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pt::peg::to::cparam - PEG Conversion. Write CPARAM format

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package require Tcl 8.5
package require pt::peg::to::cparam ?1.1.2?

pt::peg::to::cparam reset
pt::peg::to::cparam configure
pt::peg::to::cparam configure option
pt::peg::to::cparam configure option value...
pt::peg::to::cparam convert serial


Are you lost ? Do you have trouble understanding this document ? In that case please read the overview provided by the Introduction to Parser Tools. This document is the entrypoint to the whole system the current package is a part of.

This package implements the converter from parsing expression grammars to CPARAM markup.

It resides in the Export section of the Core Layer of Parser Tools, and can be used either directly with the other packages of this layer, or indirectly through the export manager provided by pt::peg::export. The latter is intented for use in untrusted environments and done through the corresponding export plugin pt::peg::export::cparam sitting between converter and export manager.


The API provided by this package satisfies the specification of the Converter API found in the Parser Tools Export API specification.


The converter to C code recognizes the following configuration variables and changes its behaviour as they specify.

While the high parameterizability of this converter, as shown by the multitude of options it supports, is an advantage to the advanced user, allowing her to customize the output of the converter as needed, a novice user will likely not see the forest for the trees.

To help these latter users an adjunct package is provided, containing a canned configuration which will generate immediately useful full parsers. It is

C/PARAM code representation of parsing expression grammars

The c format is executable code, a parser for the grammar. The parser implementation is written in C and can be tweaked to the users' needs through a multitude of options.

The critcl format, for example, is implemented as a canned configuration of these options on top of the generator for c.

The bulk of such a framework has to be specified through the option -template. The additional options

provide code snippets which help to glue framework and generated code together. Their placeholders are in the generated code. Further the options

allow for the customization of the code indent (default none), and whether to generate comments showing the parsing expressions a function is for (default on).


We are forgoing an example of this representation, with apologies. It would be way to large for this document.

PEG serialization format

Here we specify the format used by the Parser Tools to serialize Parsing Expression Grammars as immutable values for transport, comparison, etc.

We distinguish between regular and canonical serializations. While a PEG may have more than one regular serialization only exactly one of them will be canonical.


Assuming the following PEG for simple mathematical expressions

PEG calculator (Expression)
    Digit      <- '0'/'1'/'2'/'3'/'4'/'5'/'6'/'7'/'8'/'9'       ;
    Sign       <- '-' / '+'                                     ;
    Number     <- Sign? Digit+                                  ;
    Expression <- Term (AddOp Term)*                            ;
    MulOp      <- '*' / '/'                                     ;
    Term       <- Factor (MulOp Factor)*                        ;
    AddOp      <- '+'/'-'                                       ;
    Factor     <- '(' Expression ')' / Number                   ;

then its canonical serialization (except for whitespace) is

pt::grammar::peg {
    rules {
        AddOp      {is {/ {t -} {t +}}                                                                mode value}
        Digit      {is {/ {t 0} {t 1} {t 2} {t 3} {t 4} {t 5} {t 6} {t 7} {t 8} {t 9}}                mode value}
        Expression {is {x {n Term} {* {x {n AddOp} {n Term}}}}                                        mode value}
        Factor     {is {/ {x {t (} {n Expression} {t )}} {n Number}}                                  mode value}
        MulOp      {is {/ {t *} {t /}}                                                                mode value}
        Number     {is {x {? {n Sign}} {+ {n Digit}}}                                                 mode value}
        Sign       {is {/ {t -} {t +}}                                                                mode value}
        Term       {is {x {n Factor} {* {x {n MulOp} {n Factor}}}}                                    mode value}
    start {n Expression}

PE serialization format

Here we specify the format used by the Parser Tools to serialize Parsing Expressions as immutable values for transport, comparison, etc.

We distinguish between regular and canonical serializations. While a parsing expression may have more than one regular serialization only exactly one of them will be canonical.


Assuming the parsing expression shown on the right-hand side of the rule

Expression <- Term (AddOp Term)*

then its canonical serialization (except for whitespace) is

{x {n Term} {* {x {n AddOp} {n Term}}}}

Bugs, Ideas, Feedback

This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems. Please report such in the category pt of the Tcllib Trackers. Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either package and/or documentation.

When proposing code changes, please provide unified diffs, i.e the output of diff -u.

Note further that attachments are strongly preferred over inlined patches. Attachments can be made by going to the Edit form of the ticket immediately after its creation, and then using the left-most button in the secondary navigation bar.


CPARAM, EBNF, LL(k), PEG, TDPL, context-free languages, conversion, expression, format conversion, grammar, matching, parser, parsing expression, parsing expression grammar, push down automaton, recursive descent, serialization, state, top-down parsing languages, transducer


Parsing and Grammars


Copyright © 2009 Andreas Kupries