Tcl Library Source Code

Artifact [1f9c70a378]
EuroTcl/OpenACS 11 - 12 JULY 2024, VIENNA

Artifact 1f9c70a378ff2dde064930cf34c36094cca06d57:

Attachment "crc_bug.tcl" to ticket [3477684fff] added by tmmenezes 2012-01-23 18:35:19.
# 'set tcl_patchLevel' 		-> 8.4.19
# 'package require crc16'	-> 1.1.1

# Calculating the CRC of a **binary** text string

package require crc16

set test_hex {2d00}

# convert string in hexadecimal to binary
catch {binary format H* $test_hex} bin
# output to stdout: notice that the converted string includes '- '
puts '$bin'

# '- ' is wrongly seen by crc as an option, not the string for CRC...
crc::crc-ccitt $bin