Tcl Library Source Code

Artifact [e35e9ca96b]
EuroTcl/OpenACS 11 - 12 JULY 2024, VIENNA

Artifact e35e9ca96b3c590ec0065717e3990963866dc8d1:

Attachment "plotchart.tcl" to ticket [1891251fff] added by relaxmike 2008-02-11 23:24:32.
# plotchart.tcl --
#    Facilities to draw simple plots in a dedicated canvas
# Note:
#    This source file contains the public functions.
#    The others are contained in "plotpriv.tcl"
package require Tcl 8.3
package require Tk

# Plotchart --
#    Namespace to hold the procedures and the private data
namespace eval ::Plotchart {
   variable settings
   variable legend
   variable scaling
   variable methodProc
   variable data_series

   namespace export worldCoordinates viewPort coordsToPixel \
                    polarCoordinates setZoomPan \
                    world3DCoordinates coordsToPixel \
                    coords3DToPixel polarToPixel \
                    pixelToCoords pixelToIndex determineScale \
                    createXYPlot createPolarPlot createPiechart \
                    createBarchart createHorizontalBarchart \
                    createTimechart createStripchart \
                    createIsometricPlot create3DPlot \
                    createGanttChart createHistogram colorMap \
                    create3DBars createRadialchart \
                    createTXPlot createRightAxis \

