Tk Library Source Code

Artifact [296309947f]

Artifact 296309947f8d63cc23077292d2495128dedc548c:

Attachment "plotcontour.tcl" to ticket [1113033fff] added by arjenmarkus 2005-01-31 15:19:48.
#! /bin/sh
# -*- tcl -*- \
exec tclsh "$0" ${1+"$@"}

# plotcontour.tcl --
#    Contour plotting test program for the Plotchart package

#  The basic idea behind the method used for contouring within this sample
#  is primarily based on :
#    (1) "Contour Plots of Large Data Sets" by Chris Johnston
#        Computer Language, May 1986
#  a somewhat similar method was also described in
#    (2) "A Contouring Subroutine" by Paul D. Bourke
#        BYTE, June 1987
#  In (1) it is assumed that you have a N x M grid of data that you need
#  to process.  In order to generate a contour, each cell of the grid
#  is handled without regard to it's neighbors.  This is unlike many other
#  contouring algorithms that follow the current contour line into
#  neighboring cells in an attempt to produce "smoother" contours.
#  In general the method described is:
#     1) for each four cornered cell of the grid, 
#        calculate the center of the cell (average of the four corners)
#           data(i  ,j)   : Point (1)
#           data(i+1,j)   : Point (2)
#           data(i+1,j+1) : Point (3)
#           data(i  ,j+1) : Point (4)
#           center        : Point (5)
#               (4)-------------(3)
#                | \           / |
#                |  \         /  |
#                |   \       /   |
#                |    \     /    |
#                |     \   /     |
#                |      (5)      |
#                |     /   \     |
#                |    /     \    |
#                |   /       \   |
#           ^    |  /         \  |
#           |    | /           \ |
#           J   (1)-------------(2)
#                I ->
#        This divides the cell into four triangles.
#     2) Each of the five points in the cell can be assigned a sign (+ or -)
#        depending upon whether the point is above (+) the current contour
#        or below (-).
#        A contour will cross an edge whenever the points on the boundary of
#        the edge are of an opposite sign.
#        A few examples :
#           (-)     (-)        (-)  |  (+)       (-)     (-)        (+)  |  (-)
#                                    \                _                   \    
#                                     \              /  \                  \   
#               (-)  -             (-) |          _ /(+) |           -  (+)  - 
#                  /                  /                 /              \       
#                 /                 /                  /                \      
#           (-)  |  (+)        (-)  |  (+)       (+)  |  (-)        (-)  |  (+)
#        (Hopefully the "rough" character diagrams above give you the 
#        general idea)
#        It turns out that there are 32 possibles combinations of + and -
#        and therefore 32 basic paths through the cell.  And if you swap
#        the (+) and (-) in the diagram above, the "same" basic path is
#        generated:
#           (+)     (+)        (+)  |  (-)       (+)     (+)        (-)  |  (+)
#                                    \                _                   \    
#                                     \              /  \                  \   
#               (+)  -             (+) |          _ /(-) |           -  (-)  - 
#                  /                  /                 /              \       
#                 /                 /                  /                \      
#           (+)  |  (-)        (+)  |  (-)       (-)  |  (+)        (+)  |  (-)
#        So, it turns out that there are 16 basic paths through the cell.
#  The original article/code worked on all four triangles together and 
#  generated one of the 16 paths.
#  For this version of the code, I split the cell into the four triangles
#  and handle each triangle individually.
#  Doing it this way is slower than the above method for calculating the
#  contour lines.  But since it "simplifies" the code when doing "color filled"
#  contours, I opted for the longer calculation times.

# Implementation details :
#    global variables :
#         glob_var : This array hold a variety of values
#         x        : This "2d" (NxM) array holds the X coordinates of the data
#         y        : This "2d" (NxM) array holds the Y coordinates of the data
#         f        : This "2d" (NxM) array holds the "functional" value of
#                    the data (refer to the proc "make_grid" for more details)
#    NOTE : The color fill algorithm still need some work.
#           The problem is when more than one contour line passes through 
#           a given triangle, it may not color the triangle correctly.
#           When the first contour through a triangle is calculated, I want
#           to store that information in "oldlist" (see proc tri_contour),
#           and then use the info in "oldlist" to help determine the proper
#           shading if two or more contours pass through the triangle.
#           At present, the code just prints a message that I
#                 "Need to handle oldlist"

source plotchart.tcl
package require Plotchart

set rv                 1          ;# rv (reverse video) : used to set
                                   # foreground and background colors

set filled_cont        true       ;# set to "false" if you only want 
                                   # contour lines. 
                                   # "true" will do contour color shading.

