Attachment "tkScalingBugXft.tcl" to
ticket [1de3a483]
added by
2023-08-09 13:08:12.
#! /usr/bin/env wish
# Test script for Tk bug 1de3a48312
# To allow re-run in same interpreter:
catch {font delete PointFont}
catch {font delete PixelFont}
destroy .l1 .l2 .f
if {[info exists scale]} {
tk scaling $scale
proc ScaleMe {} {
global out scale radio pix bor
if {$radio eq "1"} {
set new $scale
} else {
set new [expr {$scale * 2}]
tk scaling $new
set out "Tk scaling: [format %.6f $new]"
font configure PixelFont -size $pix
font configure PointFont -size 20
destroy .l1 .l2
label .l1
label .l2
pack forget .f
pack .l1 .l2 .f -padx 20 -pady 10
.l1 configure -text "Borders and Font in Pixels" -font PixelFont -bd $bor -relief raised
.l2 configure -text "Borders and Font in Points" -font PointFont -bd 10pt -relief raised
. configure -bg white
set scale [tk scaling]
# Set pixel dimensions so that .l1 and .l2 appear the same at x1 scaling.
set pix [expr {round(-20 * $scale)}]
set bor [expr {round(10 * $scale)}]
set fam [font actual TkDefaultFont -family]
font create PixelFont -family $fam
font create PointFont -family $fam
frame .f
label .f.out -textvariable out
radiobutton .f.sc1 -text "Scaling x1" -variable ::radio -value 1 -command ScaleMe
radiobutton .f.sc2 -text "Scaling x2" -variable ::radio -value 2 -command ScaleMe
pack .f.out .f.sc1 .f.sc2 -side left
set radio 1