   # Array linking procedures with methods
   set methodProc(xyplot,title)          DrawTitle
   set methodProc(xyplot,xtext)          DrawXtext
   set methodProc(xyplot,ytext)          DrawYtext
   set methodProc(xyplot,plot)           DrawData
   set methodProc(xyplot,dot)            DrawDot
   set methodProc(xyplot,dotconfig)      DotConfigure
   set methodProc(xyplot,interval)       DrawInterval
   set methodProc(xyplot,trend)          DrawTrendLine
   set methodProc(xyplot,vector)         DrawVector
   set methodProc(xyplot,vectorconfig)   VectorConfigure
   set methodProc(xyplot,rchart)         DrawRchart
   set methodProc(xyplot,grid)           DrawGrid
   set methodProc(xyplot,contourlines)   DrawIsolines
   set methodProc(xyplot,contourfill)    DrawShades
   set methodProc(xyplot,contourbox)     DrawBox
   set methodProc(xyplot,saveplot)       SavePlot
   set methodProc(xyplot,dataconfig)     DataConfig
   set methodProc(xyplot,xconfig)        XConfig
   set methodProc(xyplot,yconfig)        YConfig
   set methodProc(xyplot,xticklines)     DrawXTicklines
   set methodProc(xyplot,yticklines)     DrawYTicklines
   set methodProc(xyplot,background)     BackgroundColour
   set methodProc(xyplot,legendconfig)   LegendConfigure
   set methodProc(xyplot,legend)         DrawLegend
   set methodProc(xyplot,balloon)        DrawBalloon
   set methodProc(xyplot,balloonconfig)  ConfigBalloon
   set methodProc(xyplot,plaintext)      DrawPlainText
   set methodProc(piechart,title)        DrawTitle
   set methodProc(piechart,plot)         DrawPie
   set methodProc(piechart,saveplot)     SavePlot
   set methodProc(piechart,balloon)      DrawBalloon
   set methodProc(piechart,balloonconfig) ConfigBalloon
   set methodProc(piechart,plaintext)    DrawPlainText
   set methodProc(polarplot,title)       DrawTitle
   set methodProc(polarplot,plot)        DrawPolarData
   set methodProc(polarplot,saveplot)    SavePlot
   set methodProc(polarplot,dataconfig)  DataConfig
   set methodProc(polarplot,background)  BackgroundColour
   set methodProc(polarplot,legendconfig) LegendConfigure
   set methodProc(polarplot,legend)      DrawLegend
   set methodProc(polarplot,balloon)     DrawBalloon
   set methodProc(polarplot,balloonconfig) ConfigBalloon
   set methodProc(polarplot,plaintext)   DrawPlainText
   set methodProc(histogram,title)       DrawTitle
   set methodProc(histogram,xtext)       DrawXtext
   set methodProc(histogram,ytext)       DrawYtext
   set methodProc(histogram,plot)        DrawHistogramData
   set methodProc(histogram,saveplot)    SavePlot
   set methodProc(histogram,dataconfig)  DataConfig
   set methodProc(histogram,xconfig)     XConfig
   set methodProc(histogram,yconfig)     YConfig
   set methodProc(histogram,yticklines)  DrawYTicklines
   set methodProc(histogram,background)  BackgroundColour
   set methodProc(histogram,legendconfig) LegendConfigure
   set methodProc(histogram,legend)      DrawLegend
   set methodProc(histogram,balloon)     DrawBalloon
   set methodProc(histogram,balloonconfig) ConfigBalloon
   set methodProc(histogram,plaintext)   DrawPlainText
   set methodProc(horizbars,title)       DrawTitle
   set methodProc(horizbars,xtext)       DrawXtext
   set methodProc(horizbars,ytext)       DrawYtext
   set methodProc(horizbars,plot)        DrawHorizBarData
   set methodProc(horizbars,xticklines)  DrawXTicklines
   set methodProc(horizbars,background)  BackgroundColour
   set methodProc(horizbars,saveplot)    SavePlot
   set methodProc(horizbars,colours)     SetColours
   set methodProc(horizbars,colors)      SetColours
   set methodProc(horizbars,xconfig)     XConfig
   set methodProc(horizbars,legendconfig) LegendConfigure
   set methodProc(horizbars,legend)      DrawLegend
   set methodProc(horizbars,balloon)     DrawBalloon
   set methodProc(horizbars,balloonconfig) ConfigBalloon
   set methodProc(horizbars,plaintext)   DrawPlainText
   set methodProc(vertbars,title)        DrawTitle
   set methodProc(vertbars,xtext)        DrawXtext
   set methodProc(vertbars,ytext)        DrawYtext
   set methodProc(vertbars,plot)         DrawVertBarData
   set methodProc(vertbars,background)   BackgroundColour
   set methodProc(vertbars,yticklines)   DrawYTicklines
   set methodProc(vertbars,saveplot)     SavePlot
   set methodProc(vertbars,colours)      SetColours
   set methodProc(vertbars,colors)       SetColours
   set methodProc(vertbars,yconfig)      YConfig
   set methodProc(vertbars,legendconfig) LegendConfigure
   set methodProc(vertbars,legend)       DrawLegend
   set methodProc(vertbars,balloon)      DrawBalloon
   set methodProc(vertbars,balloonconfig) ConfigBalloon
   set methodProc(vertbars,plaintext)    DrawPlainText
   set methodProc(timechart,title)       DrawTitle
   set methodProc(timechart,period)      DrawTimePeriod
   set methodProc(timechart,milestone)   DrawTimeMilestone
   set methodProc(timechart,vertline)    DrawTimeVertLine
   set methodProc(timechart,saveplot)    SavePlot
   set methodProc(timechart,background)  BackgroundColour
   set methodProc(timechart,balloon)     DrawBalloon
   set methodProc(timechart,balloonconfig) ConfigBalloon
   set methodProc(timechart,plaintext)   DrawPlainText
   set methodProc(ganttchart,title)      DrawTitle
   set methodProc(ganttchart,period)     DrawGanttPeriod
   set methodProc(ganttchart,task)       DrawGanttPeriod
   set methodProc(ganttchart,milestone)  DrawGanttMilestone
   set methodProc(ganttchart,vertline)   DrawGanttVertLine
   set methodProc(ganttchart,saveplot)   SavePlot
   set methodProc(ganttchart,color)      GanttColor
   set methodProc(ganttchart,colour)     GanttColor
   set methodProc(ganttchart,font)       GanttFont
   set methodProc(ganttchart,connect)    DrawGanttConnect
   set methodProc(ganttchart,summary)    DrawGanttSummary
   set methodProc(ganttchart,background) BackgroundColour
   set methodProc(ganttchart,balloon)     DrawBalloon
   set methodProc(ganttchart,balloonconfig) ConfigBalloon
   set methodProc(ganttchart,plaintext)  DrawPlainText
   set methodProc(stripchart,title)      DrawTitle
   set methodProc(stripchart,xtext)      DrawXtext
   set methodProc(stripchart,ytext)      DrawYtext
   set methodProc(stripchart,plot)       DrawStripData
   set methodProc(stripchart,saveplot)   SavePlot
   set methodProc(stripchart,dataconfig) DataConfig
   set methodProc(stripchart,xconfig)    XConfig
   set methodProc(stripchart,yconfig)    YConfig
   set methodProc(stripchart,yticklines) DrawYTicklines
   set methodProc(stripchart,background) BackgroundColour
   set methodProc(stripchart,legendconfig) LegendConfigure
   set methodProc(stripchart,legend)     DrawLegend
   set methodProc(stripchart,balloon)    DrawBalloon
   set methodProc(stripchart,balloonconfig) ConfigBalloon
   set methodProc(stripchart,plaintext)  DrawPlainText
   set methodProc(isometric,title)       DrawTitle
   set methodProc(isometric,xtext)       DrawXtext
   set methodProc(isometric,ytext)       DrawYtext
   set methodProc(isometric,plot)        DrawIsometricData
   set methodProc(isometric,saveplot)    SavePlot
   set methodProc(isometric,background)  BackgroundColour
   set methodProc(isometric,balloon)     DrawBalloon
   set methodProc(isometric,balloonconfig) ConfigBalloon
   set methodProc(isometric,plaintext)   DrawPlainText
   set methodProc(3dplot,title)          DrawTitle
   set methodProc(3dplot,plotfunc)       Draw3DFunction
   set methodProc(3dplot,plotdata)       Draw3DData
   set methodProc(3dplot,plotline)       Draw3DLineFrom3Dcoordinates
   set methodProc(3dplot,gridsize)       GridSize3D
   set methodProc(3dplot,saveplot)       SavePlot
   set methodProc(3dplot,colour)         SetColours
   set methodProc(3dplot,color)          SetColours
   set methodProc(3dplot,xconfig)        XConfig
   set methodProc(3dplot,yconfig)        YConfig
   set methodProc(3dplot,zconfig)        ZConfig
   set methodProc(3dplot,plotfuncont)    Draw3DFunctionContour
   set methodProc(3dplot,background)     BackgroundColour
   set methodProc(3dbars,title)          DrawTitle
   set methodProc(3dbars,plot)           Draw3DBar
   set methodProc(3dbars,yconfig)        YConfig
   set methodProc(3dbars,saveplot)       SavePlot
   set methodProc(3dbars,config)         Config3DBars
   set methodProc(3dbars,balloon)        DrawBalloon
   set methodProc(3dbars,balloonconfig)  ConfigBalloon
   set methodProc(3dbars,plaintext)      DrawPlainText
   set methodProc(radialchart,title)     DrawTitle
   set methodProc(radialchart,plot)      DrawRadial
   set methodProc(radialchart,saveplot)  SavePlot
   set methodProc(radialchart,balloon)   DrawBalloon
   set methodProc(radialchart,plaintext) DrawPlainText
   set methodProc(txplot,title)          DrawTitle
   set methodProc(txplot,xtext)          DrawXtext
   set methodProc(txplot,ytext)          DrawYtext
   set methodProc(txplot,plot)           DrawTimeData
   set methodProc(txplot,interval)       DrawInterval
   set methodProc(txplot,saveplot)       SavePlot
   set methodProc(txplot,dataconfig)     DataConfig
   set methodProc(txplot,xconfig)        XConfig
   set methodProc(txplot,yconfig)        YConfig
   set methodProc(txplot,xticklines)     DrawXTicklines
   set methodProc(txplot,yticklines)     DrawYTicklines
   set methodProc(txplot,background)     BackgroundColour
   set methodProc(txplot,legendconfig)   LegendConfigure
   set methodProc(txplot,legend)         DrawLegend
   set methodProc(txplot,balloon)        DrawBalloon
   set methodProc(txplot,balloonconfig)  ConfigBalloon
   set methodProc(txplot,plaintext)      DrawPlainText
   set methodProc(3dribbon,title)        DrawTitle
   set methodProc(3dribbon,saveplot)     SavePlot
   set methodProc(3dribbon,line)         Draw3DLine
   set methodProc(3dribbon,area)         Draw3DArea
   set methodProc(3dribbon,background)   BackgroundColour

