Tk Library Source Code

Artifact [d2d2818ed5]

Artifact d2d2818ed5728466acc110cb8c2679d1df832f7c:

Attachment "smtpd.tcl" to ticket [479482ffff] added by patthoyts 2001-11-08 15:23:00.
# smtpd.tcl - Copyright (C) 2001 Pat Thoyts <[email protected]>
# This provides a minimal implementation of the Simple Mail Tranfer Protocol
# as per RFC821 and RFC2821 ( and
# is designed for use during local testing of SMTP client software.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the file 'license.terms' for
# more details.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

package require log;                    # tcllib
package require mime;                   # tcllib

namespace eval smtpd {
    variable rcsid {$Id$}
    variable version 1.0

    package provide smtpd $version
    namespace export start stop

    # non-minimal commands HELP VRFY EXPN VERB ETRN DSN 

    variable options
    array set options {
        deliver            {}
        validate_host      {}
        validate_sender    {}
        validate_recipient {}

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description:
#   Obtain configuration options for the server.
proc smtpd::cget {option} {
    variable options
    set optname [string trimleft $option -]
    if { [info exists options($optname)] } {
        return $options($optname)
    } else {
        return -code error "unknown option: must be one of \
                            \"[array names options]\""

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description:
#   Configure server options. These include validation of hosts or users
#   and a procedure to handle delivery of incoming mail. The -deliver
#   procedure must handle mail because the server may release all session
#   resources once the deliver proc has completed.
#   An example might be to exec procmail to deliver the mail to users.
proc smtpd::configure {args} {
    variable options

    if {[llength $args] == 0} {
        foreach {opt value} [array get options] {
            lappend r -$opt $value

        return $r

    foreach {opt value} $args {
        switch -- $opt {
            -deliver            {set options(deliver) $value}
            -validate_host      {set options(validate_host) $value}
            -validate_sender    {set options(validate_sender) $value}
            -validate_recipient {set options(validate_recipient) $value}
            default {
                error "unknown option: \"$opt\": must be one of \
                       -deliver, -validate_host, -validate_recipient \
                       or -validate_sender"

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description:
#   Start the server on the given interface and port.
proc smtpd::start {{myaddr {}} {port 25}} {
    variable options
    if {[info exists options(socket)]} {
        error "smtpd service already running on socket $options(socket)"

    if {$myaddr != {}} {
        set myaddr "-myaddr $myaddr"
    set options(socket) [eval socket \
                             -server [namespace current]::accept $myaddr $port]
    log::log notice "smtpd service started on $options(socket)"
    return $options(socket)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description:
#  Stop a running server. Do nothing if the server isn't running.
proc smtpd::stop {} {
    variable options
    if {[info exists options(socket)]} {
        close $options(socket)
        log::log notice "smtpd service stopped"
        unset options(socket)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description:
#   Accept a new connection and setup a fileevent handler to process the new
#   session. Performs a host id validation step before allowing access.
proc smtpd::accept {channel client_addr client_port} {
    variable options
    variable version

    # init state array
    catch {unset [namespace current]::state_$channel}
    state $channel access allowed
    state $channel indata 0
    state $channel client_addr $client_addr
    state $channel client_port $client_port
    set accepted true

    # configure the data channel
    fconfigure $channel -buffering line -translation crlf -encoding ascii
    fileevent $channel readable [list [namespace current]::service $channel]

    # check host access permissions
    if {[cget -validate_host] != {}} {
        if {[catch {eval [cget -validate_host] $client_addr} msg] } {
            log::log notice "access denied for $client_addr:$client_port: $msg"
            puts $channel "550 Access denied: $msg"
            state $channel access denied
            set accepted false
    if {$accepted} {
        # Accept the connection
        log::log notice "connect from $client_addr:$client_port on $channel"
        puts $channel "220 [info hostname] tcllib smtpd $version; [timestamp]"

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description:
#   Access the state of a connected session using the channel name as part
#   of the state array name. Called with no value, it returns the current
#   value of the item (or {} if not defined).
proc smtpd::state {channel args} {
    if {[llength $args] == 0} {
        return [array get [namespace current]::state_$channel]

    set arrname [namespace current]::[subst state_$channel]

    if {[llength $args] == 1} {
        set r {}
        if {[info exists [subst $arrname]($args)]} {
            set r [set [subst $arrname]($args)]
        return $r
    foreach {name value} $args {
        set [namespace current]::[subst state_$channel]($name) $value

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description:
#   Perform the chat with a connected client. This procedure accepts input on
#   the connected socket and executes commands according to the state of the
#   session.
proc smtpd::service {channel} {
    variable commands
    variable options
    if {[eof $channel]} {
        close $channel
    gets $channel cmdline
    log::log debug "received: $cmdline"

