,
        RbcChainLink * afterLinkPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcChainLinkBefore(
        RbcChain * chainPtr,
        RbcChainLink * linkPtr,
        RbcChainLink * beforeLinkPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcChainLink *RbcChainNewLink(
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcChainReset(
        RbcChain * chainPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcChainDestroy(
        RbcChain * chainPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcChainUnlinkLink(
        RbcChain * chainPtr,
        RbcChainLink * linkPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcChainDeleteLink(
        RbcChain * chainPtr,
        RbcChainLink * linkPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcChainLink *RbcChainAppend(
        RbcChain * chainPtr,
        ClientData clientData);
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcChainLink *RbcChainPrepend(
        RbcChain * chainPtr,
        ClientData clientData);
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcChainLink *RbcChainAllocLink(
        unsigned int size);

/* rbcConfig.c */
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcGraphOptionSetPad(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        Tcl_Object object,
        Tcl_Obj * value,
        RbcPad * address);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcGraphOptionSetShadow(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        Tcl_Object object,
        Tcl_Obj * value,
        RbcShadow * shadow);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcGraphOptionSetTile(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        Tcl_Object object,
        Tcl_Obj * value,
        RbcTile * tile);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcGetPixels(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        Tk_Window tkwin,
        const char *string,
        int check,
        int *valuePtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcConfigModified(
        Tk_ConfigSpec * specs,
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcConfigureWidgetComponent(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        Tk_Window tkwin,
        const char *name,
        const char *class,
        const Tk_ConfigSpec * specs,
        int argc,
        const char **argv,
        char *widgRec,
        int flags);

/* rbcGraph.c */
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcGraph *RbcGraphFromObject(
        Tcl_Object object);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcEventuallyRedrawGraph(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcGraphInstCmdProc(
        ClientData clientData,
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int argc,
        const char *argv[]);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcLayoutGraph(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcDrawGraph(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        Drawable drawable,
        int backingStore);
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcGraph *RbcGetGraphFromWindowData(
        Tk_Window tkwin);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcGraphType(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr);

/* rbcGrAxis.c */
    MODULE_SCOPE double RbcInvHMap(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        RbcAxis * axisPtr,
        double x);
    MODULE_SCOPE double RbcInvVMap(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        RbcAxis * axisPtr,
        double x);
    MODULE_SCOPE double RbcHMap(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        RbcAxis * axisPtr,
        double x);
    MODULE_SCOPE double RbcVMap(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        RbcAxis * axisPtr,
        double y);
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcPoint2D RbcMap2D(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        double x,
        double y,
        RbcAxis2D * pairPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcPoint2D RbcInvMap2D(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        double x,
        double y,
        RbcAxis2D * pairPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcResetAxes(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcGetAxisSegments(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        RbcAxis * axisPtr,
        RbcSegment2D ** segPtrPtr,
        int *nSegmentsPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcLayoutMargins(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcDestroyAxes(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcDefaultAxes(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcVirtualAxisOp(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int argc,
        const char **argv);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcAxisOp(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        int margin,
        int argc,
        const char **argv);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcMapAxes(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcDrawAxes(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        Drawable drawable);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcAxesToPostScript(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        RbcPsToken * psToken);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcDrawAxisLimits(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        Drawable drawable);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcAxisLimitsToPostScript(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        RbcPsToken * psToken);
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcAxis *RbcGetFirstAxis(
        RbcChain * chainPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcAxis *RbcNearestAxis(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        int x,
        int y);
    MODULE_SCOPE ClientData RbcMakeAxisTag(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        const char *tagName);

/* rbcGrBar.c */
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcPen *RbcBarPen(
        const char *penName);
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcElement *RbcBarElement(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        const char *name,
        Tk_Uid type);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcInitFreqTable(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcComputeStacks(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcResetStacks(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr);

/* rbcGrElem.c */
    MODULE_SCOPE double RbcFindElemVectorMinimum(
        RbcElemVector * vecPtr,
        double minLimit);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcFreePalette(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        RbcChain * palette);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcStringToStyles(
        ClientData clientData,
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        Tk_Window tkwin,
        const char *string,
        char *widgRec,
        int offset);
    MODULE_SCOPE const char *RbcStylesToString(
        ClientData clientData,
        Tk_Window tkwin,
        char *widgRec,
        int offset,
        Tcl_FreeProc ** freeProcPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcPenStyle **RbcStyleMap(
        RbcElement * elemPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcMapErrorBars(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        RbcElement * elemPtr,
        RbcPenStyle ** dataToStyle);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcDestroyElements(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcMapElements(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcDrawElements(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        Drawable drawable);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcDrawActiveElements(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        Drawable drawable);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcElementsToPostScript(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        RbcPsToken * psToken);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcActiveElementsToPostScript(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        RbcPsToken * psToken);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcGraphUpdateNeeded(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE ClientData RbcMakeElementTag(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        const char *tagName);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcElementOp(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int argc,
        const char **argv,
        Tk_Uid classUid);

