Tcl Library Source Code

Artifact [dc7ad52cfd]
EuroTcl/OpenACS 11 - 12 JULY 2024, VIENNA

Artifact dc7ad52cfdc1041120a6f023c55e90214bfecaa3:

Attachment "481022.diff" to ticket [481022ffff] added by andreas_kupries 2001-11-24 09:23:12.
? modules/fileinput
? modules/ftp/test_ftpchan.tcl
? modules/ftp/example
? modules/ftpd/examples
Index: ChangeLog
RCS file: /cvsroot/tcllib/tcllib/ChangeLog,v
retrieving revision 1.87
diff -u -r1.87 ChangeLog
--- ChangeLog	2001/11/19 23:32:48	1.87
+++ ChangeLog	2001/11/24 02:21:34
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+2001-11-23  Andreas Kupries  <[email protected]>
+	* struct.matrix: Implemented FR #481022.
 2001-11-19  Andreas Kupries  <[email protected]>
 	* struct/graph: Applied patch #483125
Index: modules/struct/ChangeLog
RCS file: /cvsroot/tcllib/tcllib/modules/struct/ChangeLog,v
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -u -r1.17 ChangeLog
--- modules/struct/ChangeLog	2001/11/19 23:32:48	1.17
+++ modules/struct/ChangeLog	2001/11/24 02:21:36
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+2001-11-23  Andreas Kupries  <[email protected]>
+	* matrix.test:
+	* matrix.n:
+	* matrix.tcl: Implementation of FR #481022: matrix printing and
+	  searching.
 2001-11-19  Andreas Kupries  <[email protected]>
 	* graph.test:
Index: modules/struct/matrix.n
RCS file: /cvsroot/tcllib/tcllib/modules/struct/matrix.n,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -r1.6 matrix.n
--- modules/struct/matrix.n	2001/10/17 17:27:26	1.6
+++ modules/struct/matrix.n	2001/11/24 02:21:36
@@ -105,15 +105,20 @@
 Destroys the matrix, including its storage space and associated
-\fImatrixName \fBformat 2string\fR \fIreport\fR
+\fImatrixName \fBformat 2string\fR ?\fIreport\fR?
 Formats the matrix using the specified report object and returns the
 string containing the result of this operation. The report has to
-support the \fBprintmatrix\fR method.
+support the \fBprintmatrix\fR method. If no \fIreport\fR is specified
+the system will use an internal report definition to format the
-\fImatrixName \fBformat 2chan\fR \fIreport channel\fR
+\fImatrixName \fBformat 2chan\fR ??\fIreport\fR? \fIchannel\fR?
 Formats the matrix using the specified report object and writes the
 string containing the result of this operation into the channel. The
-report has to support the \fBprintmatrix2channel\fR method.
+report has to support the \fBprintmatrix2channel\fR method.  If no
+\fIreport\fR is specified the system will use an internal report
+definition to format the matrix. If no \fIchannel\fR is specified the
+system will use \fBstdout\fR.
 \fImatrixName\fR \fBget cell\fR \fIcolumn row\fR
 Returns the value currently contained in the cell identified by row
@@ -182,6 +187,31 @@
 \fImatrixName\fR \fBrows\fR
 Returns the number of rows currently managed by the matrix.
+\fImatrixName\fR \fBsearch\fR ?-exact|-glob|-regexp? \fBall\fR \fIpattern\fR
+Searches the whole matrix for cells matching the \fIpattern\fR and
+returns a list with all matches. Each item in the aforementioned list
+is a list itself and contains the column and row index of the matching
+cell, in this order. The results are ordered by column first and row
+second, both times in ascending order. This means that matches to the
+left and the top of the matrix come before matches to the right and
+The type of the pattern (string, glob, regular expression) is
+determined by the option after the \fBsearch\fR keyword. If no option
+is given it defaults to \fB-exact\fR.
+\fImatrixName\fR \fBsearch\fR ?-exact|-glob|-regexp? \fBcolumn\fR \fIcolumn pattern\fR
+Like \fBsearch all\fR, but the search is restricted to the specified
+\fImatrixName\fR \fBsearch\fR ?-exact|-glob|-regexp? \fBrow\fR    \fIrow pattern\fR
+Like \fBsearch all\fR, but the search is restricted to the specified
+\fImatrixName\fR \fBsearch\fR ?-exact|-glob|-regexp? \fBrect\fR \fIcolumn_tl row_tl column_br row_br pattern\fR
+Like \fBsearch all\fR, but the search is restricted to the specified
+rectangular area of the matrix.
