Ticket UUID: | 1260174 | |||
Title: | ip: various procs for ip package | |||
Type: | Patch | Version: | None | |
Submitter: | aakhter | Created on: | 2005-08-15 19:21:26 | |
Subsystem: | A Category Is Missing | Assigned To: | andreas_kupries | |
Priority: | 5 Medium | Severity: | ||
Status: | Deleted | Last Modified: | 2005-08-16 02:31:13 | |
Resolution: | None | Closed By: | andreas_kupries | |
Closed on: | 2005-08-15 19:31:13 | |||
Description: |
below is the current man page for the extension to the ip package. A review and changes to accomodate integration into the tcllib ip package is requested. ipExtension.tcl(l) ipExtension.tcl(l) NAMEE ::ipExtension:: - an extension to tcllib ip library SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS package require ipExtension AAUUTTHHOORRSS Aamer Akhter / [email protected] SSUUPPPPOORRTT [email protected] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN A detailed description of the functionality provided by the library. RREEQQUUIIRREEMMEENNTTSS package require logger package require ip NNOOTTEESS 1. PPRROOCCEEDDUURREESS ::ip::prefixToNative convert from dotted from to native (hex) form prefixToNative <prefix> Options: <prefix> string in the <ipaddr>/<mask> format Return values: <prefix> in native format {<hexip> <hexmask>} Examples: % ip::prefixToNative 0x01010100 0xffffff00 ::ip::nativeToPrefix convert from native (hex) form to dotted form nativeToPrefix <native> Options: <native> tcllist in format {<hexip> <hexmask>} Return values: <prefix> form of <native>, where prefix is string in the <ipaddr>/<mask> format Examples: % ip::nativeToPrefix {0x01010100 0xffffff00} ::ip::intToString convert from an integer/hex to dotted form intToString <integer/hex> Options: <integer> ip address in integer form Return values: ip address in dotted form Examples: ip::intToString 4294967295 ::ip::ToInteger convert dotted form ip to integer ToInteger <ipaddr> Options: <ipaddr> decimal dotted from ip address Return values: integer form of <ipaddr> Examples: % ::ip::ToInteger 16843008 ::ip::ToHex convert dotted form ip to hex ToHex <ipaddr> Options: <ipaddr> decimal dotted from ip address Return values: hex form of <ipaddr> Examples: % ::ip::ToHex 0x01010100 ::ip::MaskToInt convert mask to integer MaskToInt <mask> Options: <mask> mask in either dotted form or mask length form ( or 24) Return values: integer form of mask Examples: ::ip::MaskToInt 24 4294967040 ::ip::broadcastAddress return broadcast address given prefix broadcastAddress <prefix> Options: <prefix> route in the form of <ipaddr>/<mask> or native form {<hexip> <hexmask>} Return values: ipaddress of broadcast Examples: ::ip::broadcastAddress ::ip::broadcastAddress {0x01010100 0xffffff00} 0x010101ff ::ip::MaskToLength converts dotted or integer form of mask to length MaskToLength <dottedMask>|<integerMask>|<hexMask> Options: <dottedMask> <integerMask> <hexMask> mask to convert to prefix length format (eg /24) Return values: prefix length Examples: ::ip::MaskToLength 0xffffff00 24 % ::ip::MaskToLength 24 ::ip::LengthToMask converts mask length to dotted mask form LengthToMask <maskLength> Options: <maskLength> mask length Return values: mask in dotted form Examples: ::ip::LengthToMask 24 ::ip::nextNet returns next an ipaddress in same position in next network nextNet <ipaddr> <mask> [<count>] Options: <ipaddress> in hex/integer/dotted format <mask> mask in hex/integer/dotted/maskLen format <count> number of nets to skip over (default is 1) Return values: ipaddress in same position in next network in hex ::ip::isOverlap checks to see if prefixes overlap isOverlap <prefix> <prefix1> <prefix2>... Options: <prefix> in form <ipaddr>/<mask> prefix to compare <prefixN> against <prefixN> in form <ipaddr>/<mask> prefixes to compare against Return values: 1 if there is an overlap Examples: % ::ip::isOverlap 0 ::ip::isOverlap 1 ::ip::isOverlapNative checks to see if prefixes overlap (optimized native form) isOverlap <hexipaddr> <hexmask> {{<hexipaddr1> <hexmask1>} {<hexipaddr2> <hexmask2>...