/* rbcGrGrid.c */
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcMapGrid(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcDrawGrid(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        Drawable drawable);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcGridToPostScript(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        RbcPsToken * psToken);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcDestroyGrid(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcCreateGrid(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcGridOp(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int argc,
        const char **argv);

/* rbcGrHairs.c */
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcConfigureCrosshairs(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcEnableCrosshairs(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcDisableCrosshairs(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcUpdateCrosshairs(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcDestroyCrosshairs(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcCreateCrosshairs(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcCrosshairsOp(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int argc,
        const char **argv);

/* rbcGrLegd.c */
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcMapLegend(
        RbcLegend * legendPtr,
        int width,
        int height);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcDrawLegend(
        RbcLegend * legendPtr,
        Drawable drawable);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcLegendToPostScript(
        RbcLegend * legendPtr,
        RbcPsToken * psToken);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcDestroyLegend(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcCreateLegend(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcLegendOp(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int argc,
        const char **argv);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcLegendSite(
        RbcLegend * legendPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcLegendWidth(
        RbcLegend * legendPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcLegendHeight(
        RbcLegend * legendPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcLegendIsHidden(
        RbcLegend * legendPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcLegendIsRaised(
        RbcLegend * legendPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcLegendX(
        RbcLegend * legendPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcLegendY(
        RbcLegend * legendPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcLegendRemoveElement(
        RbcLegend * legendPtr,
        RbcElement * elemPtr);

/* rbcGrLine.c */
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcPen *RbcLinePen(
        const char *penName);
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcElement *RbcLineElement(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        const char *name,
        Tk_Uid classUid);

/* rbcGrMarker.c */
    MODULE_SCOPE ClientData RbcMakeMarkerTag(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        const char *tagName);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcMarkerOp(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int argc,
        const char **argv);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcMarkersToPostScript(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        RbcPsToken * psToken,
        int under);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcDrawMarkers(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        Drawable drawable,
        int under);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcMapMarkers(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcDestroyMarkers(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcMarker *RbcNearestMarker(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        int x,
        int y,
        int under);

/* rbcGrMisc.c */
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcGetXY(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        Tk_Window tkwin,
        const char *string,
        int *x,
        int *y);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcFreeColorPair(
        RbcColorPair * pairPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcPointInSegments(
        RbcPoint2D * samplePtr,
        RbcSegment2D * segments,
        int nSegments,
        double halo);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcPointInPolygon(
        RbcPoint2D * samplePtr,
        RbcPoint2D * screenPts,
        int nScreenPts);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcRegionInPolygon(
        RbcExtents2D * extsPtr,
        RbcPoint2D * points,
        int nPoints,
        int enclosed);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcGraphExtents(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        RbcExtents2D * extsPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcLineRectClip(
        RbcExtents2D * extsPtr,
        RbcPoint2D * p,
        RbcPoint2D * q);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcPolyRectClip(
        RbcExtents2D * extsPtr,
        RbcPoint2D * inputPts,
        int nInputPts,
        RbcPoint2D * outputPts);
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcPoint2D RbcGetProjection(
        int x,
        int y,
        RbcPoint2D * p,
        RbcPoint2D * q);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcAdjustViewport(
        int offset,
        int worldSize,
        int windowSize,
        int scrollUnits,
        int scrollMode);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcGetScrollInfo(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int argc,
        char **argv,
        int *offsetPtr,
        int worldSize,
        int windowSize,
        int scrollUnits,
        int scrollMode);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcGetScrollInfoFromObj(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int objc,
        Tcl_Obj * const *objv,
        int *offsetPtr,
        int worldSize,
        int windowSize,
        int scrollUnits,
        int scrollMode);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcUpdateScrollbar(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        char *scrollCmd,
        double firstFract,
        double lastFract);
    MODULE_SCOPE GC RbcGetPrivateGCFromDrawable(
        Display * display,
        Drawable drawable,
        unsigned long gcMask,
        XGCValues * valuePtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE GC RbcGetPrivateGC(
        Tk_Window tkwin,
        unsigned long gcMask,
        XGCValues * valuePtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcFreePrivateGC(
        Display * display,
        GC gc);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcSetDashes(
        Display * display,
        GC gc,
        RbcDashes * dashesPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcSimplifyLine(
        RbcPoint2D * origPts,
        int low,
        int high,
        double tolerance,
        int indices[]);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcDraw2DSegments(
        Display * display,
        Drawable drawable,
        GC gc,
        RbcSegment2D * segments,
        int nSegments);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcMaxRequestSize(
        Display * display,
        unsigned int elemSize);

