Tk Library Source Code

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EuroTcl/OpenACS 11 - 12 JULY 2024, VIENNA
Ticket UUID: 709375
Title: current tcllib test suite failures report
Type: Bug Version: None
Submitter: lvirden Created on: 2003-03-25 11:38:32
Subsystem: crc Assigned To: patthoyts
Priority: 7 High Severity:
Status: Closed Last Modified: 2003-04-03 04:39:41
Resolution: Fixed Closed By: patthoyts
    Closed on: 2003-04-02 21:39:41
SPARC Solaris 2.6, Tcl/Tk 8.4.2:

Using the tcllib CVS head downloaded from activestate
ftp site snapshots on march 25, 2003, I see these errors:

base64 2.2.1 (Trf based)
Trf present

==== uuencode-1.6 encode dash-string FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

    catch {::uuencode::encode -BC} result
    set result

---- Result was:
::uuencode: wrong # args, all options require an argument
---- Result should have been (exact matching):
==== uuencode-1.6 FAILED

==== uuencode-1.7 decode dash-string FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

    catch {::uuencode::decode "-4)#"} result
    set result

---- Result was:
::uuencode: wrong # args, all options require an argument
---- Result should have been (exact matching):
==== uuencode-1.7 FAILED

Module: crc

==== crc32-2.2 crc32 and unsigned integer FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

        ::crc::crc32 $msg
---- Result was:
---- Result should have been (exact matching):
==== crc32-2.2 FAILED

==== crc32-2.3 crc32 and unsigned integer FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

        ::crc::crc32 $msg
---- Result was:
---- Result should have been (exact matching):
==== crc32-2.3 FAILED

==== crc32-2.4 crc32 and unsigned integer FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

        ::crc::crc32 $msg
---- Result was:
---- Result should have been (exact matching):
==== crc32-2.4 FAILED

==== crc32-2.5 crc32 and unsigned integer FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

        ::crc::crc32 $msg
---- Result was:
---- Result should have been (exact matching):
==== crc32-2.5 FAILED

==== crc32-2.6 crc32 and unsigned integer FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

        ::crc::crc32 $msg
---- Result was:
---- Result should have been (exact matching):
==== crc32-2.6 FAILED

==== crc32-2.7 crc32 and unsigned integer FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

        ::crc::crc32 $msg
---- Result was:
---- Result should have been (exact matching):
==== crc32-2.7 FAILED

==== crc32-2.8 crc32 and unsigned integer FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

        ::crc::crc32 $msg
---- Result was:
---- Result should have been (exact matching):
==== crc32-2.8 FAILED

==== crc32-3.2 crc32 as hexadecimal string FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

        ::crc::crc32 -format 0x%X $msg
---- Result was:
---- Result should have been (exact matching):
==== crc32-3.2 FAILED

==== crc32-3.3 crc32 as hexadecimal string FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

        ::crc::crc32 -format 0x%X $msg
---- Result was:
---- Result should have been (exact matching):
==== crc32-3.3 FAILED

==== crc32-3.4 crc32 as hexadecimal string FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

        ::crc::crc32 -format 0x%X $msg
---- Result was:
---- Result should have been (exact matching):
==== crc32-3.4 FAILED

and so on for quite some time...

Module: struct

==== record-0.1 test error with circular records FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

    record define circular {
        {record circular cir}
    } cir(1)

---- Result was:
Can not have circular records. Structure was not created.
---- Result should have been (exact matching):

---- Test generated error; Return code was: 1
---- Return code should have been one of: 0 2
==== record-0.1 FAILED

==== record-0.1 test error with circular records FAILED
==== Contents of test case:

        namespace eval myns {
    record define circular {
            {record ::myns::circular cir}
        } cir(1)

---- Result was:
Can not have circular records. Structure was not created.
---- Result should have been (exact matching):

---- Test generated error; Return code was: 1
---- Return code should have been one of: 0 2
==== record-0.1 FAILED

Module: fileutil
fileutil 1.4

Module: ftp
Error:  No test files remain after applying your match
and skip patterns!

Module: ftpd
Error:  No test files remain after applying your match
and skip patterns!

Module: javascript
Error:  No test files remain after applying your match
and skip patterns!

Module: html

Module: irc
Error:  No test files remain after applying your match
and skip patterns!

