Tcl Library Source Code

Ticket Change Details

Artifact ID: 8815e9b413d3d6013ea4ac92b99458a58a53d39b357f08ca7b0cafa10c87bf94
Ticket: bbdff172a399a771485ddbe9606ce9e2738a5d8c
::pki::verify always returns false when "algo" argument is provided
User & Date: RP. 2020-02-12 13:31:48

  1. assignee changed to: ""
  2. comment changed to:
    As in title, when <b>algo</b> argument is provided <b>::pki::verify</b> always returns false.
    As I found out problem is that when <b>default</b> algorithm is used plaintext value is stripped and converted to octetstring, but when explicit algo is provided final comparision is between plain-text and binary.<br>
    Fix that I've made is to always convert <b>plaintext</b> to octet-string <b>digest</b> (before <b>if</b> clause):
    <pre style="padding: 10px; border-left: solid 5px gray;">
    proc ::pki::verify {signedmessage checkmessage keylist {algo default}} {
    	package require asn
    	if {[catch {
    		set plaintext [::pki::decrypt -binary -unpad -pub -- $signedmessage $keylist]
    	}]} {
    		return false
    	# RP - always convert plain text to extracted octet-string digest (original $plaintext is not valid for final comparison with binary hash)
    	set digest ""
    	catch {
    		::asn::asnGetSequence plaintext message
    		::asn::asnGetSequence message digestInfo
    		::asn::asnGetOctetString message digest
    	if {$algo eq "default"} {
    		set algoId "unknown"
    		catch {
    			::asn::asnGetObjectIdentifier digestInfo algoId
    			set algoId [::pki::_oid_number_to_name $algoId]
    	} else {
    		set algoId $algo
    	switch -- $algoId {
    		"md5" - "md5WithRSAEncryption" {
    			set checkdigest [md5::md5 $checkmessage]
    		"sha1" - "sha1WithRSAEncryption" {
    			set checkdigest [sha1::sha1 -bin $checkmessage]
    		"sha256" - "sha256WithRSAEncryption" {
    			set checkdigest [sha2::sha256 -bin $checkmessage]
    		default {
    			return -code error "Unknown hashing algorithm: $algoId"
    	return [expr {$checkdigest eq $digest}]
  3. login: "RP."
  4. mimetype: "text/plain"