/* rbcPen.c */
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcFreePen(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        RbcPen * penPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcPen *RbcCreatePen(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        const char *penName,
        Tk_Uid classUid,
        int nOpts,
        const char **options);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcGetPen(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        const char *name,
        Tk_Uid classUid,
        RbcPen ** penPtrPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcDestroyPens(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcPenOp(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int argc,
        const char **argv);

/* rbcGrPs.c */
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcDestroyPostScript(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcCreatePostScript(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcPostScriptOp(
        RbcGraph * graphPtr,
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int argc,
        const char *argv[]);

/* rbcImage.c */
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcColorImage *RbcCreateColorImage(
        int width,
        int height);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcFreeColorImage(
        RbcColorImage * image);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcGammaCorrectColorImage(
        RbcColorImage * src,
        double newGamma);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcColorImageToGreyscale(
        RbcColorImage * image);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcColorImageToPhoto(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        RbcColorImage * image,
        Tk_PhotoHandle photo);
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcColorImage *RbcPhotoRegionToColorImage(
        Tk_PhotoHandle photo,
        int x,
        int y,
        int width,
        int height);
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcColorImage *RbcPhotoToColorImage(
        Tk_PhotoHandle photo);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcGetResampleFilter(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        char *filterName,
        RbcResampleFilter ** filterPtrPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcColorImage *RbcResampleColorImage(
        RbcColorImage * image,
        int destWidth,
        int destHeight,
        RbcResampleFilter * horzFilterPtr,
        RbcResampleFilter * vertFilterPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcResamplePhoto(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        Tk_PhotoHandle srcPhoto,
        int x,
        int y,
        int width,
        int height,
        Tk_PhotoHandle destPhoto,
        RbcResampleFilter * horzFilterPtr,
        RbcResampleFilter * vertFilterPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcResizePhoto(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        Tk_PhotoHandle srcPhoto,
        int x,
        int y,
        int width,
        int height,
        Tk_PhotoHandle destPhoto);
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcColorImage *RbcResizeColorImage(
        RbcColorImage * src,
        int x,
        int y,
        int width,
        int height,
        int destWidth,
        int destHeight);
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcColorImage *RbcResizeColorSubimage(
        RbcColorImage * src,
        int x,
        int y,
        int width,
        int height,
        int destWidth,
        int destHeight);
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcColorImage *RbcConvolveColorImage(
        RbcColorImage * srcImage,
        RbcFilter2D * filter);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcSnapPhoto(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        Tk_Window tkwin,
        Drawable drawable,
        int x,
        int y,
        int width,
        int height,
        int destWidth,
        int destHeight,
        const char *photoName,
        double inputGamma);
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcColorImage *RbcRotateColorImage(
        RbcColorImage * image,
        double theta);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcQuantizeColorImage(
        RbcColorImage * src,
        RbcColorImage * dest,
        int nColors);
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcRegion2D *RbcSetRegion(
        int x,
        int y,
        int width,
        int height,
        RbcRegion2D * regionPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE Tk_Image RbcCreateTemporaryImage(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        Tk_Window tkwin,
        ClientData clientData);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcDestroyTemporaryImage(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        Tk_Image tkImage);
    MODULE_SCOPE const char *RbcNameOfImage(
        Tk_Image tkImage);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcImageIsDeleted(
        Tk_Image tkImage);

/* rbcParse.c */
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcExpandParseValue(
        RbcParseValue * parsePtr,
        int needed);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcParseNestedCmd(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        char *string,
        int flags,
        char **termPtr,
        RbcParseValue * parsePtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcParseBraces(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        char *string,
        char **termPtr,
        RbcParseValue * parsePtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcParseQuotes(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        char *string,
        int termChar,
        int flags,
        char **termPtr,
        RbcParseValue * parsePtr);