 \fImatrixName\fR \fBset cell\fR \fIcolumn row value\fR
 Sets the value in the cell identified by row and column index to the
Index: modules/struct/matrix.tcl
RCS file: /cvsroot/tcllib/tcllib/modules/struct/matrix.tcl,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 matrix.tcl
--- modules/struct/matrix.tcl	2001/07/10 20:39:47	1.3
+++ modules/struct/matrix.tcl	2001/11/24 02:21:36
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
 	    "link"		\
 	    "rowheight"		\
 	    "rows"		\
+	    "search"		\
 	    "set"		\
 	    "swap"		\
@@ -282,6 +283,106 @@
     eval [list ::struct::matrix::__insert_$cmd $name] $args
+# ::struct::matrix::_search --
+#	Command that processes all 'search' subcommands.
+# Arguments:
+#	name	Name of the matrix object to manipulate.
+#	args	Arguments for search.
+# Results:
+#	Varies based on command to perform
+proc ::struct::matrix::_search {name args} {
+    # Possible argument signatures
+    #
+    # \ | args
+    # --+--------------------------------------------------------
+    # 2 | all pattern
+    # 3 | option all pattern, row row pattern, column col pattern
+    # 4 | option row row pattern, option colun col pattern
+    # 6 | rect ctl rtl cbr rbr pattern
+    # 7 | option rect ctl rtl cbr rbr pattern
+    #
+    # All range specifications are internally converted into a
+    # rectangle.
+    switch -exact -- [llength $args] {
+	2 - 3 - 4 - 6 - 7 {}
+	default {
+	    return -code error \
+		"wrong # args: should be \"$name search ?option? (row row|column col|rect c r c r) pattern\""
+	}
+    }
+    switch -glob -- [lindex $args 0] {
+	-exact - -glob - -regexp {
+	    set mode [string range [lindex $args 0] 1 end]
+	    set args [lrange $args 1 end]
+	}
+	-* {
+	    return -code error "invalid pattern option \"[lindex $args 0]\""
+	}
+	default {
+	    set mode exact
+	}
+    }
+    set range   [lindex $args 0]
+    set pattern [lindex $args end]
+    set args    [lrange $args 1 end-1]
+    upvar ::struct::matrix::matrix${name}::data    data
+    upvar ::struct::matrix::matrix${name}::columns cols
+    upvar ::struct::matrix::matrix${name}::rows    rows
+    switch -exact -- $range {
+	all {
+	    set ctl 0 ; set cbr $cols ; incr cbr -1
+	    set rtl 0 ; set rbr $rows ; incr rbr -1
+	}
+	column {
+	    set ctl [ChkColumnIndex $name [lindex $args 0]]
+	    set cbr $ctl
+	    set rtl 0       ; set rbr $rows ; incr rbr -1
+	}
+	row {
+	    set rtl [ChkRowIndex $name [lindex $args 0]]
+	    set ctl 0    ; set cbr $cols ; incr cbr -1
+	    set rbr $rtl
+	}
+	rect {
+	    foreach {ctl rtl cbr rbr} $args break
+	    set ctl [ChkColumnIndex $name $ctl]
+	    set rtl [ChkRowIndex    $name $rtl]
+	    set cbr [ChkColumnIndex $name $cbr]
+	    set rbr [ChkRowIndex    $name $rbr]
+	    if {($ctl > $cbr) || ($rtl > $rbr)} {
+		return -code error "Invalid cell indices, wrong ordering"
+	    }
+	}
+	default {
+	    return -code error "invalid range spec \"$range\""
+	}
+    }
+    set matches [list]
+    for {set r $rtl} {$r <= $rbr} {incr r} {
+	for {set c $ctl} {$c <= $cbr} {incr c} {
+	    set v  $data($c,$r)
+	    switch -exact -- $mode {
+		exact  {set matched [string equal $pattern $v]}
+		glob   {set matched [string match $pattern $v]}
+		regexp {set matched [regexp       $pattern $v]}
+	    }
+	    if {$matched} {
+		lappend matches [list $c $r]
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    return $matches
 # ::struct::matrix::_set --
 #	Command that processes all 'set' subcommands.
@@ -735,9 +836,48 @@
 # Results:
 #	A string containing the formatting result.
+proc ::struct::matrix::__format_2string {name {report {}}} {
+    if {$report == {}} {
+	# Use an internal hardwired simple report to format the matrix.
+	# 1. Go through all columns and compute the column widths.
+	# 2. Then iterate through all rows and dump then into a
+	#    string, formatted to the number of characters per columns
+	array set cw {}
+	set cols [_columns $name]
+	for {set c 0} {$c < $cols} {incr c} {
+	    set cw($c) [_columnwidth $name $c]
+	}
-proc ::struct::matrix::__format_2string {name report} {
-    return [$report printmatrix $name]
+	set result [list]
+	set n [_rows $name]
+	for {set r 0} {$r < $n} {incr r} {
+	    set rh [_rowheight $name $r]
+	    if {$rh < 2} {
+		# Simple row.
