Tk Library Source Code

View Ticket
EuroTcl/OpenACS 11 - 12 JULY 2024, VIENNA
Ticket UUID: 1541828
Title: modifyDN : new arg, and split search function
Type: Patch Version: None
Submitter: pdav Created on: 2006-08-17 09:36:50
Subsystem: ldap Assigned To: mic42
Priority: 5 Medium Severity:
Status: Closed Last Modified: 2006-09-01 21:22:42
Resolution: Accepted Closed By: mic42
    Closed on: 2006-09-01 14:22:42
This patch:

- introduces a newSuperior optional parameter to 

- splits the search function in 3 new functions: 
searchInit, searchNext and searchEnd. The old search 
function is rewritten using these 3 new functions and 
the result is compatible.

Since I'm not familiar with Tcllib man format, don't 
hesitate to correct wording and formatting.
User Comments: pdav added on 2006-08-17 22:43:52:

File Deleted - 189465: 

File Added - 189517: ldap.patch

Logged In: YES 

New patch (which supersedes the first one) with a small 
bug corrected in the attrsOnly option handling.

pdav added on 2006-08-17 16:36:51:

File Added - 189465: ldap.patch
