Tk Library Source Code

Artifact [fd695ae489]

Artifact fd695ae489f49c34b8025b0a1c8a08f04140b8f9:

Attachment "pctest.tcl" to ticket [34783217f7] added by anonymous 2015-08-23 18:27:11. (unpublished)
package require Plotchart
pack [canvas .cnv -background white -width 400 -height 200]

::Plotchart::plotconfig horizbars leftaxis font "Helvetica 10 italic"
::Plotchart::plotconfig horizbars background outercolor steelblue3
::Plotchart::plotconfig horizbars bottomaxis ticklength -5

set s [::Plotchart::createHorizontalBarchart .cnv {0.0 10.0 2.0}  {Antarctica Eurasia "The Americas" "Australia and Oceania" Ocean} 2]

$s plot series1 {1.0 4.0 6.0 1.0 7.0} red left-right
$s plot series2 {0.0 3.0 7.0 9.3 2.0} green right-left dark
$s title "Arbitrary data"