+		set line [list]
+		for {set c 0} {$c < $cols} {incr c} {
+		    set val [__get_cell $name $c $r]
+		    lappend line "$val[string repeat " " [expr {$cw($c)-[string length $val]}]]"
+		}
+		lappend result [join $line " "]
+	    } else {
+		# Complex row, multiple passes
+		for {set h 0} {$h < $rh} {incr h} {
+		    set line [list]
+		    for {set c 0} {$c < $cols} {incr c} {
+			set val [lindex [split [__get_cell $name $c $r] \n] $h]
+			lappend line "$val[string repeat " " [expr {$cw($c)-[string length $val]}]]"
+		    }
+		    lappend result [join $line " "]
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	return [join $result \n]
+    } else {
+	return [$report printmatrix $name]
+    }
 # ::struct::matrix::__format_2chan --
@@ -755,8 +895,14 @@
 # Results:
 #	None.
-proc ::struct::matrix::__format_2chan {name report chan} {
-    $report printmatrix2channel $name $chan
+proc ::struct::matrix::__format_2chan {name {report {}} {chan stdout}} {
+    if {$report == {}} {
+	# Use an internal hardwired simple report to format the matrix.
+	# We delegate this to the string formatter and print its result.
+	puts -nonewline [__format_2string $name]
+    } else {
+	$report printmatrix2channel $name $chan
+    }
@@ -1141,7 +1287,6 @@
 	set rh($row) $height
     return $rh($row)
Index: modules/struct/matrix.test
RCS file: /cvsroot/tcllib/tcllib/modules/struct/matrix.test,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 matrix.test
--- modules/struct/matrix.test	2001/05/20 11:22:09	1.2
+++ modules/struct/matrix.test	2001/11/24 02:21:36
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
     catch {mymatrix foo} msg
     mymatrix destroy
     set msg
-} "bad option \"foo\": must be add, cells, cellsize, columns, columnwidth, delete, destroy, format, get, insert, link, rowheight, rows, set, swap, or unlink"
+} "bad option \"foo\": must be add, cells, cellsize, columns, columnwidth, delete, destroy, format, get, insert, link, rowheight, rows, search, set, swap, or unlink"
 test matrix-0.4 {matrix errors} {
     matrix mymatrix
@@ -454,11 +454,37 @@
 mymatrix add columns 3
 mymatrix set rect 0 0 {{1 2 5} {3 4 6} {7 8 9}}"
+test matrix-5.2 {internal format} {
+    matrix mymatrix
+    mymatrix add column
+    mymatrix add row {1}
+    mymatrix add column {2}
+    mymatrix add row {3 4}
+    mymatrix add column {5 6}
+    mymatrix add row {7 8 9}
+    set result [mymatrix format 2string]
+    mymatrix destroy
+    set result
+} "1 2 5\n3 4 6\n7 8 9"
+test matrix-5.3 {internal format} {
+    matrix mymatrix
+    mymatrix add column
+    mymatrix add row {1}
+    mymatrix add column {2}
+    mymatrix add row {3a 4}
+    mymatrix add column {5 6}
+    mymatrix add row [list 7 8 "9\nb"]
+    set result [mymatrix format 2string]
+    mymatrix destroy
+    set result
+} "1  2 5\n3a 4 6\n7  8 9\n     b"
 if {![catch {package require memchan}]} {
     # We have memory channels and can therefore test
     # 'format2channel-via' too.
-    test matrix-5.2 {formatting} {
+    test matrix-5.4 {formatting} {
 	matrix mymatrix
 	mymatrix add column
 	mymatrix add row {1}
@@ -1375,6 +1401,36 @@
     mymatrix destroy
     set result
 } {can't set "a(1,5)": bad row index 5, row does not exist}
+foreach {n mode range pattern result} {
+    0  -exact  {all}          {ab}  {{0 3}}
+    1  -glob   {all}          {a*}  {{0 2} {0 3}}
+    2  -regexp {all}          {b.}  {{1 3}}
+    3  -exact  {row    2}     {b}   {{1 2}}
+    4  -glob   {row    3}     {b*}  {{1 3}}
+    5  -regexp {row    4}     {d}   {{0 4} {1 4}}
+    6  -exact  {column 2}     {c}   {{2 2}}
+    7  -glob   {column 0}     {a*}  {{0 2} {0 3}}
+    8  -regexp {column 1}     {b.*} {{1 2} {1 3}}
+    9  -exact  {rect 1 1 3 3} {c}   {{2 2}}
+    10 -glob   {rect 1 1 3 3} {b*}  {{1 2} {1 3}}
+    11 -regexp {rect 1 1 3 3} {b.*} {{1 2} {1 3}}
+} {
+    test matrix-10.$n "searching ($mode $range $pattern)" {
+	matrix mymatrix
+	mymatrix add columns 5
+	mymatrix add row {1  2  3 4 5}
+	mymatrix add row {6  7  8 9 0}
+	mymatrix add row {a  b  c d e}
+	mymatrix add row {ab ba f g h}
+	mymatrix add row {cd 4d x y z}
+	set result [eval mymatrix search $mode $range $pattern]
+	mymatrix destroy
+	set result
+    } $result ; # {}