Tcl Library Source Code

Artifact [309b586464]
EuroTcl/OpenACS 11 - 12 JULY 2024, VIENNA

Artifact 309b586464313aec9ff76a7100674ca1a0fadd81:

Attachment "tabifyLine.test" to ticket [439016ffff] added by andreas_kupries 2001-09-15 05:31:57.

# Test handling of existing tabs ... 2.9 as test and 2.10 the
# discrimator to check that it is correct if I use spaces
# instead of a tab, to see that my understanding is basically correct.

test tabify-2.9 {version 2: handling of existing tabs} {
    ::textutil::tabify2 "hello\tworld   bye"
    #             bye
    #                    --------||||||||---
} "hello\tworld\tbye"

test tabify-2.10 {version 2: handling of existing tabs} {
    ::textutil::tabify2 "hello   world   bye"
} "hello\tworld\tbye"