set simple_box_contour false      ;# normally to "false".  If set to "true"
                                   # the normal contouring is by-passed and
                                   # this "grid cell" is colored based on
                                   # the average value of the four corners

set show_grid          false      ;# set to "true" if you want display
                                   # the grid.

proc plot_contour {filled_cont rv {simple_box_contour false} {show_grid false} } {
    global glob_var
    set pi   3.1415926
    set DtoR [expr $pi / 180.0]
    set glob_var(simple_box_contour) $simple_box_contour

    set glob_var(filled_contour) $filled_cont

    if {$rv} {
        set glob_var(fg) black
        set glob_var(bg) white
    } else {
        set glob_var(fg) white
        set glob_var(bg) black

    set sWidth  [winfo screenwidth  .]
    set sHeight [winfo screenheight .]

    if {$sWidth < $sHeight} {
        set cWidth   [expr {$sWidth  * 0.75}]
        set cHeight  $cWidth
    } else {
        set cWidth   [expr {$sHeight  * 0.75}]
        set cHeight  $cWidth

    set c [canvas .c  -background $glob_var(bg) \
               -width $cWidth -height $cHeight]

    pack   $c  -fill both -side top

    set winCoords [make_grid 20 20]

    foreach {xmin xmax ymin ymax} $winCoords {break}

    set xtics 4
    set ytics 4

    set xlimits [getScaleLimits $xmin $xmax $xtics]
    set ylimits [getScaleLimits $ymin $ymax $ytics]

    foreach {wxmin wxmax wxstep} $xlimits {break}
    foreach {wymin wymax wystep} $ylimits {break}

    set chart [::Plotchart::createXYPlot $c $xlimits $ylimits]

    set fmin  -1.0
    set fmax   1.0
    set ncont  41

    contour $chart $c $fmin $fmax $ncont

    if {$show_grid} {
        draw_grid $chart $c

    $c raise contour_line


proc getScaleLimits { xmin xmax ntics } {

    set rmin 0.5
    set rmax 5.0

    set ratio [expr {($xmax - $xmin) / $ntics}]
    if {$ratio <= 0.0} {
        set ratio 1.0

    set irdoff   0
    set iexp     [expr {int(log10($ratio))}]

    set aratio   [expr {log10($ratio) - $iexp}]
    set armax    [expr {log10($rmax)}]

    if { $aratio > $armax } {
        set irdoff 1
    if { $aratio < $armax } {
        set irdoff -1

    set iexp  [expr {$iexp + $irdoff}]
    set pexp  [expr {pow(10.0,$iexp)}]
    set ratio [expr {$ratio / $pexp }]

    if {$ratio > 10.0} {
        incr iexp
        set pexp  [expr {pow(10.0,$iexp)}]
        set ratio [expr {$ratio / $pexp }]

    # Find interval to be used on graph

    if { $ratio <= 1.0 } {

        # Interval is one
        set ticint [expr {1.0 * $pexp}]
    } else {

        if { $ratio <= 2.0 } {

            # Interval is two
            set ticint [expr {2.0 * $pexp}]
        } else {

            # Interval is five
            set ticint [expr {5.0 * $pexp}]

    if { $xmin >= 0.0 } {
        set smin [expr {(int($xmin/$ticint + 1.0e-4)) * $ticint}]
    } else {
        set smin [expr {(int($xmin/$ticint - 0.9999)) * $ticint}]

    set smax [expr {(int(($xmax-$xmin)/$ticint + 0.999) * $ticint) + $smin }]

    return [list $smin $smax $ticint]

proc make_grid { {imax 100} {jmax 100} } {
    global glob_var
    global x y f

    set pi  3.1415926
    set d2r [expr $pi / 180.0]

    set xmin    -90.0
    set xmax     90.0
    set ymin    -90.0
    set ymax     90.0

