File 'lib/distribution.cls' (part of 'AutoDOC')

Description (short)
External interface, toplevel class.
Written by
Andreas Kupries
Toplevel class of documentation extractor. Defines external interface to extractor engine, as used by autodoc application. Manages everything for a single distribution of files, hence the name.
interface, toplevel, distribution

Class 'distribution'

Depends on
Author ()
CleanImages ()
CompleteDatabase ()
CompleteDependencies (internalPkgs)
CopyMoreFiles ()
CurrentClass ()
Excluded (filename)
GatherStatistics ()
GenerateImage (converter in out)
HandleDocFiles ()
HandleFiles ()
HandlePackages ()
HandlePredocFiles ()
InitPatterns ()
Maintainer ()
NewPage (file title firstheading)
PrepareCRefIp (ipName)
PrepareDocIp (ipName)
ReadDescription ()
ReportNumber (n singular plural)
SearchDocFiles ()
SearchForFiles ()
SearchPackages ()
SidebarLink (p)
StatText (statvar idx)
TrackAd (o oldValue)
TrackFormatter (o oldValue)
TrackOut (o oldValue)
TrackReply (o oldValue)
Write ()
WriteDescription ()
WriteHomepage ()
WriteSidebar (inTable)
WriteStatistics ()
Xpar ()
XrOld (what args)
Xra (name)
Xrc (partref class name)
Xrcs (partref name)
Xri (idx name)
add2Sidebar (aPage text)
classRef (name)
clear ()
crResolve (text)
depDef (name url)
depRef (name)
distribution ()
docfile (path)
fileRef (name)
getIndex (idxName)
imgConverter (code script)
imgDef (code text converter ext basefile)
imgRef (code)
log (level text)
methodRef (class name)
nsContaining (name)
nsRef (name)
optionRef (class name)
page ()
pkgRef (name)
popContext ()
procRef (name)
pushContext (object)
scan ()
theContext ()
varRef (class name)
writeJumpbar (caller)
xRef (code)
xrefDef (code text url)
~distribution ()


The name of a custom command found in the code to scan and equivalent to itk_options.
Boolean option to control support for cascading style sheets (CSS). Support is enabled by default.
default value: 1
Either one of comma or par. Defines the appearance of the lists used in classes to reference superclasses, options, methods and member variables.
default value: par
Boolean option. If set the listing of files in their index is sorted by their full path. Else the first letter of the real filename (directories stripped).
default value: 1
In effect only if <o fsort-fullpath> is set. Defines a prefix to remove from the path before taking the first letter.
Defines a prefix to remove from the namespace of a class before taking the first letter.
Defines a prefix to remove from the namespace of a procedure before taking the first letter.
Defines a prefix to remove from the namespace of a namespace before taking the first letter.
Boolean option. If set the system will not write the accumulated problem reports / pages. It will still write that there are problems and how many, if any. Default is 0 == no supression.
default value: 0
Path to directory containing the tcl #sources to document.
Path to directory to store the generated files into.
Address of person to reply to in case of problems with the documented distribution.
Boolean flag. If set the root page is written with tables.
default value: 0
Boolean flag. If set procedure documentation is sorted alphabetically.
default value: 1
Boolean flag. If set procedure documentation is written as table.
default value: 0
Location of the documentation of AutoDOC. Required for generation of backreferences for any generated page.
default value:
The string to use in the uplink to the site containing the generated documentation.
The url to use as target in the uplink to the site containing the generated documentation. Ignored if neither <o up-title> nor <o up-image> is set.
The symbolic name of the image to use in the uplink to the site containing the generated documentation, as defined with a call imgDef.
A boolean flag. Determines wether the image is made a part of the generated uplink or not. Ignored if no text was given, the image has to be the link in such a case.
default value: 0
A list of glob patterns. All files with names matching at least one of the patterns will be excluded from the scan and documentation processing. This option takes effect while the system is searching for files to document and while searching for additional .doc and .predoc files.


Author ()

Determines author of distribution.

CleanImages ()

Removes all defined, yet unreferenced pictures from the output directory.

CompleteDatabase ()

Completes database (author information, keyword index, dependencies).

