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Ticket UUID: 2967134
Title: json2dict improvements index json arrays in dict
Type: RFE Version: None
Submitter: cwjolly Created on: 2010-03-10 03:04:44
Subsystem: json Assigned To: hobbs
Priority: 5 Medium Severity:
Status: Closed Last Modified: 2013-07-04 17:25:23
Resolution: Not Applicable Here Closed By:
    Closed on:
I modified the json 1.0 package with code (attached) that adds a option switch to add an index to json arrays when converted to dict format and all values remain quoted. See example below.  After looking in the tracker I see that json.tcl has changed dramatically but I still want the new features.  see attached driver code also 
Input json snippet :

..."link":["rel","alternate","type","text html","href"],...

is converted to this dict snippet 

.... link { rel alternate type {text html} href } ....

there is no way to tell the resulting dict is key,value or a list. You would  have to know this before
hand. So if your input changes so does your code. Since javascript would access the results of the
as link[0] == "rel"  why not auto index when converting to dict. I changed my json2dict function
to accept the -indexlists option to do just that so now for the example above the following results. 

.... link { 0 rel 1 alternate 2 type 3 {text html} 4 href } ....

Thats pretty good but then the next problem cropped up notice the { text html } ? Is it text or
another dict ( i.e key value } ?  If you did not know what to expect (and you won't) this is bad news. I changed the json2dict script to maintain the quotes about the values and now the json above is converted to:

.... link { 0 "rel" 1 "alternate" 2 "type" 3 {"text html"} 4 "href" } ....
User Comments: cwjolly added on 2010-03-10 10:39:18:

File Added - 366074: jsondriver2.tcl

cwjolly added on 2010-03-10 10:38:29:

File Added - 366073: json.tcl

cwjolly added on 2010-03-10 10:37:46:
Looked at the new code and modified it to work like what I had done with the 1.0 version with some minor changes. The value quoting is optional and rather than using args to json2dict I use defaults 
so instead of   "json2dict jsontxt -indexlists 1 "   you have "json2dict jsontxt true true "  where first true is for indexlists and 2nd true is for quotevalues.  I also attach the modified driver script.

cwjolly added on 2010-03-10 10:06:05:

File Added - 366072: jsondriver.tcl

cwjolly added on 2010-03-10 10:04:49:

File Added - 366071: json.tcl
