ResetDisplay () |
Clears the display, then writes the current contents of the asssociated variable into it. Used to refressh the display after changes to the option variable. |
TrackVariable (o oldValue) |
Overrides watchManager:TrackVariable Overide superclass definition to allow us the insertion of our own code into the action following the change of the variable the widget is connected to. |
Argument: o | The name of the changed option. |
Argument: oldValue | The value of the option before the change. |
createSubwidgets () |
Overrides watchManager:createSubwidgets Called after object construction. Generates the internal widgets and their layout. |
updateDisplay () |
Overrides watchManager:updateDisplay Method required by the superclass watchManager to propagate changes to the value into the display. |
Generated by AutoDoc 2.4 at 09/14/2000, invoked by Andreas Kupries