Tk Library Source Code

Artifact [9a7a78d0ce]

Artifact 9a7a78d0ce54b699ba68f90904b42516be6733b8:

Attachment "valgrind.txt" to ticket [1528614fff] added by andreas_kupries 2006-07-27 01:07:45.
==8479== Invalid read of size 4
==8479==    at 0x1B95DF78: Tcl_DeleteHashEntry (in /home/aku/AT/lib/
==8479==    by 0x1BE1D607: tn_delete (in /home/aku/AT/lib/tcllib_critcl/Linux-x86/
==8479==    by 0x1BE1D66F: tn_delete (in /home/aku/AT/lib/tcllib_critcl/Linux-x86/
==8479==    by 0x1BE1BCC2: t_delete (in /home/aku/AT/lib/tcllib_critcl/Linux-x86/
==8479==  Address 0x1BB86764 is 4 bytes inside a block of size 22 free'd
==8479==    at 0x1B908460: free (vg_replace_malloc.c:153)
==8479==    by 0x1B92B5FE: TclpFree (in /home/aku/AT/lib/
==8479==    by 0x1B9324BE: Tcl_Free (in /home/aku/AT/lib/
==8479==    by 0x1B95E04B: Tcl_DeleteHashEntry (in /home/aku/AT/lib/
==8479== Invalid read of size 4
==8479==    at 0x1B95DFE3: Tcl_DeleteHashEntry (in /home/aku/AT/lib/
==8479==    by 0x1BE1D607: tn_delete (in /home/aku/AT/lib/tcllib_critcl/Linux-x86/
==8479==    by 0x1BE1D66F: tn_delete (in /home/aku/AT/lib/tcllib_critcl/Linux-x86/
==8479==    by 0x1BE1BCC2: t_delete (in /home/aku/AT/lib/tcllib_critcl/Linux-x86/
==8479==  Address 0x1BB86768 is 8 bytes inside a block of size 22 free'd
==8479==    at 0x1B908460: free (vg_replace_malloc.c:153)
==8479==    by 0x1B92B5FE: TclpFree (in /home/aku/AT/lib/
==8479==    by 0x1B9324BE: Tcl_Free (in /home/aku/AT/lib/
==8479==    by 0x1B95E04B: Tcl_DeleteHashEntry (in /home/aku/AT/lib/
malformed bucket chain in Tcl_DeleteHashEntry
==8479== Process terminating with default action of signal 6 (SIGABRT)
==8479==    at 0x1BA11731: kill (in /lib/
==8479==    by 0x1B901C2D: gsignal (vg_intercept.c:93)
==8479==    by 0x1BA12A17: abort (in /lib/
==8479==    by 0x1B978EE0: Tcl_PanicVA (in /home/aku/AT/lib/
==8479== ERROR SUMMARY: 24 errors from 12 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
==8479== malloc/free: in use at exit: 365970 bytes in 5296 blocks.
==8479== malloc/free: 38005 allocs, 32709 frees, 2611864 bytes allocated.
==8479== For a detailed leak analysis,  rerun with: --leak-check=yes
==8479== For counts of detected errors, rerun with: -v