    # If we are handling a DATA section, keep looking for the end of data.
    if {[state $channel indata] } {
        if {$cmdline == "."} {
            state $channel indata 0
            fconfigure $channel -translation crlf
            puts $channel "250 [state $channel id]\
                            Message accepted for delivery"
            deliver $channel
        } else {
            lappend [namespace current]::[subst state_$channel](data) $cmdline

    # Process SMTP commands (case insensitive)
    set cmd [string toupper [lindex [split $cmdline] 0]]
    if {[lsearch $commands $cmd] != -1} {
        if {[info proc $cmd] == {}} {
            puts $channel "500 $cmd not implemented"
        } else {
            # If access denied then client can only issue QUIT.
            if {[state $channel access] == "denied" && $cmd != "QUIT" } {
                puts $channel "503 bad sequence of commands"
            } else {
                set r [eval $cmd $channel [list $cmdline]]
    } else {
        puts $channel "500 Invalid command"

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description:
#  Generate a random ASCII character for use in mail identifiers.
proc smtpd::uidchar {} {
    set c .
    while {! [string is alnum $c]} {
        set n [expr int(rand() * 74 + 48)]
        set c [format %c $n]
    return $c

# Description:
#  Generate a unique random identifier using only ASCII alphanumeric chars.
proc smtpd::uid {} {
    set r {}
    for {set cn 0} {$cn < 12} {incr cn} {
        append r [uidchar]
    return $r

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description:
#   Calculate the local offset from GMT in hours for use in the timestamp
proc smtpd::gmtoffset {} {
    set now [clock seconds]
    set lh [string trimleft [clock format $now -format "%H" -gmt false] 0]
    set zh [string trimleft [clock format $now -format "%H" -gmt true] 0]
    set off [expr {$zh - $lh}]
    if {$off > 0} {
        set off [format "+%02d00" $off]
    } else {
        set off [format "-%02d00" [expr abs($off)]]
    return $off

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description:
#   Generate a standard SMTP compliant timestamp. That is a local time but with
#   the timezone represented as an offset.
proc smtpd::timestamp {} {
    set ts [clock format [clock seconds] \
                -format "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S" -gmt false]
    append ts " " [gmtoffset]
    return $ts

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description:
#   Deliver is called once a mail transaction is completed (defined as the
#   completion of a DATA command). The configured -deliver procedure is called
#   with the sender, list of recipients and the text of the mail.
proc smtpd::deliver {channel} {
    set deliver [cget deliver]
    if { $deliver != {} \
             && [state $channel from] != {} \
             && [state $channel to] != {} \
             && [state $channel data] != {} } {
        if {[catch {$deliver [state $channel from] \
                        [state $channel to] \
                        [state $channel data]} msg]} {
            log::log debug "error in deliver: $msg"

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The SMTP Commands
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description:
#   Initiate an SMTP session
# Reference:
#   RFC2821
proc smtpd::HELO {channel line} {
    if {[state $channel domain] != {}} {
        puts $channel "503 bad sequence of commands"
        log::log debug "HELO received out of sequence."

    set r [regexp -nocase {^HELO\s+([-\w\.]+)\s*$} $line -> domain]
    if {$r == 0} {
        puts $channel "501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments"
        log::log debug "HELO received \"$line\""
    puts $channel "250-[info hostname] Hello $domain\
                     \[[state $channel client_addr]\], pleased to meet you"
    puts $channel "250 Ready for mail."
    state $channel domain $domain
    log::log debug "HELO on $channel from $domain"

# Description:
#   Initiate an ESMTP session
# Reference:
#   RFC2821
proc smtpd::EHLO {channel line} {
    if {[state $channel domain] != {}} {
        puts $channel "503 bad sequence of commands"
        log::log debug "EHLO received out of sequence."

    set r [regexp -nocase {^EHLO\s+([-\w\.]+)\s*$} $line -> domain]
    if {$r == 0} {
        puts $channel "501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments"
        log::log debug "EHLO received \"$line\""
    puts $channel "250-[info hostname] Hello $domain\
                     \[[state $channel client_addr]\], pleased to meet you"
    puts $channel "250 Ready for mail."
    state $channel domain $domain
    log::log debug "EHLO on $channel from $domain"