    set xrange  [expr {$xmax - $xmin}]
    set yrange  [expr {$ymax - $ymin}]

    set dx  [expr {$xrange / ($imax - 1)}]
    set dy  [expr {$yrange / ($jmax - 1)}]

    for {set i 1} {$i <= $imax} {incr i} {
        for {set j 1} {$j <= $jmax} {incr j} {

            set xx [expr {$xmin + ($i-1)*$dx}]
            set yy [expr {$ymin + ($j-1)*$dy}]
            set x($i,$j) $xx
            set y($i,$j) $yy
            set sx [expr {sin($xx *  $d2r)}]
            set cx [expr {cos($yy *  $d2r)}]

            set f($i,$j) [expr {($sx*$cx)}]

    set glob_var(imax) $imax
    set glob_var(jmax) $jmax

#    return [list -100.0 100.0 -100.0 100.0]

    return [list $xmin $xmax $ymin $ymax]

proc draw_grid {chart canv} {
    global glob_var
    global x y f

    $chart dataconfig "grid" -colour "black"

    for {set i 1} {$i <= $glob_var(imax)} {incr i} {
        set xylist {}
        for {set j 1} {$j <= $glob_var(jmax)} {incr j} {
            lappend xylist $x($i,$j) $y($i,$j)
        c_line $chart $canv $xylist black

    for {set j 1} {$j <= $glob_var(jmax)} {incr j} {
        set xylist {}
        for {set i 1} {$i <= $glob_var(imax)} {incr i} {
            lappend xylist $x($i,$j) $y($i,$j)
        c_line $chart $canv $xylist black


proc contour {chart canv fmin fmax ncont} {
    global glob_var
    global x y f
    global cont

    set df [expr {($fmax - $fmin) / ($ncont - 1)}]
    set dh [expr {240.0 / ($ncont - 1)}]

    puts "Fmin = $fmin : Fmax = $fmax : Ncont = $ncont"

    # "ncont" is the number of contour lines.  Add one
    # to get the number of intervals.  Therefore calculate
    # the colors from zero to ncont.
    for {set i 0} {$i <= $ncont} {incr i} {
        set cont($i,fval) [expr {$fmin + ($i * $df)}]
        set cont($i,hue)  [expr {240.0 - ($i * $dh)}]
        if {$cont($i,hue) < 0.01} {
            set cont($i,hue)  0.0
        set rgbList [hsv2rgb $cont($i,hue) 1.0 1.0]
        set r    [expr {int([lindex $rgbList 0] * 65535)}]
        set g    [expr {int([lindex $rgbList 1] * 65535)}]
        set b    [expr {int([lindex $rgbList 2] * 65535)}]
        set cont($i,color)  [format "#%.4x%.4x%.4x" $r $g $b]

    for {set i 1} {$i < $glob_var(imax)} {incr i} {
        set i1 [expr {$i + 1}]
        for {set j 1} {$j < $glob_var(jmax)} {incr j} {
            set j1 [expr {$j + 1}]

            set x1 $x($i1,$j)
            set x2 $x($i,$j)
            set x3 $x($i,$j1)
            set x4 $x($i1,$j1)
            set y1 $y($i1,$j)
            set y2 $y($i,$j)
            set y3 $y($i,$j1)
            set y4 $y($i1,$j1)

            set f1 $f($i1,$j)
            set f2 $f($i,$j)
            set f3 $f($i,$j1)
            set f4 $f($i1,$j1)

            set xb [list $x1 $x2 $x3 $x4]
            set yb [list $y1 $y2 $y3 $y4]
            set fb [list $f1 $f2 $f3 $f4]

            box_contour $chart $canv $xb $yb $fb $fmin $fmax $ncont

##    for {set i 0} {$i <= $ncont} {incr i} {
##        puts "Contour level $i : Fval = $cont($i,fval)"
##    }


proc box_contour {chart canv xb yb fb fmin fmax ncont} {
    global glob_var
    global x y f
    global cont
    foreach {x1 x2 x3 x4} $xb {}
    foreach {y1 y2 y3 y4} $yb {}
    foreach {f1 f2 f3 f4} $fb {}

    set xc [expr {($x1 + $x2 + $x3 + $x4) * 0.25}]
    set yc [expr {($y1 + $y2 + $y3 + $y4) * 0.25}]
    set fc [expr {($f1 + $f2 + $f3 + $f4) * 0.25}]

    if {$glob_var(simple_box_contour)} {

        set ic [expr {int( $ncont * ($fc-$fmin) / ($fmax-$fmin) )}]
        if {$ic < 0} {
            set ic 0
        if {$ic > [expr {$ncont - 1}]} {
            set ic [expr {$ncont - 1}]

        set xylist [list $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 $x3 $y3 $x4 $y4]

