Tcl Library Source Code

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Ticket UUID: 763669
Title: Problems with qp_encode and encoded_word, no_softbreak
Type: Bug Version: None
Submitter: gunzel Created on: 2003-07-01 04:16:02
Subsystem: mime Assigned To:
Priority: 5 Medium Severity: Minor
Status: Closed Last Modified: 2021-04-30 23:35:19
Resolution: Fixed Closed By:
    Closed on:
There are a number of bugs in qp_encode:

When in no_softbreak mode it eats the last character.

When in encoded_word mode it:

- inserts softbreaks for lines over 72 chars
- does not encode underscores leading to them being 
decoded as spaces
- does not encode question marks, potentially leading to 
badly broken encoded words
- does not encode tabs

I have attached a patch to fix these and also to test them 
and a couple of other RFC2047 requirements. With regard to 
softbreaks in encoded words it's still not legal to just let 
them ron on as an encoded word is not meant to be longer 
than 75 characters itself. I'll file a bug report and patch for 
that soon.

User Comments: pooryorick added on 2021-04-30 23:35:19:

Merged into trunk in [143395cdc0b7bf28].

pooryorick added on 2018-08-29 14:06:17:

Fixed in [339212df6ab5a86b], except that an encoded word is still limited to 75 characters because that's what RFC 2047 specifies.

[email protected] added on 2008-05-22 15:03:33:
Logged In: NO 

This is still true today for question mark (mime version 1.5.2). Since question mark is part of the delimiter used in the subject content (=? and ?=) of a mime message, it causes error at decode time on client side.

gunzel added on 2003-07-01 11:16:03:

File Added - 54556: qp_encode.patch