/* rbcPs.c */
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcPsToken *RbcGetPsToken(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        Tk_Window tkwin);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcReleasePsToken(
        RbcPsToken * psToken);
    MODULE_SCOPE char *RbcPostScriptFromToken(
        RbcPsToken * psToken);
    MODULE_SCOPE char *RbcScratchBufferFromToken(
        RbcPsToken * psToken);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcAppendToPostScript(
        RbcPsToken * psToken,
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcFormatToPostScript(
        RbcPsToken * psToken,
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcBackgroundToPostScript(
        RbcPsToken * psToken,
        XColor * colorPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcForegroundToPostScript(
        RbcPsToken * psToken,
        XColor * colorPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcBitmapDataToPostScript(
        RbcPsToken * psToken,
        Display * display,
        Pixmap bitmap,
        int width,
        int height);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcColorImageToPsData(
        RbcColorImage * image,
        int nComponents,
        Tcl_DString * resultPtr,
        const char *prefix);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcClearBackgroundToPostScript(
        RbcPsToken * psToken);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcLineWidthToPostScript(
        RbcPsToken * psToken,
        int lineWidth);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcLineDashesToPostScript(
        RbcPsToken * psToken,
        RbcDashes * dashesPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcLineAttributesToPostScript(
        RbcPsToken * psToken,
        XColor * colorPtr,
        int lineWidth,
        RbcDashes * dashesPtr,
        int capStyle,
        int joinStyle);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcRectangleToPostScript(
        RbcPsToken * psToken,
        double x,
        double y,
        int width,
        int height);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcRegionToPostScript(
        RbcPsToken * psToken,
        double x,
        double y,
        int width,
        int height);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcPathToPostScript(
        RbcPsToken * psToken,
        RbcPoint2D * screenPts,
        int nScreenPts);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcPolygonToPostScript(
        RbcPsToken * psToken,
        RbcPoint2D * screenPts,
        int nScreenPts);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcSegmentsToPostScript(
        RbcPsToken * psToken,
        XSegment * segArr,
        int nSegs);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcRectanglesToPostScript(
        RbcPsToken * psToken,
        XRectangle * rectArr,
        int nRects);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcDraw3DRectangleToPostScript(
        RbcPsToken * psToken,
        Tk_3DBorder border,
        double x,
        double y,
        int width,
        int height,
        int borderWidth,
        int relief);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcFill3DRectangleToPostScript(
        RbcPsToken * psToken,
        Tk_3DBorder border,
        double x,
        double y,
        int width,
        int height,
        int borderWidth,
        int relief);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcStippleToPostScript(
        RbcPsToken * psToken,
        Display * display,
        Pixmap bitmap);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcColorImageToPostScript(
        RbcPsToken * psToken,
        RbcColorImage * image,
        double x,
        double y);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcWindowToPostScript(
        RbcPsToken * psToken,
        Tk_Window tkwin,
        double x,
        double y);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcPhotoToPostScript(
        RbcPsToken * psToken,
        Tk_PhotoHandle photoToken,
        double x,
        double y);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcFontToPostScript(
        RbcPsToken * psToken,
        Tk_Font font);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcTextToPostScript(
        RbcPsToken * psToken,
        char *string,
        RbcTextStyle * attrPtr,
        double x,
        double y);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcLineToPostScript(
        RbcPsToken * psToken,
        XPoint * pointArr,
        int nPoints);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcBitmapToPostScript(
        RbcPsToken * psToken,
        Display * display,
        Pixmap bitmap,
        double scaleX,
        double scaleY);
    MODULE_SCOPE void Rbc2DSegmentsToPostScript(
        RbcPsToken * psToken,
        RbcSegment2D * segments,
        int nSegments);

/* rbcSpline.c */
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcQuadraticSpline(
        RbcPoint2D * origPts,
        int nOrigPts,
        RbcPoint2D * intpPts,
        int nIntpPts);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcNaturalSpline(
        RbcPoint2D * origPts,
        int nOrigPts,
        RbcPoint2D * intpPts,
        int nIntpPts);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcSplineInit(
        Tcl_Interp * interp);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcNaturalParametricSpline(
        RbcPoint2D * origPts,
        int nOrigPts,
        RbcExtents2D * extsPtr,
        int isClosed,
        RbcPoint2D * intpPts,
        int nIntpPts);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcCatromParametricSpline(
        RbcPoint2D * origPts,
        int nOrigPts,
        RbcPoint2D * intpPts,
        int nIntpPts);

