Tcl Library Source Code

Artifact [f9233ee82a]
EuroTcl/OpenACS 11 - 12 JULY 2024, VIENNA

Artifact f9233ee82ac87e3266d4877b10f0ff590607689e:

Attachment "disag.tcl" to ticket [753170ffff] added by jaspert 2003-06-12 16:58:32.
proc Disaggregate {parent title colour type fatness icount step \
            comment enumLists matherror hide separate} {
    global disaggregate

    foreach varName {colour type fatness icount matherror hide \
                separate} {
        set disaggregate($varName) [set $varName]
    if [llength $icount]>0 {
        set disaggregate(icount) [join $icount ,]
    } else  {
        set disaggregate(icount) 1
    switch -- $step {
        -1 {
            set disaggregate(step) "Initialize only"
        } 0 {
            set disaggregate(step) "Reset only"
        } default {
            set disaggregate(step) $step
    set t [toplevel .disaggregation -bd 4 -class Disaggregation]
    #	wm transient $t $parent
    wm resizable $t 0 1
    wm protocol $t WM_DELETE_WINDOW {set disaggregate(done) 0}
    wm title $t "Properties of $title"
    frame $t.simple
    frame $t.simple.left
    TitleFrame $t.simple.left.count -text "Control of number of instances:"
    set countf [$t.simple.left.count getframe]
    frame $
    foreach rbutton {{population "Using population symbols"} {generated "Using specified dimensions:"}} {
        radiobutton $$rbutton -text [lindex $rbutton 1] \
                -value [lindex $rbutton 0] \
                -variable disaggregate(type) \
                -command "SetHighlights $countf"
        pack $$rbutton -anchor w
    pack $ -anchor w -side left
    Entry $countf.value -textvariable disaggregate(icount) -width 10
    pack $countf.value -side left -anchor s -pady 4
    pack $t.simple.left.count -expand 0;# -fill both
    TitleFrame $t.simple.left.colour -text "Background shade"
    set colourf [$t.simple.left.colour getframe]
    pack [button $colourf.clear -text "Clear" \
            -width 10 -command "set disaggregate(colour) {}"]  \
            -padx 2 -pady 4 -side left
    pack [button $colourf.fixcolour -text "Colour" \
            -width 10 -command "UpdateColour $colourf"]  \
            -padx 2 -pady 4 -side left
    if {[catch {image type $disaggregate(colour)}]} {
        $colourf.fixcolour configure -bg $disaggregate(colour)
        set disaggregate(defColour) $disaggregate(colour)
    } else {
        set disaggregate(defColour) [$colourf.fixcolour cget -bg]
    pack [button $colourf.setimage -text "Image..." \
            -width 10 -command ChooseImage] \
            -padx 2 -pady 4 -side left
    pack $t.simple.left.colour -anchor w -pady 4 -fill both -expand true
    pack $t.simple.left -side left; # -expand 1 -fill both
    frame $t.simple.right
    button $t.simple.right.ok -text "OK" -width 10 -default active \
            -command {set disaggregate(done) 1}
    pack $t.simple.right.ok  -padx 2 -pady 4
    button $t.simple.right.cancel -text "Cancel" -width 10 \
            -command {set disaggregate(done) 0}
    pack $t.simple.right.cancel -padx 2 -pady 4
    button $ -text "Help" -width 10 \
            -command {ContextSensitiveHelp .disaggregation submodels/dialogue.htm}
    pack $ -padx 2 -pady 4
    button $t.simple.right.more -text "More" -width 10 -command "ShowComplexity $t"
    pack $t.simple.right.more -padx 2 -pady 4
    pack $t.simple.right -anchor ne -padx 4 -pady 4
    pack $t.simple -anchor nw -fill both; # -expand 1 -fill both
    label $t.commentlabel -text Comments:
    pack $t.commentlabel -padx 2 -pady 4 -anchor w
# ScrolledWindow causes crash under Linux so replaced with ordinary frame
#    frame $t.commentsSW
    ScrolledWindow $t.commentsSW
    text $t.commentsSW.comment -height 4 -width 40 -wrap word
#    $t.commentsSW setwidget $t.commentsSW.comment
    $t.commentsSW.comment insert 1.0 $comment
    pack $t.commentsSW.comment $t.commentsSW -anchor nw -fill both -expand true
    frame $t.complex
    TitleFrame $t.complex.enumtypes -text "Enumerated types"
    set enumtypef [$t.complex.enumtypes getframe]
    pack [set canId [frame $enumtypef.listpair]] -side left -fill both \
	-expand true
    #    pack [frame $windowId.buttonframe] -side bottom
    listbox $canId.scrf -yscrollcommand [list AdjustCanvas $canId scrf y]
    foreach enumList $enumLists {
	set newType [lindex $enumList 0]
	set disaggregate(enumtype,$newType) [lrange $enumList 1 end]
	$canId.scrf insert end $newType
    bind $canId.scrf <ButtonRelease-1> "EnableTypeOps $enumtypef"
    set PopCmd [list QueuePopup AddEnumTypePopup %W %y %X %Y]
    bind $canId.scrf <Enter> $PopCmd
    bind $canId.scrf <Motion> "RemovePopup;$PopCmd"
    bind $canId.scrf <Leave> RemovePopup
    scrollbar $canId.yscroll -orient v -command [list $canId.scrf yview]
    menu $enumtypef.curmembers -tearoff 0 \
	-postcommand [list AddEnumTypeMems $enumtypef]

