Tk Library Source Code

View Ticket
EuroTcl/OpenACS 11 - 12 JULY 2024, VIENNA
Ticket UUID: 653266
Title: ListBox Shift-extended selection fails
Type: Bug Version: None
Submitter: ndwinton Created on: 2002-12-13 14:27:08
Subsystem: bwidget Assigned To: hobbs
Priority: 5 Medium Severity:
Status: Closed Last Modified: 2003-07-18 02:40:03
Resolution: Fixed Closed By: hobbs
    Closed on: 2003-07-17 19:40:03
Extending a selection using the shift key in a BWidget 
ListBox causes a failure if the list item tags are not 
integers (and maybe if they are too). It appears to 
assume that the tags are numbers and applies "incr" to 
them. I have attached a patch to fix this problem.
User Comments: hobbs added on 2003-07-18 02:40:03:
Logged In: YES 

applied post-1.6.

ndwinton added on 2003-03-12 20:25:33:
Logged In: YES 

Yes, demo of problem will be sent by separate e-mail.

hobbs added on 2003-02-25 17:15:48:
Logged In: YES 

Do you have a demo of this problem?

ndwinton added on 2002-12-13 21:30:23:

File Added - 37525: listbox.patch
