Tcl Library Source Code

Artifact [ad4bb39c57]
EuroTcl/OpenACS 11 - 12 JULY 2024, VIENNA

Artifact ad4bb39c57673bcb54ab5d457d62548e59d32509:

Attachment "logger.diff" to ticket [879812ffff] added by mic42 2004-01-19 19:46:04.
Index: logger.tcl
RCS file: /cvsroot/tcllib/tcllib/modules/log/logger.tcl,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -w -u -r1.5 logger.tcl
--- logger.tcl	16 Dec 2003 15:46:16 -0000	1.5
+++ logger.tcl	19 Jan 2004 12:44:32 -0000
@@ -176,18 +176,38 @@
 	    logger::walk [namespace current] [list disable $lv]
+    # currentloglevel --
+    #
+    #   Get the currently enabled log level for this service. 
+    #   
+    # Arguments:
+    #   none
+    #
+    # Side Effects:
+    #   none
+    #
+    # Results:
+    #   current log level
+    #
+    proc currentloglevel {} {
+        variable enabled
+        return $enabled
+    }
 	# logproc --
 	#	Command used to create a procedure that is executed to
 	#	perform the logging.  This could write to disk, out to
 	#	the network, or something else.
+    #   If two arguments are given, use an existing command.
+    #   If three arguments are given create a proc.
 	# Arguments:
 	#	lv - the level to log, which must be one of $levels.
-	#	arg - the arg the procedure takes, usually something
-	#	like 'txt'.
-	#	body - the body of the procedure.
+    #   args - either one or two arguments.
+    #          if one this is a cmd name that is called for this level
+    #          if two these are an argument and proc body
 	# Side Effects:
 	#	Creates a logging command to take care of the details
@@ -196,15 +216,29 @@
 	# Results:
 	#	None.
-	proc logproc {lv arg body} {
+    proc logproc {lv args} {
 	    variable levels
 	    set lvnum [lsearch -exact $levels $lv]
 	    if { $lvnum == -1 } {
 		::error "Invalid level '$lv' - levels are $levels"
+        switch -exact -- [llength $args] {
+         1  {
+            set cmd [lindex $args 0]
+            if {[llength [::info commands $cmd]]} {
+                interp alias {} ${lv}cmd {} $cmd 
+            } else {
+                ::error "Invalid cmd '$cmd' - does not exist" 
+            }
+         2  {
+            foreach {arg body} $args {break}
 	    proc ${lv}cmd $arg $body
+         default {
+                ::error "Usage: \${log} logproc level cmd\nor \${log} logproc level argname body"
+            }
+         }
+    }
 	# delproc --
@@ -344,3 +378,23 @@
 	::logger::tree::${sv}::disable $lv
+# ::logger::levels --
+#   Introspect the available log levels. 
+#   Provided so a caller does not need to know
+#   implementation details or code the list himself.
+# Arguments:
+#   none
+# Side Effects:
+#   none
+# Results:
+#   levels - The list of valid log levels accepted by enable and disable
+proc ::logger::levels {} {
+    variable levels
+    return $levels
\ No newline at end of file