   # Auxiliary parameters
   variable torad
   set torad [expr {3.1415926/180.0}]

   variable options
   variable option_keys
   variable option_values
   set options       {-colour -color  -symbol -type -filled -fillcolour}
   set option_keys   {-colour -colour -symbol -type -filled -fillcolour}
   set option_values {-colour {...}
                      -symbol {plus cross circle up down dot upfilled downfilled}
                      -type {line symbol both}
                      -filled {no up down}
                      -fillcolour {...}

   variable axis_options
   variable axis_option_clear
   variable axis_option_values
   set axis_options       {-format -ticklength -ticklines -scale}
   set axis_option_clear  { 0       0           0          1    }
   set axis_option_values {-format     {...}
                           -ticklength {...}
                           -ticklines  {0 1}
                           -scale      {...}
   variable contour_options

# setZoomPan --
#    Set up the bindings for zooming and panning
# Arguments:
#    w           Name of the canvas window
# Result:
#    None
# Side effect:
#    Bindings set up
proc ::Plotchart::setZoomPan { w } {
   set sqrt2  [expr {sqrt(2.0)}]
   set sqrt05 [expr {sqrt(0.5)}]

   bind $w <Control-Button-1> [list ::Plotchart::ScaleItems $w %x %y $sqrt2]
   bind $w <Control-Prior>    [list ::Plotchart::ScaleItems $w %x %y $sqrt2]
   bind $w <Control-Button-2> [list ::Plotchart::ScaleItems $w %x %y $sqrt05]
   bind $w <Control-Button-3> [list ::Plotchart::ScaleItems $w %x %y $sqrt05]
   bind $w <Control-Next>     [list ::Plotchart::ScaleItems $w %x %y $sqrt05]
   bind $w <Control-Up>       [list ::Plotchart::MoveItems  $w   0 -40]
   bind $w <Control-Down>     [list ::Plotchart::MoveItems  $w   0  40]
   bind $w <Control-Left>     [list ::Plotchart::MoveItems  $w -40   0]
   bind $w <Control-Right>    [list ::Plotchart::MoveItems  $w  40   0]
   focus $w

# viewPort --
#    Set the pixel extremes for the graph
# Arguments:
#    w           Name of the canvas window
#    pxmin       Minimum X-coordinate
#    pymin       Minimum Y-coordinate
#    pxmax       Maximum X-coordinate
#    pymax       Maximum Y-coordinate
# Result:
#    None
# Side effect:
#    Array scaling filled
proc ::Plotchart::viewPort { w pxmin pymin pxmax pymax } {
   variable scaling

   if { $pxmin >= $pxmax || $pymin >= $pymax } {
      return -code error "Inconsistent bounds for viewport"

# <MB>
   set scaling($w,pxmin)    $pxmin
   set scaling($w,pymin)    $pymin
   set scaling($w,pxmax)    $pxmax
   set scaling($w,pymax)    $pymax
   set scaling($w,new)      1

# worldCoordinates --
#    Set the extremes for the world coordinates
# Arguments:
#    w           Name of the canvas window
#    xmin        Minimum X-coordinate
#    ymin        Minimum Y-coordinate
#    xmax        Maximum X-coordinate
#    ymax        Maximum Y-coordinate
# Result:
#    None
# Side effect:
#    Array scaling filled
proc ::Plotchart::worldCoordinates { w xmin ymin xmax ymax } {
   variable scaling

   if { $xmin == $xmax || $ymin == $ymax } {
      return -code error "Minimum and maximum must differ for world coordinates"

   set scaling($w,xmin)    [expr {double($xmin)}]
   set scaling($w,ymin)    [expr {double($ymin)}]
   set scaling($w,xmax)    [expr {double($xmax)}]
   set scaling($w,ymax)    [expr {double($ymax)}]

   set scaling($w,new)     1

# polarCoordinates --
#    Set the extremes for the polar coordinates
# Arguments:
#    w           Name of the canvas window
#    radmax      Maximum radius
# Result:
#    None
# Side effect:
#    Array scaling filled
proc ::Plotchart::polarCoordinates { w radmax } {
   variable scaling

   if { $radmax <= 0.0 } {
      return -code error "Maximum radius must be positive"

   set scaling($w,xmin)    [expr {-double($radmax)}]
   set scaling($w,ymin)    [expr {-double($radmax)}]
   set scaling($w,xmax)    [expr {double($radmax)}]
   set scaling($w,ymax)    [expr {double($radmax)}]

   set scaling($w,new)     1

# world3DCoordinates --
#    Set the extremes for the world coordinates in 3D plots
# Arguments:
#    w           Name of the canvas window
#    xmin        Minimum X-coordinate
#    ymin        Minimum Y-coordinate
#    zmin        Minimum Z-coordinate
#    xmax        Maximum X-coordinate
#    ymax        Maximum Y-coordinate
#    zmax        Maximum Z-coordinate
# Result:
#    None
# Side effect:
#    Array scaling filled
proc ::Plotchart::world3DCoordinates { w xmin ymin zmin xmax ymax zmax } {
   variable scaling

   if { $xmin == $xmax || $ymin == $ymax || $zmin == $zmax } {
      return -code error "Minimum and maximum must differ for world coordinates"

   set scaling($w,xmin)    [expr {double($xmin)}]
   set scaling($w,ymin)    [expr {double($ymin)}]
   set scaling($w,zmin)    [expr {double($zmin)}]
   set scaling($w,xmax)    [expr {double($xmax)}]
   set scaling($w,ymax)    [expr {double($ymax)}]
   set scaling($w,zmax)    [expr {double($zmax)}]

   set scaling($w,new)     1

# coordsToPixel --
#    Convert world coordinates to pixel coordinates
# Arguments:
#    w           Name of the canvas
#    xcrd        X-coordinate
#    ycrd        Y-coordinate
# Result:
#    List of two elements, x- and y-coordinates in pixels
proc ::Plotchart::coordsToPixel { w xcrd ycrd } {
   variable scaling

