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mustache_development - Mustache - The Developer's Guide

Table Of Contents


Welcome to the Mustache project for Tcl, written by Andreas Kupries.

It provides a set of five related Tcl packages for the parsing and rendering of mustache-style logic-less templates, plus an application for easy command-line access to the functionality.

For availability please read Mustache - How To Get The Sources.

The audience of this document are anyone wishing to modify Mustache in any way, shape, or form. This can be a maintainer fixing bugs, a developer adding functionality, or patching it to accommodate local circumstances, etc.

Please read

  1. Mustache - How To Get The Sources and

  2. Mustache - The Installer's Guide

first, if that was not done already. Here we assume that the sources are already available in a directory of your choice, that it is known how to build and install the project, and that all the necessary requisites are available.

Development Tools

Mustache requires the following tools going beyond those needed for build and installation.

Demonstration/Example Applications

Mustache (currently) does not have demonstrations, nor examples.

Directory structure

The directory structure of the sources is as explained below:

Extended Build Actions

Our build-system is based on kettle, as already explained in the Mustache - The Installer's Guide. Beyond the targets useful for installation it also provides targets aiding developers and maintainers. These are:

Architecture & Concepts

All packages belong to one of two layers, as shown below:

Note that:

The dependencies between the packages are very straight-forward:

Related Documents

  1. Mustache - Introduction to the project

  2. Mustache - License

  3. Mustache - Log of Changes

  4. Mustache - How To Get The Sources

  5. Mustache - The Installer's Guide

  6. Mustache - The Developer's Guide

Bugs, Ideas, Feedback

Both the package(s) and this documentation will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems. Please report such at Mustache Tracker.

Please also report any ideas you may have for enhancements of either package(s) and/or documentation.


logic-less templates, mustache, templating


Copyright © 2019-2021 Andreas Kupries
Copyright © 2019-2021 Documentation, Andreas Kupries