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html - Procedures to generate HTML structures
Table Of Contents
package require Tcl 8.2
package require html ?1.5?
::html::author author
::html::bodyTag args
::html::cell param value ?tag?
::html::checkbox name value
::html::checkSet key sep list
::html::checkValue name ?value?
::html::default key ?param?
::html::description description
::html::eval arg ?args?
::html::extractParam param key ?varName?
::html::font args
::html::for start test next body
::html::foreach varlist1 list1 ?varlist2 list2 ...? body
::html::formValue name ?defvalue?
::html::getFormInfo args
::html::h level string ?param?
::html::h1 string ?param?
::html::h2 string ?param?
::html::h3 string ?param?
::html::h4 string ?param?
::html::h5 string ?param?
::html::h6 string ?param?
::html::hdrRow args
::html::head title
::html::headTag string
::html::html_entities string
::html::if expr1 body1 ?elseif expr2 body2 ...? ?else bodyN?
::html::init ?list?
::html::keywords args
::html::mailto email ?subject?
::html::meta args
::html::meta_name args
::html::meta_equiv args
::html::meta_charset charset
::html::css href
::html::js href
::html::minorList list ?ordered?
::html::minorMenu list ?sep?
::html::nl2br string
::html::openTag tag ?param?
::html::paramRow list ?rparam? ?cparam?
::html::passwordInput ?name?
::html::passwordInputRow label ?name?
::html::quoteFormValue value
::html::radioSet key sep list
::html::radioValue name value
::html::refresh seconds url
::html::row args
::html::select name param choices ?current?
::html::selectPlain name param choices ?current?
::html::set var val
::html::submit label ?name? ?title?
::html::tableFromArray arrname ?param? ?pat?
::html::tableFromList querylist ?param?
::html::textarea name ?param? ?current?
::html::textInput name value args
::html::textInputRow label name value args
::html::varEmpty name
::html::while test body
::html::doctype id
::html::wrapTag tag ?text? ?args?
The package html provides commands that generate HTML. These commands typically return an HTML string as their result. In particular, they do not output their result to stdout.
The command ::html::init should be called early to initialize the module. You can also use this procedure to define default values for HTML tag parameters.
Side effect only. Call this before ::html::head to define an author for the page. The author is noted in a comment in the HEAD section.
Generate a body tag. The tag parameters are taken from args or from the body.* attributes define with ::html::init.
::html::cell param value ?tag?
Generate a td (or th) tag, a value, and a closing td (or th) tag. The tag parameters come from param or TD.* attributes defined with ::html::init. This uses ::html::font to insert a standard font tag into the table cell. The tag argument defaults to "td".
Generate a checkbox form element with the specified name and value. This uses ::html::checkValue.
Generate a set of checkbox form elements and associated labels. The list should contain an alternating list of labels and values. This uses ::html::checkbox. All the checkbox buttons share the same key for their name. The sep is text used to separate the elements.
::html::checkValue name ?value?
Generate the "name=name value=value" for a checkbox form element. If the CGI variable name has the value value, then SELECTED is added to the return value. value defaults to "1".
Pop a tag off the stack created by ::html::openTag and generate the corresponding close tag (e.g.,