   if { $scaling($w,new) == 1 } {
      set scaling($w,new)     0
      set width               [expr {$scaling($w,pxmax)-$scaling($w,pxmin)}]
      set height              [expr {$scaling($w,pymax)-$scaling($w,pymin)}]

      set dx                  [expr {$scaling($w,xmax)-$scaling($w,xmin)}]
      set dy                  [expr {$scaling($w,ymax)-$scaling($w,ymin)}]
      set scaling($w,xfactor) [expr {$width/$dx}]
      set scaling($w,yfactor) [expr {$height/$dy}]

   set xpix [expr {$scaling($w,pxmin)+($xcrd-$scaling($w,xmin))*$scaling($w,xfactor)}]
   set ypix [expr {$scaling($w,pymin)+($scaling($w,ymax)-$ycrd)*$scaling($w,yfactor)}]
   return [list $xpix $ypix]

# coords3DToPixel --
#    Convert world coordinates to pixel coordinates (3D plots)
# Arguments:
#    w           Name of the canvas
#    xcrd        X-coordinate
#    ycrd        Y-coordinate
#    zcrd        Z-coordinate
# Result:
#    List of two elements, x- and y-coordinates in pixels
proc ::Plotchart::coords3DToPixel { w xcrd ycrd zcrd } {
   variable scaling

   if { $scaling($w,new) == 1 } {
      set scaling($w,new)      0
      set width                [expr {$scaling($w,pxmax)-$scaling($w,pxmin)}]
      set height               [expr {$scaling($w,pymax)-$scaling($w,pymin)}]

      set dx                   [expr {$scaling($w,xmax)-$scaling($w,xmin)}]
      set dy                   [expr {$scaling($w,ymax)-$scaling($w,ymin)}]
      set dz                   [expr {$scaling($w,zmax)-$scaling($w,zmin)}]
      set scaling($w,xyfactor) [expr {$scaling($w,yfract)*$width/$dx}]
      set scaling($w,xzfactor) [expr {$scaling($w,zfract)*$height/$dx}]
      set scaling($w,yfactor)  [expr {$width/$dy}]
      set scaling($w,zfactor)  [expr {$height/$dz}]

   # The values for xcrd = xmax
   set xpix [expr {$scaling($w,pxmin)+($ycrd-$scaling($w,ymin))*$scaling($w,yfactor)}]
   set ypix [expr {$scaling($w,pymin)+($scaling($w,zmax)-$zcrd)*$scaling($w,zfactor)}]

   # Add the shift due to xcrd-xmax
   set xpix [expr {$xpix + $scaling($w,xyfactor)*($xcrd-$scaling($w,xmax))}]
   set ypix [expr {$ypix - $scaling($w,xzfactor)*($xcrd-$scaling($w,xmax))}]

   return [list $xpix $ypix]

# pixelToCoords --
#    Convert pixel coordinates to world coordinates
# Arguments:
#    w           Name of the canvas
#    xpix        X-coordinate (pixel)
#    ypix        Y-coordinate (pixel)
# Result:
#    List of two elements, x- and y-coordinates in world coordinate system
proc ::Plotchart::pixelToCoords { w xpix ypix } {
   variable scaling

   if { $scaling($w,new) == 1 } {
      set scaling($w,new)     0
      set width               [expr {$scaling($w,pxmax)-$scaling($w,pxmin)}]
      set height              [expr {$scaling($w,pymax)-$scaling($w,pymin)}]

      set dx                  [expr {$scaling($w,xmax)-$scaling($w,xmin)}]
      set dy                  [expr {$scaling($w,ymax)-$scaling($w,ymin)}]
      set scaling($w,xfactor) [expr {$width/$dx}]
      set scaling($w,yfactor) [expr {$height/$dy}]

   set xcrd [expr {$scaling($w,xmin)+($xpix-$scaling($w,pxmin))/$scaling($w,xfactor)}]
   set ycrd [expr {$scaling($w,ymax)-($ypix-$scaling($w,pymin))/$scaling($w,yfactor)}]
   return [list $xcrd $ycrd]

# pixelToIndex --
#    Convert pixel coordinates to elements list index
# Arguments:
#    w           Name of the canvas
#    xpix        X-coordinate (pixel)
#    ypix        Y-coordinate (pixel)
# Result:
#    Elements list index
proc ::Plotchart::pixelToIndex { w xpix ypix } {
   variable scaling
   variable torad

   set idx -1
   set radius [expr {($scaling(${w},pxmax) - $scaling(${w},pxmin)) / 2}]
   set xrel [expr {${xpix} - $scaling(${w},pxmin) - ${radius}}]
   set yrel [expr {-${ypix} + $scaling(${w},pymin) + ${radius}}]
   if {[expr {pow(${radius},2) < (pow(${xrel},2) + pow(${yrel},2))}]} {
       # do nothing out of pie chart
   } elseif {[info exists scaling(${w},angles)]} {
       set xy_angle [expr {(360 + round(atan2(${yrel},${xrel})/${torad})) % 360}]
       foreach angle $scaling(${w},angles) {
       if {${xy_angle} <= ${angle}} {
       incr idx
   return ${idx}

