Tk Library Source Code

Artifact [c813e27f7d]

Artifact c813e27f7dbbfc688a36538c768d6aca2ec500e8:

Attachment "" to ticket [708502ffff] added by kennykb 2003-03-24 03:33:36.
[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}]
[comment {$Id: $}]
[manpage_begin list n 1.2.2]
[copyright {2003 by Kevin B. Kenny. All rights reserved}]
[moddesc {Tcl Data Structures}]
[titledesc {Procedures for manipulating lists}]
[require Tcl 8.0]
[require struct [opt 1.2.1]]


The [cmd ::struct::list] namespace contains several useful commands for
processing Tcl lists. Generally speaking, they implement algorithms more
complex or specialized than the ones provided by Tcl itself.

[section COMMANDS]
[list_begin definitions]

[call [cmd ::struct::list::longestCommonSubsequence] \
     [arg {sequence1 sequence2 ?maxOccurs?}]]
Returns the longest common subsequence of [arg sequence1] and
[arg sequence2]. If the [arg maxOccurs] parameter is provided, the
common subsequence is restricted to elements that occur no more than
[arg maxOccurs] times in [arg sequence2].
The return value is a list of two lists of equal length. 
The first sublist is of indices into [arg sequence1], and the
second sublist is of indices into [arg sequence2].  Each corresponding
pair of indices corresponds to equal elements in the sequences;
the sequence returned is the longest possible.

[call [cmd ::struct::list::longestCommonSubsequence2] \
     [arg {sequence1 sequence2 ?maxOccurs?}]]
Returns an approximation to the longest common sequence of [arg sequence1] and
[arg sequence2]. If the [arg maxOccurs] parameter is omitted, the
subsequence computed is exactly the longest common subsequence; otherwise,
the longest common subsequence is approximated by first determining the
longest common sequence of only those elements that occur no more than
[arg maxOccurs] times in [arg sequence2], and then using that result to
align the two lists, determining the longest common subsequences of the
sublists between the two elements.
As with [cmd ::struct::list::longestCommonSubsequence],
The return value is a list of two lists of equal length. 
The first sublist is of indices into [arg sequence1], and the
second sublist is of indices into [arg sequence2].  Each corresponding
pair of indices corresponds to equal elements in the sequences.
The sequence approximates the longest common subsequence.




The [cmd ::struct::list::longestCommonSubsequence] command forms the
core of a flexible system for doing differential comparisons of files,
similar to the capability offered by the Unix command [syscmd diff].

While this procedure is quite rapid for many tasks of file
comparison, its performance degrades severely if [arg sequence2]
contains many equal elements (as, for instance, when using this
procedure to compare two files, a quarter of whose lines are blank.
This drawback is intrinsic to the algorithm used (see the Reference
for details).

One approach to dealing with the performance problem that is
sometimes effective in practice is arbitrarily to exclude elements
that appear more than a certain number of times.  This number is
provided as the [arg maxOccurs] parameter.  If frequent lines are
excluded in this manner, they will not appear in the common subsequence
that is computed; the result will be the longest common subsequence
of infrequent elements. 
The procedure [cmd ::struct::list::longestCommonSubsequence2]
implements this heuristic.  It
functions as a wrapper around [cmd ::struct::list::longestCommonSubsequence]; 
it computes the longest
common subsequence of infrequent elements, and then subdivides the
subsequences that lie between the matches to approximate the true
longest common subsequence.

[section REFERENCES]
J. W. Hunt and M. D. McIlroy, "An algorithm for differential 
file comparison," Comp. Sci. Tech. Rep. #41, Bell Telephone 
Laboratories (1976). Available on the Web at the second
author's personal site: [uri]

[keywords list diff differential comparison common subsequence]