50 most recent events by user rkeene occurring on or after 2019-04-09 18:01:30.
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15:09 | Only load private key if we loaded a non-default certificate Closed-Leaf check-in: 51a2b1ec9a user: rkeene tags: mjanssen-asn1-certs | |
15:02 | Updated to support cert/certfile independantly of key/keyfile check-in: 952ef184e6 user: rkeene tags: mjanssen-asn1-certs | |
14:57 | Corrected wrong use of "key" check-in: f3a497fc67 user: rkeene tags: mjanssen-asn1-certs | |
14:54 | Add documentation for -key and -cert check-in: 60e0733e5a user: rkeene tags: mjanssen-asn1-certs | |
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17:15 | Fixed bug where syms file is cleaned in the wrong stage check-in: c82e9cbcbd user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
16:44 | • Changes to wiki page Download artifact: 41a3195868 user: rkeene | |
16:41 | • Edit [e5ec321a1b]: Add tag "tls-1-7-20". artifact: 9fdc3d3771 user: rkeene | |
16:41 | • Edit [e5ec321a1b]: Add tag "tls-1-7-20". artifact: 8698b08b88 user: rkeene | |
16:41 | TclTLS 1.7.20 check-in: e5ec321a1b user: rkeene tags: tls-1-7, tls-1-7-20 | |
16:40 | Merged in trunk check-in: 5ee220305f user: rkeene tags: tls-1-7 | |
16:37 | • Closed ticket [b81e949a58]: build-fail on Solaris 11.2 with gcc plus 2 other changes artifact: 4298ea9f05 user: rkeene | |
16:37 | • Closed ticket [d51fd4f49a]: error in configure on Solaris 11.3 with developerstudio12.5 "cc" plus 2 other changes artifact: 884de7986e user: rkeene | |
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01:12 | • Review ticket [984e4bbbac]: Not able to cross compile tcltls1.7.16 for Windows/AMD64 platform with gcc plus 5 other changes artifact: 9a382ce229 user: rkeene | |
01:11 | • Ticket [657abb4cd1] TLS Socket Closed in Child Process status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: 183ca4dc02 user: rkeene | |
01:07 | • Closed ticket [bd1a76399b]: File tls.tcl is not installed with Makefile plus 5 other changes artifact: 452ddabffc user: rkeene | |
01:02 | • Review ticket [4a7e8bc052]: package provide statement in tls.tcl plus 2 other changes artifact: fcfaff6d97 user: rkeene ... 1 similar event omitted. | |
00:57 | • Fixed ticket [b81e949a58]: build-fail on Solaris 11.2 with gcc plus 6 other changes artifact: 4bed522203 user: rkeene | |
00:56 | • Fixed ticket [d51fd4f49a]: error in configure on Solaris 11.3 with developerstudio12.5 "cc" plus 6 other changes artifact: 0dfe61fbfc user: rkeene | |
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17:49 | Started work on mbedTLS backend Leaf check-in: 37d16cba38 user: rkeene tags: backend-mbedtls | |
17:48 | MSVC Win maker (WIP, got wiped out, re-constitution in progress) Leaf check-in: f92c42c849 user: rkeene tags: readd-win-msvc | |
17:47 | Started readding MSVC Windows build support check-in: 8478c7ec08 user: rkeene tags: readd-win-msvc | |
17:46 | Makefile cleanup check-in: b9af6e4772 user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
17:36 | Update configure script to check compiler flags during linking check-in: 01719ee8de user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
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18:23 | Updated to indicate that OpenSSL/LibreSSL are required to build and use check-in: 0aa88d2997 user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
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18:48 | • Changes to wiki page Download artifact: 76180fb58d user: rkeene | |
18:28 | • Edit [3d0bcddafd]: Add tag "tls-1-7-19". artifact: 916b90be06 user: rkeene | |
18:28 | • Edit [3d0bcddafd]: Add tag "tls-1-7-19". artifact: c803169222 user: rkeene | |
18:25 | TclTLS 1.7.19 check-in: 3d0bcddafd user: rkeene tags: tls-1-7, tls-1-7-19 | |
18:13 | Update autoconf scripts from repo check-in: 5bd22a4abd user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
17:58 | Better handling of symbols in our shared object check-in: 3af2fe0ca8 user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
17:45 | Make hardening optional, disabled by default when statically linking because it requires the linking program to fully participate check-in: 25024a31b0 user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
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18:52 | Try to find headers in a specific path and do not allow "mp_int"/"mp_digit" to conflict with other things Leaf check-in: bd8b53ced2 user: rkeene tags: x-header-work | |
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18:02 | • Changes to wiki page Documentation artifact: 4be3c51037 user: rkeene | |
17:06 | • Changes to wiki page Download artifact: 8315f8b331 user: rkeene | |
16:52 | • Edit [fb6a7404da]: Add tag "tls-1-7-18". artifact: ef28550d95 user: rkeene | |
16:52 | • Edit [fb6a7404da]: Add tag "tls-1-7-18". artifact: 46fcf0a1b2 user: rkeene | |
16:51 | TclTLS 1.7.18 check-in: fb6a7404da user: rkeene tags: tls-1-7, tls-1-7-18 | |
16:51 | Merged in changes from trunk check-in: a64e691ada user: rkeene tags: tls-1-7 | |
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16:58 | Better handling of shared/static naming issues check-in: 2c8d3629bc user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
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19:35 | • Closed ticket [581d50e6cd]: Callback wrongly reports SSL3 plus 6 other changes artifact: 3733ee98bb user: rkeene | |
18:47 | Make extension filename more centralized check-in: 8e730964e5 user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
18:14 | Fix issues formatting wiki documentation check-in: 710e4a917a user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
18:13 | Document the "certificate" member of the dictionary returned by "tls::status" check-in: 3323193385 user: rkeene tags: trunk | |
18:11 | • Changes to wiki page Documentation artifact: 5bf391d601 user: rkeene | |
18:10 | • Changes to wiki page Documentation artifact: b82fc5cb7e user: rkeene | |
18:08 | • Changes to wiki page Documentation artifact: 08ef90519e user: rkeene | |
18:08 | • Changes to wiki page Documentation artifact: a11319e5b3 user: rkeene | |
18:02 | • Closed ticket [94c6a431fe]: Buffering until timeout plus 5 other changes artifact: 4d8c983355 user: rkeene | |
18:01 | • Closed ticket [0cf9675e02]: Support for TLSv1.3 plus 2 other changes artifact: 7ab11343a2 user: rkeene | |