# polarToPixel --
#    Convert polar coordinates to pixel coordinates
# Arguments:
#    w           Name of the canvas
#    rad         Radius of the point
#    phi         Angle of the point (degrees)
# Result:
#    List of two elements, x- and y-coordinates in pixels
proc ::Plotchart::polarToPixel { w rad phi } {
   variable torad

   set xcrd [expr {$rad*cos($phi*$torad)}]
   set ycrd [expr {$rad*sin($phi*$torad)}]

   coordsToPixel $w $xcrd $ycrd

# createXYPlot --
#    Create a command for drawing an XY plot
# Arguments:
#    w           Name of the canvas
#    xscale      Minimum, maximum and step for x-axis (initial)
#    yscale      Minimum, maximum and step for y-axis
# Result:
#    Name of a new command
# Note:
#    The entire canvas will be dedicated to the XY plot.
#    The plot will be drawn with axes
proc ::Plotchart::createXYPlot { w xscale yscale } {
   variable data_series

   foreach s [array names data_series "$w,*"] {
      unset data_series($s)

   set newchart "xyplot_$w"
   interp alias {} $newchart {} ::Plotchart::PlotHandler xyplot $w

   foreach {pxmin pymin pxmax pymax} [MarginsRectangle $w] {break}

   foreach {xmin xmax xdelt} $xscale {break}
   foreach {ymin ymax ydelt} $yscale {break}

   if { $xdelt == 0.0 || $ydelt == 0.0 } {
      return -code error "Step size can not be zero"

   if { ($xmax-$xmin)*$xdelt < 0.0 } {
      set xdelt [expr {-$xdelt}]
   if { ($ymax-$ymin)*$ydelt < 0.0 } {
      set ydelt [expr {-$ydelt}]

   viewPort         $w $pxmin $pymin $pxmax $pymax
   worldCoordinates $w $xmin  $ymin  $xmax  $ymax

   DrawYaxis        $w $ymin  $ymax  $ydelt
   DrawXaxis        $w $xmin  $xmax  $xdelt
   DrawMask         $w
   DefaultLegend    $w
   DefaultBalloon   $w

   return $newchart

# createStripchart --
#    Create a command for drawing a strip chart
# Arguments:
#    w           Name of the canvas
#    xscale      Minimum, maximum and step for x-axis (initial)
#    yscale      Minimum, maximum and step for y-axis
# Result:
#    Name of a new command
# Note:
#    The entire canvas will be dedicated to the stripchart.
#    The stripchart will be drawn with axes
proc ::Plotchart::createStripchart { w xscale yscale } {
   variable data_series

   set newchart [createXYPlot $w $xscale $yscale]

   interp alias {} $newchart {}

   set newchart "stripchart_$w"
   interp alias {} $newchart {} ::Plotchart::PlotHandler stripchart $w

   return $newchart

# createIsometricPlot --
#    Create a command for drawing an "isometric" plot
# Arguments:
#    w           Name of the canvas
#    xscale      Minimum and maximum for x-axis
#    yscale      Minimum and maximum for y-axis
#    stepsize    Step size for numbers on the axes or "noaxes"
# Result:
#    Name of a new command
# Note:
#    The entire canvas will be dedicated to the plot
#    The plot will be drawn with or without axes
proc ::Plotchart::createIsometricPlot { w xscale yscale stepsize } {
   variable data_series

   foreach s [array names data_series "$w,*"] {
      unset data_series($s)

   set newchart "isometric_$w"
   interp alias {} $newchart {} ::Plotchart::PlotHandler isometric $w

   if { $stepsize != "noaxes" } {
      foreach {pxmin pymin pxmax pymax} [MarginsRectangle $w] {break}
   } else {
      set pxmin 0
      set pymin 0
      #set pxmax [$w cget -width]
      #set pymax [$w cget -height]
      set pxmax [WidthCanvas $w]
      set pymax [HeightCanvas $w]

   foreach {xmin xmax} $xscale {break}
   foreach {ymin ymax} $yscale {break}

   if { $xmin == $xmax || $ymin == $ymax } {
      return -code error "Extremes for axes must be different"

   viewPort         $w $pxmin $pymin $pxmax $pymax
   ScaleIsometric   $w $xmin  $ymin  $xmax  $ymax

   if { $stepsize != "noaxes" } {
      DrawYaxis        $w $ymin  $ymax  $ydelt
      DrawXaxis        $w $xmin  $xmax  $xdelt
      DrawMask         $w
   DefaultLegend  $w
   DefaultBalloon $w

   return $newchart

# createHistogram --
#    Create a command for drawing a histogram
# Arguments:
#    w           Name of the canvas
#    xscale      Minimum, maximum and step for x-axis (initial)
#    yscale      Minimum, maximum and step for y-axis
# Result:
#    Name of a new command
# Note:
#    The entire canvas will be dedicated to the histogram.
#    The plot will be drawn with axes
#    This is almost the same code as for an XY plot
proc ::Plotchart::createHistogram { w xscale yscale } {
   variable data_series

   foreach s [array names data_series "$w,*"] {
      unset data_series($s)

   set newchart "histogram_$w"
   interp alias {} $newchart {} ::Plotchart::PlotHandler histogram $w

   foreach {pxmin pymin pxmax pymax} [MarginsRectangle $w] {break}

   foreach {xmin xmax xdelt} $xscale {break}
   foreach {ymin ymax ydelt} $yscale {break}

   if { $xdelt == 0.0 || $ydelt == 0.0 } {
      return -code error "Step size can not be zero"

   if { ($xmax-$xmin)*$xdelt < 0.0 } {
      set xdelt [expr {-$xdelt}]
   if { ($ymax-$ymin)*$ydelt < 0.0 } {
      set ydelt [expr {-$ydelt}]

   viewPort         $w $pxmin $pymin $pxmax $pymax
   worldCoordinates $w $xmin  $ymin  $xmax  $ymax

   DrawYaxis        $w $ymin  $ymax  $ydelt
   DrawXaxis        $w $xmin  $xmax  $xdelt
   DrawMask         $w
   DefaultLegend    $w
   DefaultBalloon   $w

   return $newchart

# createPiechart --
#    Create a command for drawing a pie chart
# Arguments:
#    w           Name of the canvas
# Result:
#    Name of a new command
# Note:
#    The entire canvas will be dedicated to the pie chart.
proc ::Plotchart::createPiechart { w } {
   variable data_series

   foreach s [array names data_series "$w,*"] {
      unset data_series($s)

   set newchart "piechart_$w"
   interp alias {} $newchart {} ::Plotchart::PlotHandler piechart $w

   foreach {pxmin pymin pxmax pymax} [MarginsCircle $w] {break}

   viewPort $w $pxmin $pymin $pxmax $pymax
   $w create oval $pxmin $pymin $pxmax $pymax