    pack $canId.yscroll -side right -fill y
    pack $canId.scrf -side left -fill both -expand true

    pack [set btnId [frame $enumtypef.btns]] -side left
    pack [entry $btnId.e -textvariable enumTypeMPEntry]
    bind $btnId.e <ButtonRelease-1> "EnableTypeOps $enumtypef"
    pack [button $btnId.addtype -text "Add type" -command "AddEnumType $canId"] \
	-padx 2 -pady 4 -fill x
    pack [button $btnId.remtype -text "Remove type" -state disabled -command "RemoveEnumType $enumtypef"] \
	-padx 2 -pady 4 -fill x
    pack [button $btnId.addmems -text "Add member" -state disabled -command "AddEnumMem $enumtypef"] \
	-padx 2 -pady 4 -fill x
    pack [button $btnId.remmem -text "Remove member" -state disabled -command "RemoveEnumMem $enumtypef"] \
	-padx 2 -pady 4 -fill x
    pack $t.complex.enumtypes -anchor nw -side bottom -padx 4 -pady 4 -fill both -expand true

    TitleFrame $t.complex.appearance -text Appearance
    set appearancef [$t.complex.appearance getframe]
    checkbutton $appearancef.hide -text "Hide contents" \
            -variable disaggregate(hide)
    pack $appearancef.hide -anchor w
    frame $appearancef.scale
    scale $appearancef.scale.value -from .01 -to 1 -length 150 -orient horizontal \
            -resolution 0.01 -variable disaggregate(fatness)
    pack $appearancef.scale.value
    label $appearancef.scale.caption -text "Relative scale"
    pack $appearancef.scale.caption
    pack $appearancef.scale -anchor w
    pack $t.complex.appearance -anchor nw -side left -padx 4 -pady 4 -fill both -expand true
    TitleFrame $t.complex.math -text Calculation
    set mathf [$t.complex.math getframe]
    checkbutton $mathf.separate -text "Build submodel in separate dll" \
            -variable disaggregate(separate)
    pack $mathf.separate -anchor w
    #    checkbutton $mathf.matherror -text "Ignore math errors during calculation" \
    #            -variable disaggregate(matherror)
    #    pack $mathf.matherror -anchor w
    frame $mathf.step
    label $mathf.step.caption -text "Time step index:"
    pack $mathf.step.caption -side left
    #tk_optionMenu $mathf.step.pulldown disaggregate(step) Default -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    ComboBox $mathf.step.pulldown -textvariable disaggregate(step) \
            -values [list Default "Initialize only" "Reset only" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7] \
            -width 10 -editable false
    pack $mathf.step.pulldown
    pack $mathf.step -anchor w -padx 4 -pady 6
    pack $t.complex.math -side left -padx 4 -pady 4 -fill both -expand true
    # The above "complex" frame has been constructed, but is not packed until the "More" button is pressed
    # unless, conditional expressions indicate that one of the complex attributes does not have its default
    # value
    #    pack $t.complex -anchor w
    if (![string match $disaggregate(step) Default]) {
        ShowComplexity $t
    } elseif ($disaggregate(matherror)) {
        ShowComplexity $t
    } elseif ($disaggregate(separate)) {
        ShowComplexity $t
    } elseif ($disaggregate(fatness)!=1.0) {
        ShowComplexity $t
    } elseif ($disaggregate(hide)) {
        ShowComplexity $t
    SetHighlights $countf
    tkwait visibility $t
    grab $t
    tkwait variable disaggregate(done)
    grab release $t
    set disaggregate(comment) [string trimright [$t.commentsSW.comment get 1.0 end]]
    destroy $t
    if [string match $disaggregate(icount) 1] {
        set disaggregate(icount) [list]
    if {$disaggregate(done)} {
        switch $disaggregate(step) {
            "Initialize only" {
                set step -1
            } "Reset only" {
                set step 0
            } default {
                set step $disaggregate(step)
	set enumTypes {}
	foreach {typename members} [array get disaggregate enumtype,*] {
	    lappend enumTypes [concat [list [string range $typename 9 end]] \
        set result [list $disaggregate(colour) $disaggregate(type) \
                $disaggregate(fatness) $disaggregate(icount) \
                $step $disaggregate(comment) \
                $disaggregate(matherror) $disaggregate(hide) \
		    $disaggregate(separate) $enumTypes]
    } else {
	set result {}
    unset disaggregate
    return $result

proc SetHighlights {t} {
    global disaggregate
    switch -regexp $disaggregate(type) {
        none|population {
            $t.value configure -state disabled
        simple|generated {
            $t.value configure -state normal