/* rbcSwitch.c */
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcProcessSwitches(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        RbcSwitchSpec * specs,
        int argc,
        const char **argv,
        char *record,
        int flags);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcProcessObjSwitches(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        RbcSwitchSpec * specPtr,
        int objc,
        Tcl_Obj * const *objv,
        char *record,
        int flags);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcFreeSwitches(
        RbcSwitchSpec * specs,
        char *record,
        int flags);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcSwitchChanged(
        RbcSwitchSpec * specs,

/* rbcText.c */
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcTextLayout *RbcGetTextLayout(
        char *string,
        RbcTextStyle * stylePtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcGetTextExtents(
        RbcTextStyle * stylePtr,
        char *text,
        int *widthPtr,
        int *heightPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcGetBoundingBox(
        int width,
        int height,
        double theta,
        double *widthPtr,
        double *heightPtr,
        RbcPoint2D * points);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcTranslateAnchor(
        int x,
        int y,
        int width,
        int height,
        Tk_Anchor anchor,
        int *transXPtr,
        int *transYPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcPoint2D RbcTranslatePoint(
        RbcPoint2D * pointPtr,
        int width,
        int height,
        Tk_Anchor anchor);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcInitTextStyle(
        RbcTextStyle * stylePtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcSetDrawTextStyle(
        RbcTextStyle * stylePtr,
        Tk_Font font,
        GC gc,
        XColor * normalColor,
        XColor * activeColor,
        XColor * shadowColor,
        double theta,
        Tk_Anchor anchor,
        Tk_Justify justify,
        int leader,
        int shadowOffset);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcSetPrintTextStyle(
        RbcTextStyle * stylePtr,
        Tk_Font font,
        XColor * fgColor,
        XColor * bgColor,
        XColor * shadowColor,
        double theta,
        Tk_Anchor anchor,
        Tk_Justify justify,
        int leader,
        int shadowOffset);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcDrawTextLayout(
        Tk_Window tkwin,
        Drawable drawable,
        RbcTextLayout * textPtr,
        RbcTextStyle * stylePtr,
        int x,
        int y);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcDrawText2(
        Tk_Window tkwin,
        Drawable drawable,
        char *string,
        RbcTextStyle * stylePtr,
        int x,
        int y,
        RbcDim2D * dimPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcDrawText(
        Tk_Window tkwin,
        Drawable drawable,
        char *string,
        RbcTextStyle * stylePtr,
        int x,
        int y);
        Tk_Window tkwin);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcResetTextStyle(
        Tk_Window tkwin,
        RbcTextStyle * stylePtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcFreeTextStyle(
        Display * display,
        RbcTextStyle * stylePtr);

/* rbcTile.c */
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcGetTile(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        Tk_Window tkwin,
        const char *imageName,
        RbcTile * tilePtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcFreeTile(
        RbcTile tile);
    MODULE_SCOPE const char *RbcNameOfTile(
        RbcTile tile);
    Pixmap RbcPixmapOfTile(
        RbcTile tile);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcSizeOfTile(
        RbcTile tile,
        int *widthPtr,
        int *heightPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcSetTileChangedProc(
        RbcTile tile,
        RbcTileChangedProc * changeProc,
        ClientData clientData);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcSetTileOrigin(
        Tk_Window tkwin,
        RbcTile tile,
        int x,
        int y);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcSetTSOrigin(
        Tk_Window tkwin,
        RbcTile tile,
        int x,
        int y);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcTilePolygon(
        Tk_Window tkwin,
        Drawable drawable,
        RbcTile tile,
        XPoint * pointArr,
        int nPoints);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcTileRectangle(
        Tk_Window tkwin,
        Drawable drawable,
        RbcTile tile,
        int x,
        int y,
        unsigned int width,
        unsigned int height);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcTileRectangles(
        Tk_Window tkwin,
        Drawable drawable,
        RbcTile tile,
        XRectangle * rectArr,
        int nRects);

/* rbcUtil.c */
    MODULE_SCOPE void *RbcCalloc(
        unsigned int nElem,
        size_t size);
    MODULE_SCOPE char *RbcStrdup(
        const char *ptr);
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcOp RbcGetOp(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int nSpecs,
        RbcOpSpec * specArr,
        int operPos,
        int argc,
        const char **argv,
        int flags);
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcOp RbcGetOpFromObj(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int nSpecs,
        RbcOpSpec * specArr,
        int operPos,
        int objc,
        Tcl_Obj * const *objv,
        int flags);