   SetColours $w blue lightblue green yellow orange red magenta brown
   DefaultLegend  $w
   DefaultBalloon $w

   return $newchart

# createPolarplot --
#    Create a command for drawing a polar plot
# Arguments:
#    w             Name of the canvas
#    radius_data   Maximum radius and step
# Result:
#    Name of a new command
# Note:
#    The entire canvas will be dedicated to the polar plot
#    Possible additional arguments (optional): nautical/mathematical
#    step in phi
proc ::Plotchart::createPolarplot { w radius_data } {
   variable data_series

   foreach s [array names data_series "$w,*"] {
      unset data_series($s)

   set newchart "polarplot_$w"
   interp alias {} $newchart {} ::Plotchart::PlotHandler polarplot $w

   set rad_max   [lindex $radius_data 0]
   set rad_step  [lindex $radius_data 1]

   if { $rad_step <= 0.0 } {
      return -code error "Step size can not be zero or negative"
   if { $rad_max <= 0.0 } {
      return -code error "Maximum radius can not be zero or negative"

   foreach {pxmin pymin pxmax pymax} [MarginsCircle $w] {break}

   viewPort         $w $pxmin     $pymin     $pxmax   $pymax
   polarCoordinates $w $rad_max
   DrawPolarAxes    $w $rad_max   $rad_step
   DefaultLegend    $w
   DefaultBalloon   $w

   return $newchart

# createBarchart --
#    Create a command for drawing a barchart with vertical bars
# Arguments:
#    w           Name of the canvas
#    xlabels     List of labels for x-axis
#    yscale      Minimum, maximum and step for y-axis
#    noseries    Number of series or the keyword "stacked"
# Result:
#    Name of a new command
# Note:
#    The entire canvas will be dedicated to the barchart.
proc ::Plotchart::createBarchart { w xlabels yscale noseries } {
   variable data_series

   foreach s [array names data_series "$w,*"] {
      unset data_series($s)

   set newchart "barchart_$w"
   interp alias {} $newchart {} ::Plotchart::PlotHandler vertbars $w

   foreach {pxmin pymin pxmax pymax} [MarginsRectangle $w] {break}

   set xmin  0.0
   set xmax  [expr {[llength $xlabels] + 0.1}]

   foreach {ymin ymax ydelt} $yscale {break}

   if { $ydelt == 0.0 } {
      return -code error "Step size can not be zero"

   if { ($ymax-$ymin)*$ydelt < 0.0 } {
      set ydelt [expr {-$ydelt}]

   viewPort         $w $pxmin $pymin $pxmax $pymax
   worldCoordinates $w $xmin  $ymin  $xmax  $ymax

   DrawYaxis        $w $ymin  $ymax  $ydelt
   DrawXlabels      $w $xlabels $noseries
   DrawMask         $w
   DefaultLegend    $w
   set data_series($w,legendtype) "rectangle"
   DefaultBalloon   $w

   SetColours $w blue lightblue green yellow orange red magenta brown

   return $newchart

# createHorizontalBarchart --
#    Create a command for drawing a barchart with horizontal bars
# Arguments:
#    w           Name of the canvas
#    xscale      Minimum, maximum and step for x-axis
#    ylabels     List of labels for y-axis
#    noseries    Number of series or the keyword "stacked"
# Result:
#    Name of a new command
# Note:
#    The entire canvas will be dedicated to the barchart.
proc ::Plotchart::createHorizontalBarchart { w xscale ylabels noseries } {
   variable data_series

   foreach s [array names data_series "$w,*"] {
      unset data_series($s)

   set newchart "hbarchart_$w"
   interp alias {} $newchart {} ::Plotchart::PlotHandler horizbars $w

   set notext 2.0
   set text_width 8
   # Compute the maximum width of the labels
   # <MB>
   label .invisibleLabel
   set fontname [.invisibleLabel cget -font]
   destroy .invisibleLabel
   set xspacemax 0
   foreach ylab $ylabels {
       set xspace [font measure $fontname $ylab]
       if {$xspace> $xspacemax} then {
           set xspacemax $xspace
   set text_width [expr {int ( $xspacemax / 10.) + 1}]

   foreach {pxmin pymin pxmax pymax} [MarginsRectangle $w $notext $text_width] {break}

   set ymin  0.0
   set ymax  [expr {[llength $ylabels] + 0.1}]

   foreach {xmin xmax xdelt} $xscale {break}

   if { $xdelt == 0.0 } {
      return -code error "Step size can not be zero"

   if { ($xmax-$xmin)*$xdelt < 0.0 } {
      set xdelt [expr {-$xdelt}]

   viewPort         $w $pxmin $pymin $pxmax $pymax
   worldCoordinates $w $xmin  $ymin  $xmax  $ymax

   DrawXaxis        $w $xmin  $xmax  $xdelt
   DrawYlabels      $w $ylabels $noseries
   DrawMask         $w
   DefaultLegend    $w
   set data_series($w,legendtype) "rectangle"
   DefaultBalloon   $w

   SetColours $w blue lightblue green yellow orange red magenta brown

   return $newchart

# createTimechart --
#    Create a command for drawing a simple timechart
# Arguments:
#    w           Name of the canvas
#    time_begin  Start time (in the form of a date/time)
#    time_end    End time (in the form of a date/time)
#    noitems     Number of items to be shown (determines spacing)
# Result:
#    Name of a new command
# Note:
#    The entire canvas will be dedicated to the timechart.
proc ::Plotchart::createTimechart { w time_begin time_end noitems } {
   variable data_series
   variable scaling

   foreach s [array names data_series "$w,*"] {
      unset data_series($s)

   set newchart "timechart_$w"
   interp alias {} $newchart {} ::Plotchart::PlotHandler timechart $w

   foreach {pxmin pymin pxmax pymax} [MarginsRectangle $w 3] {break}

   set ymin  0.0
   set ymax  $noitems

   set xmin  [expr {1.0*[clock scan $time_begin]}]
   set xmax  [expr {1.0*[clock scan $time_end]}]

   viewPort         $w $pxmin $pymin $pxmax $pymax
   worldCoordinates $w $xmin  $ymin  $xmax  $ymax

