Tk Library Source Code

View Ticket
EuroTcl/OpenACS 11 - 12 JULY 2024, VIENNA
Ticket UUID: 470206
Title: HTTP Redirect for TkChat
Type: Patch Version: None
Submitter: patthoyts Created on: 2001-10-11 12:38:10
Subsystem: app: tkchat Assigned To: patthoyts
Priority: 5 Medium Severity:
Status: Closed Last Modified: 2001-10-15 19:13:15
Resolution: Accepted Closed By: patthoyts
    Closed on: 2001-10-15 12:13:15
This is two patches to the TkChat source because
I can't disentangle them reliably and the cvs
source has been changed since I posted my first
patch and it'll clash now.

So, patch 1 implements a Retrieve menu item for
obtaining the current CVS file from the SourceForge
repository via http.

Patch 2 was induced by the recent loss of the domain and the subsequent use of
for the Wiki. This patch provides HTTP Redirect
following so that the chat program can be pointed
at the PURL and dereference to the chat site.

Pat Thoyts
User Comments: patthoyts added on 2001-10-15 19:13:15:
Logged In: YES 

Patch accepted.

patthoyts added on 2001-10-11 19:38:14:

File Added - 11849: tkchat.patch2