/* rbcVecMath.c */
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcVectorInstallMathFunctions(
        Tcl_HashTable * tablePtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcVectorInstallSpecialIndices(
        Tcl_HashTable * tablePtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE double RbcVecMin(
        Rbc_Vector * vecPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE double RbcVecMax(
        Rbc_Vector * vecPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcExprVector(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        char *string,
        Rbc_Vector * vecPtr);

/* rbcVecObjCmd.c */
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcAppendOp(
        RbcVectorObject * vPtr,
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int objc,
        Tcl_Obj * const objv[]);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcArithOp(
        RbcVectorObject * vPtr,
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int objc,
        Tcl_Obj * const objv[]);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcBinreadOp(
        RbcVectorObject * vPtr,
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int objc,
        Tcl_Obj * const objv[]);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcClearOp(
        RbcVectorObject * vPtr,
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int objc,
        Tcl_Obj * const objv[]);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcDeleteOp(
        RbcVectorObject * vPtr,
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int objc,
        Tcl_Obj * const objv[]);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcDupOp(
        RbcVectorObject * vPtr,
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int objc,
        Tcl_Obj * const objv[]);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcExprOp(
        RbcVectorObject * vPtr,
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int objc,
        Tcl_Obj * const objv[]);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcIndexOp(
        RbcVectorObject * vPtr,
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int objc,
        Tcl_Obj * const objv[]);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcLengthOp(
        RbcVectorObject * vPtr,
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int objc,
        Tcl_Obj * const objv[]);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcMergeOp(
        RbcVectorObject * vPtr,
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int objc,
        Tcl_Obj * const objv[]);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcNormalizeOp(
        RbcVectorObject * vPtr,
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int objc,
        Tcl_Obj * const objv[]);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcOffsetOp(
        RbcVectorObject * vPtr,
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int objc,
        Tcl_Obj * const objv[]);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcPopulateOp(
        RbcVectorObject * vPtr,
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int objc,
        Tcl_Obj * const objv[]);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcRandomOp(
        RbcVectorObject * vPtr,
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int objc,
        Tcl_Obj * const objv[]);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcRangeOp(
        RbcVectorObject * vPtr,
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int objc,
        Tcl_Obj * const objv[]);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcSearchOp(
        RbcVectorObject * vPtr,
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int objc,
        Tcl_Obj * const objv[]);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcSeqOp(
        RbcVectorObject * vPtr,
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int objc,
        Tcl_Obj * const objv[]);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcSetOp(
        RbcVectorObject * vPtr,
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int objc,
        Tcl_Obj * const objv[]);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcSortOp(
        RbcVectorObject * vPtr,
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int objc,
        Tcl_Obj * const objv[]);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcSplitOp(
        RbcVectorObject * vPtr,
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int objc,
        Tcl_Obj * const objv[]);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcVariableOp(
        RbcVectorObject * vPtr,
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        int objc,
        Tcl_Obj * const objv[]);
    MODULE_SCOPE int *RbcVectorSortIndex(
        RbcVectorObject ** vPtrPtr,
        int nVectors);