   set scaling($w,current) $ymax
   set scaling($w,dy)      -0.7

   return $newchart

# createGanttchart --
#    Create a command for drawing a Gantt (planning) chart
# Arguments:
#    w           Name of the canvas
#    time_begin  Start time (in the form of a date/time)
#    time_end    End time (in the form of a date/time)
#    noitems     Number of items to be shown (determines spacing)
#    text_width  Estimated maximum length of text (default: 20)
# Result:
#    Name of a new command
# Note:
#    The entire canvas will be dedicated to the Gantt chart.
#    Most commands taken from time charts.
proc ::Plotchart::createGanttchart { w time_begin time_end noitems
                                     {text_width 20} } {

   variable data_series
   variable scaling

   foreach s [array names data_series "$w,*"] {
      unset data_series($s)

   set newchart "ganttchart_$w"
   interp alias {} $newchart {} ::Plotchart::PlotHandler ganttchart $w

   foreach {pxmin pymin pxmax pymax} [MarginsRectangle $w 3 $text_width] {break}

   set ymin  0.0
   set ymax  $noitems

   set xmin  [expr {1.0*[clock scan $time_begin]}]
   set xmax  [expr {1.0*[clock scan $time_end]}]

   viewPort         $w $pxmin $pymin $pxmax $pymax
   worldCoordinates $w $xmin  $ymin  $xmax  $ymax

   set scaling($w,current) $ymax
   set scaling($w,dy)      -0.7

   # Draw the backgrounds (both in the text part and the
   # graphical part; the text part has the "special" tag
   # "Edit" to enable a GUI to change things)
   set yend 0.0
   for { set i 0 } { $i < $noitems } { incr i } {
       set ybegin $yend
       set yend   [expr {$ybegin+1.0}]
       foreach {x1 y1} [coordsToPixel $w $xmin $ybegin] {break}
       foreach {x2 y2} [coordsToPixel $w $xmax $yend  ] {break}

       if { $i%2 == 0 } {
           set tag odd
       } else {
           set tag even
       $w create rectangle 0   $y1 $x1 $y2 -fill white -tag Edit -outline white
       $w create rectangle $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 -fill white -tag $tag -outline white

   # Default colours and fonts
   GanttColor $w description black
   GanttColor $w completed   lightblue
   GanttColor $w left        white
   GanttColor $w odd         white
   GanttColor $w even        lightgrey
   GanttColor $w summary     black
   GanttColor $w summarybar  black
   GanttFont  $w description "times 10"
   GanttFont  $w summary     "times 10 bold"
   GanttFont  $w scale       "times 7"
   DefaultBalloon $w

   return $newchart

# create3DPlot --
#    Create a simple 3D plot
# Arguments:
#    w           Name of the canvas
#    xscale      Minimum, maximum and step for x-axis (initial)
#    yscale      Minimum, maximum and step for y-axis
#    zscale      Minimum, maximum and step for z-axis
# Result:
#    Name of a new command
# Note:
#    The entire canvas will be dedicated to the 3D plot
proc ::Plotchart::create3DPlot { w xscale yscale zscale } {
   variable data_series

   foreach s [array names data_series "$w,*"] {
      unset data_series($s)

   set newchart "3dplot_$w"
   interp alias {} $newchart {} ::Plotchart::PlotHandler 3dplot $w

   foreach {pxmin pymin pxmax pymax} [Margins3DPlot $w] {break}

   foreach {xmin xmax xstep} $xscale {break}
   foreach {ymin ymax ystep} $yscale {break}
   foreach {zmin zmax zstep} $zscale {break}

   viewPort           $w $pxmin $pymin $pxmax $pymax
   world3DCoordinates $w $xmin  $ymin  $zmin  $xmax  $ymax $zmax

   Draw3DAxes         $w $xmin  $ymin  $zmin  $xmax  $ymax $zmax \
                         $xstep $ystep $zstep
   DefaultLegend      $w
   DefaultBalloon     $w

   SetColours $w grey black

   return $newchart

# create3DBarchart --
#    Create a command for drawing a barchart with vertical 3D bars
# Arguments:
#    w           Name of the canvas
#    yscale      Minimum, maximum and step for y-axis
#    nobars      Number of bars to be drawn
# Result:
#    Name of a new command
# Note:
#    The entire canvas will be dedicated to the barchart.
proc ::Plotchart::create3DBarchart { w yscale nobars } {
   variable data_series

   foreach s [array names data_series "$w,*"] {
      unset data_series($s)

   set newchart "3dbarchart_$w"
   interp alias {} $newchart {} ::Plotchart::PlotHandler 3dbars $w

   foreach {pxmin pymin pxmax pymax} [MarginsRectangle $w 4] {break}

   set xmin  0.0
   set xmax  [expr {$nobars + 0.1}]

   foreach {ymin ymax ydelt} $yscale {break}

   if { $ydelt == 0.0 } {
      return -code error "Step size can not be zero"

   if { ($ymax-$ymin)*$ydelt < 0.0 } {
      set ydelt [expr {-$ydelt}]

   viewPort         $w $pxmin $pymin $pxmax $pymax
   worldCoordinates $w $xmin  $ymin  $xmax  $ymax

   DrawYaxis        $w $ymin  $ymax  $ydelt
  #DrawMask         $w -- none!
   Draw3DBarchart   $w $yscale $nobars
   DefaultLegend    $w
   DefaultBalloon   $w

   return $newchart

# createRadialchart --
#    Create a command for drawing a radial chart
# Arguments:
#    w           Name of the canvas
#    names       Names of the spokes
#    scale       Scale factor for the data
#    style       (Optional) style of the chart (lines, cumulative or filled)
# Result:
#    Name of a new command
# Note:
#    The entire canvas will be dedicated to the radial chart.
proc ::Plotchart::createRadialchart { w names scale {style lines} } {
   variable settings
   variable data_series

   foreach s [array names data_series "$w,*"] {
      unset data_series($s)

   set newchart "radialchart_$w"
   interp alias {} $newchart {} ::Plotchart::PlotHandler radialchart $w

   foreach {pxmin pymin pxmax pymax} [MarginsCircle $w] {break}

   viewPort $w $pxmin $pymin $pxmax $pymax
   $w create oval $pxmin $pymin $pxmax $pymax

   set settings($w,scale)  [expr {double($scale)}]
   set settings($w,style)  $style
   set settings($w,number) [llength $names]

