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17:01 New ticket [086954612f] soem warnings on solaris 11.3 with developerstudio12.5. artifact: 1faa64b194 user: avl42

Ticket Hash: 086954612f5612feffc4606bff7eb4515b8e2192
Title: soem warnings on solaris 11.3 with developerstudio12.5
Status: Open Type: Build Problem
Severity: Minor Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution:
Last Modified: 2019-11-15 17:01:03
Version Found In: 1.7.20
User Comments:
avl42 added on 2019-11-15 17:01:03:
"./tls.c", line 139: warning: statement not reached
"./tls.c", line 474: warning: statement not reached
"./tls.c", line 619: warning: statement not reached
"./tls.c", line 702: warning: statement not reached
"./tls.c", line 985: warning: statement not reached
"./tls.c", line 1041: warning: statement not reached
"./tls.c", line 1199: warning: constant promoted to unsigned long
"./tls.c", line 1420: warning: statement not reached
"./tls.c", line 1451: warning: statement not reached
"./tls.c", line 1618: warning: statement not reached