Module: log
log 1.0.1
[Tue Mar 25 06:16:40 EST 2003] [global] [error] 'Danger
Will Robinson!'
[Tue Mar 25 06:16:40 EST 2003] [global] [warn] 'Danger
Will Robinson!'
Date is now Tue Mar 25 06:16:41 EST 2003
Date is now Tue Mar 25 06:16:41 EST 2003
Date is now Tue Mar 25 06:16:41 EST 2003
and hundreds of more Date outputs
User Comments: patthoyts added on 2003-04-03 04:39:41:
Logged In: YES 

Until I hear otherwise I think this is a general fix.
Basically we only have bigEndian or littleEndian and it's
now successful with both. Seems I didn't have to treat them
differently after all.

I've committed this change now, plus the additional tests
(in case we need them again).

lvirden added on 2003-04-02 19:30:49:
Logged In: YES 

Pat, after I make the change in my copy of crc32.tcl, I see
this from the test suite:
Module: crc

==== crcbugs-0.0 get platform info - THIS IS SUPPOSED TO
==== Contents of test case:

    array get tcl_platform

---- Result was:
osVersion 5.8 byteOrder bigEndian machine sun4u platform
unix os SunOS user lwv26 wordSize 4
---- Result should have been (exact matching):

==== crcbugs-0.0 FAILED


Question - is the change you propose one for me personally,
for anyone using Trf, or for anyone using this module?

patthoyts added on 2003-04-02 17:23:45:
Logged In: YES 

Cheers Larry,
Well it's clearly a byte order problem. I notice that you
are using the Trf based version of crc32 - crc16 doesn't
defer to Trf so it's using the tcl-only implementation.

So - at line 124 in crc32.tcl we have:
        if {$::tcl_platform(byteOrder) == "littleEndian"} {
            set conv i
        } else {
            set conv I

It seems likely that we don't need this. So if you replace
these lines by
  set conv i
and redo the tests I think this will clear up the problem.

Perhaps Trf is already fixing the byte order?

andreas_kupries added on 2003-04-02 01:23:17:
Logged In: YES 

Larry, your attachment is present.

Brett, I got your new testsuite and applied to the CVS head. 
The tests are now ok, no erors reported. I did some additional 
changes: (I) Cosmetics, i.e. it now has an -*- tcl -*- header to 
force emacs into the correct mode, and indentation is now 
nice. (II) All tests had id 0.1. I have now renumbered them so 
that all have unique id's. Thanks for your help.

As we now have only the crc stuff I am reassigning to pat 
(and will keep an eye on it, just in case Trf has something to 
do with that).

lvirden added on 2003-04-01 17:57:29:

File Added - 46466: crcbugs.out

Logged In: YES 

Pat, I have downloaded the new test file, and executed it
against the latest CVS head Tcllib and tcl 8.4.2 .  I am
attempting to attach the results with this msg.

andreas_kupries added on 2003-04-01 11:55:41:
Logged In: YES 

Sure, no problem at all.

I just compared your permissions to those of Pat Thoyts who
most certainly has cvs write access. You have actually more
rights from what is reported. The only thing I can think of
right now is that you are somehow in  this cvs_acls script
they mention ... Checking. No, we don't have such a script.
... IMHO we should file a support request for this. ...
Question: Have you setup your SSH keys ? Can you log in to
the project server via ssh [*] ? If not then that is the
problem you have.

[*] I.e. ssh [email protected]

schwarzkopf added on 2003-04-01 11:25:19:
Logged In: YES 

I have been trying for the past couple of days, and I still
do not get write access. Here is the exact error message:

cvs [server aborted]: "commit" requires write access to the
cvs commit: saving log message in /tmp/cvsHy50Gw

Andreas, can I just send you the updated file until this
gets resolved?


andreas_kupries added on 2003-04-01 05:17:02:
Logged In: YES 

Brett, I updated yor permission record for tcllib, can you 
check if you now have write-access ?

patthoyts added on 2003-03-31 16:38:37:

File Added - 46372: crc32bugs.test

patthoyts added on 2003-03-31 16:38:36:
Logged In: YES 

The crc bug is annoying. It doesn't occur for me on my intel
platforms and I don't have another architecture available
for testing on. I have attached another test file to this
bug - Larry, could you run this file and append the results
to this bug.

schwarzkopf added on 2003-03-30 06:30:28:
Logged In: YES 

For some reason, I don't have write access. I remember now
that's what I had trouble with before (but then I forgot to
follow up). So, if someone can check on that, or do the
commit for me, that would be great.


andreas_kupries added on 2003-03-29 00:33:55:
Logged In: YES 

The uuencode errors should be gone in the latest CVS head 
of Tcllib (See tcllib bug #700327).

Bugs in struct::record to Brett Schwarz.
Crc might be influenced by Trf, or by changes
made by Pat to enforce 32bit math (Feb 11).

Refering bug to Brett first.
