Tcl Library Source Code

Files in examples/oreilly-oscon2001/ of tip
EuroTcl/OpenACS 11 - 12 JULY 2024, VIENNA

Files in directory examples/oreilly-oscon2001 from the latest check-in

Example application using tcllib modules.

This application (oscon) extracts session, track and talk information
from the O'Reilly OSCON webpages, collates them and writes some global
reports. It uses the tcllib modules "htmlparse", "struct" ("matrix",
"tree"), "csv", "report" and "log".

It is called as

	oscon <prefix> <htmlfile>...

reads the provided HTML files containing the webpages to process and
then produces the six files

	<prefix>.main.csv	All talks with time, location, track
				information, as CSV file.
	<prefix>.main.txt	As above, ASCII report
	<prefix>.main.html	As above, as HTML table

	<prefix>.sched.csv	Track information, sorted by day and
				start time, as CSV file
	<prefix>.sched.txt	As above, ASCII report
	<prefix>.sched.html	As above, as HTML table

Adding other reports (like room usage, east/west usage, ...) should be
rather easy.

If "a2ps" is available the script will additionally generate .ps files
out of the .txt files.


*Note*: The webpages used to develop this application are provided
here too to allow a successful operation of the example even if the
actual webpages at O'Reilly changed their format or are not available