} Options: -all return all overlaps rather than the first one -inline rather than returning index values, return the actual overlap prefixes <hexipaddr> ipaddress in hex/integer form <hexMask> mask in hex/integer form isOverlapNative is avaliabel both as a C extension and in a native tcl form if the extension is loaded (tried automatically), isOverlapNative will be linked to isOverlapNativeC. If an extension is not loaded, then isOverlapNative will be linked to the native tcl proc: ipOverlapNativeTcl. Return values: non-zero if there is an overlap, value is element # in list with overlap Examples: % ::ip::isOverlapNative 0x01010100 0xffffff00 {{0x02010001 0xffffffff}} 0 %::ip::isOverlapNative 0x01010100 0xffffff00 {{0x02010001 0xffffffff} {0x01010101 0xffffffff}} 2 ::ip::IpToLayer2Multicast converts ipv4 address to a layer 2 multicast address IpToLayer2Multicast <ipaddr> Options: <ipaddr> ipaddress in dotted form Return values: mac address in xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx form Examples: % ::ip::IpToLayer2Multicast 01.00.5e.00.00.02 ::ip::IpHostFromPrefix gives back a host address from a prefix ::ip::IpHostFromPrefix <ipprefix> [-exclude <list of prefixes>] Options: <ipprefix> prefix is <ipaddr>/<masklen> -exclude <list of ipprefixes> list if ipprefixes that host should not be in Return values: ip address Examples: %::ip::IpHostFromPrefix %::ip::IpHostFromPrefix ::ip::reduceToAggregates finds nets that overlap and filters out the more specifc nets ::ip::reduceToAggregates <list of ipprefixes> Options: <ipprefix> prefix is <ipaddr>/<masklen> or native format Return values: non-overlapping ip prefixes Examples: % ::ip::reduceToAggregates { } ::ip::longestPrefixMatch given host IP finds longest prefix match from set of prefixes ::ip::longestPrefixMatch <ipaddr> <list of ipprefixes> Options: <ipprefix> prefix is <ipaddr>/<masklen> or native format <ipaddr> ip address in <ipprefix> format, dotted form, or integer form Return values: <ipprefix> that is the most specific match to <ipaddr> Examples: % ::ip::longestPrefixMatch { } ::ip::cmpDotIP helper function for dotted ip address for use in lsort ::ip::cmpDotIP <ipaddr1> <ipaddr2> Options: <ipaddr1> <ipaddr2> prefix is in dotted ip address format Return values: -1 if ipaddr1 is less that ipaddr2 1 if ipaddr1 is more that ipaddr2 0 if ipaddr1 and ipaddr2 are equal Examples: % lsort -command ip::cmpDotIP {} ATS Cisco ipExtension.tcl(l) | |||
User Comments: |
andreas_kupries added on 2005-08-16 02:30:31:
Logged In: YES user_id=75003 Aamer, I have to delete this entry. The inlined manpage is unreadable (*) in both the HTML and in the notification mails generated by SF. And the latter has the additional problem of causing SF to mail _very large_ mails around, as it duplicates the whole comment thread, including your large initial manpage. Please refile this report, and attach not only ipExtension.tar.gz, but also the manpage. (*) I am not sure what format the manpage is in, but it is not a plain text format. Possibly *roff output ? If so, attaching the file is again the right thing to do. aakhter added on 2005-08-16 02:21:28: File Added - 145749: ipExtension.tar.gz |
- ipExtension.tar.gz [download] added by aakhter on 2005-08-16 02:21:26. [details]