   DrawRadialSpokes $w $names
   DefaultLegend  $w
   DefaultBalloon $w

   return $newchart

# createTXPlot --
#    Create a command for drawing a TX plot (x versus date/time)
# Arguments:
#    w           Name of the canvas
#    tscale      Minimum, maximum and step for date/time-axis (initial)
#                (values must be valid dates and the step is in days)
#    xscale      Minimum, maximum and step for vertical axis
# Result:
#    Name of a new command
# Note:
#    The entire canvas will be dedicated to the TX plot.
#    The plot will be drawn with axes
proc ::Plotchart::createTXPlot { w tscale xscale } {
   variable data_series

   foreach s [array names data_series "$w,*"] {
      unset data_series($s)

   set newchart "txplot_$w"
   interp alias {} $newchart {} ::Plotchart::PlotHandler txplot $w

   foreach {pxmin pymin pxmax pymax} [MarginsRectangle $w] {break}

   foreach {tmin tmax tdelt} $tscale {break}

   set xmin  [clock scan $tmin]
   set xmax  [clock scan $tmax]
   set xdelt [expr {86400*$tdelt}]

   foreach {ymin ymax ydelt} $xscale {break}

   if { $xdelt == 0.0 || $ydelt == 0.0 } {
      return -code error "Step size can not be zero"

   if { ($xmax-$xmin)*$xdelt < 0.0 } {
      set xdelt [expr {-$xdelt}]
   if { ($ymax-$ymin)*$ydelt < 0.0 } {
      set ydelt [expr {-$ydelt}]

   viewPort         $w $pxmin $pymin $pxmax $pymax
   worldCoordinates $w $xmin  $ymin  $xmax  $ymax

   DrawYaxis        $w $ymin  $ymax  $ydelt
   DrawTimeaxis     $w $tmin  $tmax  $tdelt
   DrawMask         $w
   DefaultLegend    $w
   DefaultBalloon   $w

   return $newchart

# createRightAxis --
#    Create a command for drawing a plot with a right axis
# Arguments:
#    w           Name of the canvas
#    yscale      Minimum, maximum and step for vertical axis
# Result:
#    Name of a new command
# Note:
#    This command requires that another plot command has been
#    created prior to this one. Some of the properties from that
#    command serve for this one too.
proc ::Plotchart::createRightAxis { w yscale } {
   variable data_series
   variable scaling

   set newchart "right_$w"

   # Check if there is an appropriate plot already defined - there
   # should be only one!
   if { [llength [info command "*_$w" ]] == 0 } {
       return -code error "There should be a plot with a left axis already defined"
   if { [llength [info command "*_$w" ]] != 1 } {
       return -code error "There should be only one plot command for this widget ($w)"

   set type [lindex [interp alias {} [info command "*_$w"]] 1]

   interp alias {} $newchart {} ::Plotchart::PlotHandler $type r$w
   interp alias {} r$w       {} $w

   set xmin $scaling($w,xmin)
   set xmax $scaling($w,xmax)

   set pxmin $scaling($w,pxmin)
   set pxmax $scaling($w,pxmax)
   set pymin $scaling($w,pymin)
   set pymax $scaling($w,pymax)

   foreach {ymin ymax ydelt} $yscale {break}

   if { $ydelt == 0.0 } {
      return -code error "Step size can not be zero"

   if { ($ymax-$ymin)*$ydelt < 0.0 } {
      set ydelt [expr {-$ydelt}]

   viewPort         r$w $pxmin $pymin $pxmax $pymax
   worldCoordinates r$w $xmin  $ymin  $xmax  $ymax

   DrawRightaxis    r$w $ymin  $ymax  $ydelt

   return $newchart

# create3DRibbonChart --
#    Create a chart that can display 3D lines and areas
# Arguments:
#    w           Name of the canvas
#    names       Labels along the x-axis
#    yscale      Minimum, maximum and step for y-axis
#    zscale      Minimum, maximum and step for z-axis
# Result:
#    Name of a new command
# Note:
#    The entire canvas will be dedicated to the 3D chart
proc ::Plotchart::create3DRibbonChart { w names yscale zscale } {
   variable data_series

   foreach s [array names data_series "$w,*"] {
      unset data_series($s)

   set newchart "3dribbon_$w"
   interp alias {} $newchart {} ::Plotchart::PlotHandler 3dribbon $w

   foreach {pxmin pymin pxmax pymax} [Margins3DPlot $w] {break}

   foreach {xmin xmax xstep} {0.0 1.0 0.0} {break}
   foreach {ymin ymax ystep} $yscale {break}
   foreach {zmin zmax zstep} $zscale {break}

   set xstep [expr {1.0/[llength $names]}]
   set data_series($w,xbase)  [expr {1.0-0.15*$xstep}]
   set data_series($w,xstep)  $xstep
   set data_series($w,xwidth) [expr {0.7*$xstep}]

   viewPort           $w $pxmin $pymin $pxmax $pymax
   world3DCoordinates $w $xmin  $ymin  $zmin  $xmax  $ymax $zmax

   Draw3DAxes         $w $xmin  $ymin  $zmin  $xmax  $ymax $zmax \
                         $xstep $ystep $zstep $names
   DefaultLegend      $w
   DefaultBalloon     $w

   SetColours $w grey black

   return $newchart

# Load the private procedures
source [file join [file dirname [info script]] "plotpriv.tcl"]
source [file join [file dirname [info script]] "plotaxis.tcl"]
source [file join [file dirname [info script]] "plot3d.tcl"]
source [file join [file dirname [info script]] "scaling.tcl"]
source [file join [file dirname [info script]] "plotcontour.tcl"]
source [file join [file dirname [info script]] "plotgantt.tcl"]
source [file join [file dirname [info script]] "plotbusiness.tcl"]
source [file join [file dirname [info script]] "plotannot.tcl"]

# Announce our presence
package provide Plotchart 1.3.2