/* rbcVector.c */
    MODULE_SCOPE double Rbcdrand48(
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcVectorInterpData *RbcVectorGetInterpData(
        Tcl_Interp * interp);
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcVectorObject *RbcVectorNew(
        RbcVectorInterpData * dataPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcVectorObject *RbcVectorCreate(
        RbcVectorInterpData * dataPtr,
        const char *vecName,
        const char *cmdName,
        const char *varName,
        int *newPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void Rbc_VectorFree(
        RbcVectorObject * vPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcVectorDuplicate(
        RbcVectorObject * destPtr,
        RbcVectorObject * srcPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcVectorFlushCache(
        RbcVectorObject * vPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcVectorMapVariable(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        RbcVectorObject * vPtr,
        const char *name);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcVectorReset(
        RbcVectorObject * vPtr,
        double *valueArr,
        int length,
        int size,
        Tcl_FreeProc * freeProc);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcVectorNotifyPending(
        RbcVectorId clientId);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcVectorChangeLength(
        RbcVectorObject * vPtr,
        int length);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcVectorLookupName(
        RbcVectorInterpData * dataPtr,
        const char *vecName,
        RbcVectorObject ** vPtrPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcVectorUpdateRange(
        RbcVectorObject * vPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcVectorGetIndex(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        RbcVectorObject * vPtr,
        const char *string,
        int *indexPtr,
        int flags,
        Rbc_VectorIndexProc ** procPtrPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcVectorGetIndexRange(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        RbcVectorObject * vPtr,
        const char *string,
        int flags,
        Rbc_VectorIndexProc ** procPtrPtr);
    RbcVectorObject *RbcVectorParseElement(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        RbcVectorInterpData * dataPtr,
        const char *start,
        char **endPtr,
        int flags);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcVectorUpdateClients(
        RbcVectorObject * vPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE Tcl_Obj *RbcGetValues(
        RbcVectorObject * vPtr,
        int first,
        int last);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcReplicateValue(
        RbcVectorObject * vPtr,
        int first,
        int last,
        double value);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcGetDouble(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        Tcl_Obj * objPtr,
        double *valuePtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE void Rbc_FreeVectorId(
        RbcVectorId clientId);
    MODULE_SCOPE int Rbc_GetVectorById(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        RbcVectorId clientId,
        Rbc_Vector ** vecPtrPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int Rbc_VectorExists(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        const char *vecName);
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcVectorId RbcAllocVectorId(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        const char *vecName);
    MODULE_SCOPE void Rbc_SetVectorChangedProc(
        RbcVectorId clientId,
        RbcVectorChangedProc * proc,
        ClientData clientData);
    MODULE_SCOPE char *Rbc_NameOfVectorId(
        RbcVectorId clientId);
    MODULE_SCOPE int Rbc_GetVector(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        const char *vecName,
        Rbc_Vector ** vecPtrPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int RbcCreateVector2(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        const char *vecName,
        const char *cmdName,
        const char *varName,
        int initialSize,
        Rbc_Vector ** vecPtrPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int Rbc_CreateVector(
        Tcl_Interp * interp,
        const char *vecName,
        int size,
        Rbc_Vector ** vecPtrPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int Rbc_ResizeVector(
        Rbc_Vector * vecPtr,
        int nValues);
    MODULE_SCOPE char *RbcNameOfVector(
        Rbc_Vector * vecPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE int Rbc_ResetVector(
        Rbc_Vector * vecPtr,
        double *dataArr,
        int nValues,
        int arraySize,
        Tcl_FreeProc * freeProc);

/* rbcWindow.c */
    MODULE_SCOPE Tk_Window RbcFindChild(
        Tk_Window parent,
        char *name);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcSetWindowInstanceData(
        Tk_Window tkwin,
        ClientData instanceData);
    MODULE_SCOPE ClientData RbcGetWindowInstanceData(
        Tk_Window tkwin);
    MODULE_SCOPE void RbcDeleteWindowInstanceData(
        Tk_Window tkwin);

/* rbcWinImage.c rbcUnixImage.c */
    MODULE_SCOPE RbcColorImage *RbcDrawableToColorImage(
        Tk_Window tkwin,
        Drawable drawable,
        int x,
        int y,
        int width,
        int height,
        double inputGamma);
    MODULE_SCOPE Pixmap RbcPhotoImageMask(
        Tk_Window tkwin,
        Tk_PhotoImageBlock src);
    MODULE_SCOPE Pixmap RbcRotateBitmap(
        Tk_Window tkwin,
        Pixmap bitmap,
        int width,
        int height,
        double theta,
        int *widthPtr,
        int *heightPtr);
    MODULE_SCOPE Pixmap RbcScaleBitmap(
        Tk_Window tkwin,
        Pixmap srcBitmap,
        int srcWidth,
        int srcHeight,
        int scaledWidth,
        int scaledHeight);
    MODULE_SCOPE Pixmap RbcScaleRotateBitmapRegion(
        Tk_Window tkwin,
        Pixmap srcBitmap,
        unsigned int srcWidth,
        unsigned int srcHeight,
        int regionX,
        int regionY,
        unsigned int regionWidth,
        unsigned int regionHeight,
        unsigned int virtWidth,
        unsigned int virtHeight,
        double theta);

/* Windows */
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "tkoRbcWin.h"

#ifndef _WIN32
#define PurifyPrintf  printf
#endif                         /* _WIN32 */

#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE 0

 * end block for C++

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif                         /* _TKOGRAPH_H */
/* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 ff=unix et : */