Tcl Library Source Code

Artifact [91f456226d]
EuroTcl/OpenACS 11 - 12 JULY 2024, VIENNA

Artifact 91f456226da3083d2b0c39ec47a3014f409f9c93:

Attachment "ftp-nodns.patch" to ticket [3325112fff] added by ferrieux 2011-06-24 05:36:14.
--- orig.ftp.tcl	2011-06-24 00:13:39.665831157 +0200
+++ ftp.tcl	2011-06-24 00:29:34.555591591 +0200
@@ -2872,6 +2872,12 @@ proc ::ftp::OpenActiveConn {s } {
         return 0
+    # prepare local ip address for PORT command (convert pointed format
+    # to comma format)
+    set ftp(LocalAddr) [lindex [fconfigure $ftp(CtrlSock) -sockname] 0]
+    set ftp(LocalAddr) [string map {. ,} $ftp(LocalAddr)]
     # get a new local port address for data transfer and convert it to a format
     # which is useable by the PORT command
@@ -2957,17 +2963,10 @@ proc ::ftp::OpenControlConn {s {block 1}
     fconfigure $ftp(CtrlSock) -buffering line -blocking $block -translation {auto crlf}
     fileevent $ftp(CtrlSock) readable [list [namespace current]::StateHandler $s $ftp(CtrlSock)]
-    # prepare local ip address for PORT command (convert pointed format
-    # to comma format)
-    set ftp(LocalAddr) [lindex [fconfigure $ftp(CtrlSock) -sockname] 0]
-    set ftp(LocalAddr) [string map {. ,} $ftp(LocalAddr)]
     # report ready message
-    set peer [fconfigure $ftp(CtrlSock) -peername]
     if { $VERBOSE } {
-        DisplayMsg $s "C: Connection from [lindex $peer 0]:[lindex $peer 2]" control
+        DisplayMsg $s "C: Connection to $ftp(RemoteHost):$ftp(Port)" control
     return 1