Ticket Change Details
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Artifact ID: dedebbc6eef381d42a5530dfbf1b209a11243a75409a531b92afd66626668b1a
Ticket: 6fbee3208ebdd73ea2f50a8ed1d0c03545ce3261
xs:element type and xmlns
User & Date: chw 2018-09-21 06:25:52

  1. assigned_to changed to: "unassigned"
  2. comment changed to:
    In order to deal with a WSDL and XSDs which had an unusual layout of xmlns attributes as outlined in this example
       <xs:element name="A_O_S" type="x1:ArrayOfSomething" xmlns:x1="http://foo.org/bar" />
    i.e. the xmlns stuff not in the <xs:schema> node I had to add some handling in WS::Utils::getQualifiedType to get that WSDL parsed proper.
    I'm not sure if this the right way, however, it solved my problem. Please review and comment.
  3. foundin changed to: "trunk"
  4. private_contact changed to: "0b3aff16612e1e9f3b675963fa64e01bd1d89307"
  5. severity changed to: "Important"
  6. status changed to: "Open"
  7. subsystem changed to: "Utilities"
  8. title changed to: "xs:element type and xmlns"
  9. type changed to: "Feature_Request"