Tk Library Source Code

Artifact [596f98c538]

Artifact 596f98c5381222c04d663b1fe8c9963a84247925:

Attachment "patch-request.txt" to ticket [3508603fff] added by aldobu 2012-03-19 19:00:00.
Based on json.tcl (1.1.2)
I added a new proc named "json2prettydict"

Aim of this proc is to return a "pretty-printed" tcl-dictionary.

I think this proc could be useful for documentating complex nested dictionaries.

- Internal Notes -
"json2prettydict" is heavily based on existing json2dict and json::parseXXX procs.
I slightly changed the internal code of all json::parseXXX procs, so that
these procs, may be called in two ways: for getting a (traditional) tcl-dict
or for getting a pretty-printed tcl-dict.

[Source code is attached]

Here is a demo:

set jsonStr { \
 { "photos": { "page": 1, "pages": "726", "perpage": 3, "total": "7257", 
    "photo": [
      { "id": "6974156079", "owner": "74957296@N08", "secret": "005d743f82", "server": "7197", "farm": 8, "title": "Kenya Watamu \"Deep Sea Fishing\" \"Indian Ocean\" \"Blue Marlin\"", "ispublic": 1, "isfriend": 0, "isfamily": 0 },
      { "id": "6822988100", "owner": "52857411@N08", "secret": "56630c18e8", "server": "7183", "farm": 8, "title": "Gedi Ruins, Local Guide", "ispublic": 1, "isfriend": 0, "isfamily": 0 },
      { "id": "6822909640", "owner": "52857411@N08", "secret": "f4e392ea36", "server": "7063", "farm": 8, "title": "Local Fisherman, Mida Creek", "ispublic": 1, "isfriend": 0, "isfamily": 0 }
    ] }, "stat": "ok" }
# First, just for comparision, call json2dict
set d1 [json::json2dict $jsonStr]
 # result is the following
if {0} {

photos {page 1 pages 726 perpage 3 total 7257 photo {{id 6974156079 owner 74957296@N08 secret 005d743f82 server 7197 farm 8 title {Kenya Watamu "Deep Sea Fishing" "Indian Ocean" "Blue Marlin"} ispublic 1 isfriend 0 isfamily 0} {id 6822988100 owner 52857411@N08 secret 56630c18e8 server 7183 farm 8 title {Gedi Ruins, Local Guide} ispublic 1 isfriend 0 isfamily 0} {id 6822909640 owner 52857411@N08 secret f4e392ea36 server 7063 farm 8 title {Local Fisherman, Mida Creek} ispublic 1 isfriend 0 isfamily 0}}} stat ok

 # Then create a pretty printed dictionary
set d2 [json::json2prettydict $jsonStr]
 # result is the following
if {0} {

photos {
	page 1
	pages 726
	perpage 3
	total 7257
	photo {
			id 6974156079
			owner 74957296@N08
			secret 005d743f82
			server 7197
			farm 8
			title {Kenya Watamu "Deep Sea Fishing" "Indian Ocean" "Blue Marlin"}
			ispublic 1
			isfriend 0
			isfamily 0
			id 6822988100
			owner 52857411@N08
			secret 56630c18e8
			server 7183
			farm 8
			title {Gedi Ruins, Local Guide}
			ispublic 1
			isfriend 0
			isfamily 0
			id 6822909640
			owner 52857411@N08
			secret f4e392ea36
			server 7063
			farm 8
			title {Local Fisherman, Mida Creek}
			ispublic 1
			isfriend 0
			isfamily 0

stat ok


# -- end