CompleteDependencies (internalPkgs)

Takes the list of packages required by the scanned distribution and removes all packages defined by it. This is required to avoid false dependencies.
Argument: internalPkgs List containing the names of all packages defined by the scanned distribution.

CopyMoreFiles ()

Files marked as required (by '.doc'-files) are copied into the html target directory.

CurrentClass ()

Returns: the handle of the class currently writing its documentation. Different from theContext as the current object can be one of its methods.

Excluded (filename)

Checks the specified filename for exclusion by matching it against the patterns stored in exclude.
Argument: filename The name of the file to check for exclusion.
Returns: a boolean value. True signals that the file has to be excluded.

GatherStatistics ()

Checks the main indices for problems and causes the generation of their problem reports if they do have such. Records the number of problems for inclusion into the main statistics. The generation of their problem reports can be suppressed by setting the option <o no-problems>.

GenerateImage (converter in out)

Transfers the image file in to out and converts it along the way, using the converter.
Argument: converter Handle of the converter to use.
Argument: in The name of the #source image file
Argument: out Name of the target file.
Returns: out, extended by the path of the output directory.

HandleDocFiles ()

Executes the remebered '.doc'-files in a safe(?) environment.

HandleFiles ()

Tell the found files to scan themselves.
Notes: Is done only if no packages were found.

HandlePackages ()

Tell the found packages to scan themselves.

HandlePredocFiles ()

Searches for files ending in '.predoc' and executes them in a safe(?) environment.

InitPatterns ()

Initialize the regular expression pattern used to detect and resolve embedded crossreferences.
Dangers: Order is important here! Longer matching patterns must be applied before shorter ones as they may consume the same input, but with an improperly split into constituents. To achieve this the internal pattern identifiers are sorted before processing them (crResolve), so we have just to ensure that longer patterns get identifiers alphabetically sorted before the shorter patterns.

Maintainer ()

Determines maintainer of distribution.

NewPage (file title firstheading)

Calls are forwarded to genericFormatter:newPage. Additionally the standard jumpbar is generated too.
Argument: file See genericFormatter:newPage.
Argument: title See genericFormatter:newPage.
Argument: firstheading (= {}) See genericFormatter:newPage.

PrepareCRefIp (ipName)

Prepare the specified interpreter for evaluation of texts containing cross references. A separate interpreter is used to allow usage of various formatting commands without polluting the global namespace, or this class.
Argument: ipName The name of the interpreter to prepare.

PrepareDocIp (ipName)

Prepare the specified interpreter for evaluation of the .doc files found in the distribution.
Argument: ipName The name of the interpreter to prepare.

ReadDescription ()

Reads the description file for the entire distribution.
Notes: Assumes to be in the module directory

ReportNumber (n singular plural)

Report the number of found entities to the log.
Argument: n The number of found items.
Argument: singular The singular form of the found entities.
Argument: plural The plural form of the found entities.

SearchDocFiles ()

Searches for files ending in '.doc' and remembers them for later usage. 'pkg.doc's are excluded, as they have a special meaning as package description files.

SearchForFiles ()

Searches for files containing tcl-code.
Notes: Is done only if no packages were found.

SearchPackages ()

Searches for packages in the distribution. Detects them by the presence of 'pkg.doc' in a directory.
Notes: Assumes to be in the module directory.

SidebarLink (p)

Argument: p The code of the page whose link shall be retrieved.
Returns: a hyperlink pointing to the specified additional documentation page p.

StatText (statvar idx)

Internal helper used by the method generating the main statistics. Merges the problem information recorded by GatherStatistics into the string containing the number of scanned entities. If option <o no-problem> is not set the merged information will contain a link to the appropriate high level problem report for the index refered to (idx). Else it will just be the number of problems.
Argument: statvar The name of the variable containing the statistics.
Argument: idx The name of the index whose information is requested.
Returns: a string containing the number of entities found, and the number of problematic ones.

TrackAd (o oldValue)

Internal method. Called by the generic option tracking mechanism for any change made to adlocation. Propagates the new value to the internal shadow and causes the configuration of the specified object.
Argument: o The name of the changed option, here always -adlocation.
Argument: oldValue The value of the option before the change. Ignored here.

TrackFormatter (o oldValue)

Overrides formatterInterface:TrackFormatter, problems:TrackFormatter
Internal method. Called by the generic option tracking mechanism for any change made to formatter. Propagates the new value to the internal shadow and causes the configuration of the specified object.
Argument: o The name of the changed option, here always -formatter.
Argument: oldValue The value of the option before the change. Ignored here.

TrackOut (o oldValue)

Internal method. Called by the generic option tracking mechanism for any change made to outputdir. Propagates the new value to the internal shadow and causes the configuration of the specified object.
Argument: o The name of the changed option, here always -outputdir.
Argument: oldValue The value of the option before the change. Ignored here.

TrackReply (o oldValue)

Internal method. Called by the generic option tracking mechanism for any change made to replyaddr. Propagates the new value to the internal shadow and causes the configuration of the specified object.
Argument: o The name of the changed option, here always -replyaddr.
Argument: oldValue The value of the option before the change. Ignored here.

Write ()

Writes out the documentation of the entire distribution.

WriteDescription ()

Writes out the distribution description.

WriteHomepage ()

Internal method. Generates the main page of the distribution, the entry point for all documentation users.

WriteSidebar (inTable)

Writes the text containing the references to additional files, as registered via '.doc'-files.
Argument: inTable flag, 1 if code shall be placed in a table, 0 else.

WriteStatistics ()

Generates a summary page containing statistics about the scanned distribution. Additionally refers to pages with listings of problematic files, classes and procedures, if any. If option <o no-problems> is set this procedure will not write the list of general problems after the statistics.

Xpar ()

Resolves & p into paragraph breaks. Used by crResolve.

XrOld (what args)

Crossreference using old syntax, just report as problem.
Argument: what Type of reference
Argument: args The name of the referenced entity.

Xra (name)

Resolve crossreference to a procedure argument.
Argument: name The name of the referenced argument.
Returns: the name, but specially formatted.

Xrc (partref class name)

Resolve crossreference to a part of a class.
Argument: partref The method to call at the class index.
Argument: class The name of the class to search the part in.
Argument: name The name of the referenced part.
Returns: a hyperlink to the definition of the entity.

Xrcs (partref name)

Resolve a short crossreference to a part of a class.
Argument: partref The method to call at the class index.
Argument: name The name of the referenced part.
Returns: a hyperlink to the definition of the entity.

Xri (idx name)

Resolve crossreference based on one of the main indices.
Argument: idx The name of the index to question.
Argument: name The name of the referenced entity.
Returns: a hyperlink to the definition of the entity.

add2Sidebar (aPage text)

Adds the aPage to the sidebar referencing additional documentation pages.
Argument: aPage Name of the page to add, generated earlier by genericFormatter:newPage
Argument: text (= {}) Text to use in the hyperlink. Defaults to the basename of aPage, without extension.

classRef (name)

See classIndex:ref
Argument: name See classIndex:ref

clear ()

Overrides problems:clear
Resets state information of scan to initial values, to allow future reconfiguration and scanning.

crResolve (text)

Resolves crossreferences found in the text.
Argument: text The text to reformat.
Returns: The text, but crossreferences resolved into hyperlinks.

depDef (name url)

Defines additional information for a 'required' package, to allow conversion of usage in descriptions into hyperlinks.
Argument: name The name of the package
Argument: url Page to refer to for information about the package.

depRef (name)

Converts the name of an external package into a hyperlink. The argument is returned unchanged, if that is not possible.
Argument: name Name of package to link to.
Returns: a string containing a hyperlink to name, if possible.

distribution ()

Constructor. Creates and initializes all subordinate indices. These objects are nested into the namespace of this one, reducing the possibility of conflicts with command outside.

docfile (path)

Marks file path as required by the documentation. It will be copied into the output directory later.
Argument: path The path of the required file, relative to the #source directory of the distribution.

fileRef (name)

See fileIndex:ref
Argument: name See fileIndex:ref

getIndex (idxName)

Argument: idxName The internal name of the requested index.
Returns: the object managing the specified index.

imgConverter (code script)

Register a script to transfer an image #source into the html tree, doing format conversion if necessary. The script may contain the special strings %in%, %out% and %tmp%. They refer to the input file, output file and a temporary file. The latter is generated only if the string is present in the script.
Argument: code The internal code used to refer to the new converter.
Argument: script The script to evaluate for transfer and conversion.

imgDef (code text converter ext basefile)

Defines a new image. The given #source is transfered into the output directory, and converted along the way. If the picture is never referenced it will be removed later.
Argument: code Internal symbolic name of the new picture.
Argument: text Alternative text describing the contents of the picture.
Argument: converter Handle of the converter to use.
Argument: ext Extension to give to the target file.
Argument: basefile Source of the picture.

imgRef (code)

Return hyperlink to image code.
Argument: code Internal symbolic name of the requested image

log (level text)

Accessor for the log maintained by this object.
Argument: level The importance level of the message.
Argument: text Text to log.

methodRef (class name)

See classIndex:mref
Argument: class See classIndex:mref
Argument: name See classIndex:mref

nsContaining (name)

Returns the namespace object describing the namespace containing the object with the specified name. Will generate the necessary namespace object if not already existing.
Argument: name The name of the object whose containing namespace the caller is looking for.

nsRef (name)

See namespaceIndex:ref
Argument: name See namespaceIndex:ref

optionRef (class name)

See classIndex:oref
Argument: class See classIndex:oref
Argument: name See classIndex:oref

page ()

Overrides problems:page
Notes: The codes assumes that no more than one such page exists.
Returns: The filename of the distribution page.

pkgRef (name)

See packageIndex:ref
Argument: name See packageIndex:ref

popContext ()

Removes the topmost object from the stack of object writing their documentation.

procRef (name)

See procIndex:ref
Argument: name See procIndex:ref

pushContext (object)

Adds the specified object to the top of the stack of objects writing their documentation.
Argument: object The handle of the object now writing its documentation.

scan ()

Reads DESCRIPTION residing in #source directory, scans subdirectories for packages/files, evaluates these then too.

theContext ()

Returns: the handle of the object currently writing its output. If there is no such this one is given to the caller.

varRef (class name)

See classIndex:vref
Argument: class See classIndex:vref
Argument: name See classIndex:vref

writeJumpbar (caller)

Writes the formatted text of a jumpbar for placement at the top of every page, or whereever the caller likes.
Argument: caller (= {}) contains the name of a calling special page (home, indices) or else an empty list. Used to deactivate the corresponding entry in the jumpbar.

xRef (code)

Return hyperlink to external page code.
Argument: code Internal symbolic name of external reference.

xrefDef (code text url)

Defines an external reference.
Argument: code The internal symbolic name to reach this hyperlink
Argument: text Text to use in the link.
Argument: url Page refered by the link.

~distribution ()

Removes all traces of the distribution from memory
Notes: There is no need to delete the subordinate objects explicitly. They are nested into this namespace and therefore automatically removed. It would still be necessary if they were using outside re#sources, like channels, but they don't.


Boolean flag. Set if some packages were found
initial value: 0
Boolean flag. Set if some files were found.
initial value: 0
List of files with extension '.doc'.
Boolean flag. Set during evaluation of '.doc'-files.
initial value: 0
List of files marked as required by '.doc'-files.
List of additional files generated by the '.doc'-files.
Handle of the syslogConnection object used for logging.
Maps from the attribute names used in DESCRIPTION files to their respective values.
Maps from the attribute names used in DESCRIPTION files to the texts used in the generated documentation.
initial value: version Version copying-policy {Copying policy} date Date name Name comments Comments description Description development-platform {Development platform} platforms Platforms dependencies Dependencies primary-urls {Primary urls} secondary-urls {Secondary urls} tertiary-urls {Tertiary urls}
List of attributes defined by the distribution description file.
Maps from a logical index name to the object managing it.
Used by add2Sidebar to record the texts for the hyperlinks pointing to the additional pages.
A cache holding the formatted jumpbar texts for the various callers of writeJumpbar.
Table of scripts for the conversion of an image file into the format required by the browser. The following special strings are recognized by the system: %in%, %tmp% and %out%. See <x ...> for their meaning.
State of images (requested or not)
The stack of objects currently writing their documentation.
The class currently writing its documentation.
Contains all patterns used to detect crossreferences and the code to replace any found instance of the pattern.

Generated by AutoDoc 2.4 at 09/28/2001, invoked by Andreas Kupries,,,