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description:
# Reference:
#   RFC2821
proc smtpd::MAIL {channel line} {
    set r [regexp -nocase {^MAIL FROM:\s*(.*)} $line -> from]
    if {$r == 0} {
        puts $channel "501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments"
        log::log debug "MAIL received \"$line\""
    eval array set addr [mime::parseaddress $from]
    if {$addr(error) != {}} {
        log::log debug "MAIL failed $addr(error)"
        puts $channel "501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments"

    if {[cget -validate_sender] != {}} {
        if {[catch {eval [cget -validate_sender] $addr(address)}]} {
            # this user has been denied
            log::log info "MAIL denied user $addr(address)"
            puts $channel "553 Requested action not taken:\
                            mailbox name not allowed"

    log::log debug "MAIL FROM: $addr(address)"
    state $channel from $from
    puts $channel "250 OK"

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description:
#   Specify a recipient for this mail. This command may be executed multiple
#   times to contruct a list of recipients. If a -validate_recipient 
#   procedure is configured then this is used. An error from the validation
#   procedure indicates an invalid or unacceptable mailbox.
# Reference:
#   RFC2821
# Notes:
#   The postmaster mailbox MUST be supported. (RFC2821: 4.5.1)
proc smtpd::RCPT {channel line} {
    set r [regexp -nocase {^RCPT TO:\s*(.*)} $line -> to]
    if {$r == 0} {
        puts $channel "501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments"
        log::log debug "RCPT received \"$line\""
    eval array set addr [mime::parseaddress $to]
    if {$addr(error) != {}} {
        log::log debug "RCPT failed $addr(error)"
        puts $channel "501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments"

    if {[string match -nocase "postmaster" $addr(local)]} {
        # we MUST support this recipient somehow as mail.
        log::log notice "RCPT to postmaster"
    } else {
        if {[cget -validate_recipient] != {}} {
            if {[catch {eval [cget -validate_recipient] $addr(address)}]} {
                # this recipient has been denied
                log::log info "RCPT denied mailbox $addr(address)"
                puts $channel "553 Requested action not taken:\
                            mailbox name not allowed"

    log::log debug "RCPT TO: $addr(address)"
    set recipients {}
    catch {set recipients [state $channel to]}
    lappend recipients $to
    state $channel to $recipients
    puts $channel "250 OK"

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description:
#   Begin accepting data for the mail payload. A line containing a single 
#   period marks the end of the data and the server will then deliver the
#   mail. RCPT and MAIL commands must have been executed before the DATA
#   command.
# Reference:
#   RFC2821
# Notes:
#   The DATA section is the only part of the protocol permitted to use non-
#   ASCII characters and non-CRLF line endings and some clients take
#   advantage of this. Therefore we change the translation option on the
#   channel and reset it once the DATA command is completed. See the
#   'service' procedure for the handling of DATA lines.
#   We also insert trace information as per RFC2821:4.4
proc smtpd::DATA {channel line} {
    variable version
    if { [state $channel from] != {} && [state $channel to] != {} } {
        puts $channel "354 Enter mail, end with \".\" on a line by itself"
        state $channel id [uid]
        state $channel indata 1
        eval array set sndr [mime::parseaddress [state $channel from]]

        set trace "Received: from [state $channel domain] \[[state $channel client_addr]\]\n\
              \tby [info hostname] ($version) id [state $channel id]; [timestamp]"
        state $channel data [list $trace]
        fconfigure $channel -translation auto
    } else {
        puts $channel "503 bad sequence of commands"

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description:
#   Reset the server state for this connection.
# Reference:
#   RFC2821
proc smtpd::RSET {channel line} {
    if {[catch {
        state $channel indata 0
        state $channel from {}
        state $channel to {}
        state $channel data {}
    } msg]} {
        log::log warning "RSET: $msg"
    puts $channel "250 OK"
    log::log debug "RSET on $channel"

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description:
#   Verify the existence of a mailbox on the server
# Reference:
#   RFC2821
#proc smtpd::VRFY {channel line} {
#    # VRFY SP String CRLF

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description:
#   Expand a mailing list.
# Reference:
#   RFC2821
#proc smtpd::EXPN {channel line} {
#    # EXPN SP String CRLF

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description:
#   Return a help message.
# Reference:
#   RFC2821
#proc smtpd::HELP {channel line} {
#    # HELP SP String CRLF

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description:
#   Perform no action.
# Reference:
#   RFC2821
proc smtpd::NOOP {channel line} {
    set str {}
    regexp -nocase {^NOOP (.*)$} -> str
    log::log debug "NOOP: $str"
    puts $channel "250 OK"

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description:
#   Terminate a session and close the transmission channel.
# Reference:
#   RFC2821
# Notes:
#   The server is only permitted to close the channel once it has received 
#   a QUIT message.
proc smtpd::QUIT {channel line} {
    log::log debug "QUIT on $channel"
    puts $channel "221 [info hostname] Service closing transmission channel"
    close $channel
    # cleanup the session state array.
    #unset [namespace current]::state_$channel

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Local variables:
#   mode: tcl
#   indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: