Tk Library Source Code

Artifact [74429289bc]

Artifact 74429289bc3618818405275e852a3410559d37dd:

Attachment "712028.tcl" to ticket [717921ffff] added by aspenlogic 2003-04-09 08:02:08. Also attachment "712028.tcl" to ticket [712028ffff] added by nobody 2003-03-31 22:02:25.
# Testcase [ 712028 ] v1.6 bug in LabelEntry Creation
# Source this file twice (in a row) to see the error.
package require BWidget

proc gui_LabelEntry {f label textvar} {
#    frame $f
#    label $f.l -text $label -width 20 -anchor w
#    entry $f.e -textvariable $textvar -width 10 -justify right
 #   pack $f.l $f.e -side left -padx 5
    LabelEntry $f -label $label -labelwidth 20 -labelanchor w -textvariable $textvar
    return $f

foreach ch [winfo children .] {
    catch [list destroy $ch]

TitleFrame .payroll -text PAYROLL
pack .payroll -expand yes -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
set gui_payroll [.payroll getframe]

grid [label $gui_payroll.lb0 -text Employee -bg yellow] -sticky ew -padx 5 -pady 5
grid [gui_LabelEntry $gui_payroll.le0 "Payroll Date" var_payroll_date ] -sticky e