        # canvasPlot::polygon $win $xylist -fill $cont($ic,color)
        c_polygon $chart $canv $xylist $cont($ic,color)

    } else {

        tri_contour $chart $canv $x1 $y1 $f1 $x2 $y2 $f2 $xc $yc $fc $fmin $fmax $ncont
        tri_contour $chart $canv $x2 $y2 $f2 $x3 $y3 $f3 $xc $yc $fc $fmin $fmax $ncont
        tri_contour $chart $canv $x3 $y3 $f3 $x4 $y4 $f4 $xc $yc $fc $fmin $fmax $ncont
        tri_contour $chart $canv $x4 $y4 $f4 $x1 $y1 $f1 $xc $yc $fc $fmin $fmax $ncont


proc tri_contour { chart canv x1 y1 f1 x2 y2 f2 x3 y3 f3 fmin fmax ncont } {
    global glob_var
    global x y f
    global cont

    set frange [expr {$fmax - $fmin}]
    set nc [expr {$ncont - 1}]
    set df [expr {$frange / $nc}]

    # Find the min/max function values for this triangle
    set tfmin  [min $f1 $f2 $f3]
    set tfmax  [max $f1 $f2 $f3]

    # Based on the above min/max, figure out which 
    # contour levels/colors that bracket this interval
    set imin 0
    for {set i 0} {$i < $ncont} {incr i} {
        set ff $cont($i,fval)
        if {$ff <= $tfmin} {
            set imin $i
            set imax $i
        if {$ff >= $tfmin && $ff <= $tfmax} {
            set imax $i
    # First handle the simple case where one color can
    # be used to color the entire triangle...
    if {$glob_var(filled_contour)} {
        if {$imin == $imax} {
            set ictmp $imin
            if {$cont($imin,fval) < $tfmax} {
                incr ictmp
            set pxylist [list $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 $x3 $y3]
            c_polygon $chart $canv $pxylist $cont($ictmp,color)

    set oldlist  {}
    set vertlist {}

    # Since the simple above has already been handled,
    # make sure that the contour levels go past "tfmax"
    incr imax

    # Loop over all contour levels of interest for this triangle
    for {set ic $imin} {$ic <= $imax} {incr ic} {

        # Get the value for this contour level
        set ff $cont($ic,fval)

        set pxylist  {}

        # First check to see if the current contour value "ff"
        # falls within the min/max values for this triangle
        if {$ff >= $tfmin && $ff <= $tfmax} {

            # Determine if the current contour level
            # intersects each side of the triangle
            set side12 [expr {($ff - $f1) * ($ff - $f2)}]
            set side23 [expr {($ff - $f2) * ($ff - $f3)}]
            set side31 [expr {($ff - $f3) * ($ff - $f1)}]

            if {$side12 <= 0.0} {

                # It intersects this side : between points 1 & 2
                # Calculate the intersection point 1
                set xyf1  [fintpl $x1 $y1 $f1 $x2 $y2 $f2 $ff]

                # Add this point to the current polygon point list
                set pxylist $xyf1
                if {$side23 <= 0.0} {

                    # It intersects this side : between points 2 & 3
                    # Calculate the intersection point 2
                    set xyf2  [fintpl $x2 $y2 $f2 $x3 $y3 $f3 $ff]

                    # Add this point to the current polygon point list
                    foreach {xx yy} $xyf2 {}
                    lappend pxylist $xx $yy

                    foreach {xx1 yy1 xx2 yy2} $pxylist {break}

                    if {$glob_var(filled_contour)} {
                        if {[llength $oldlist] == 0} {
                            if {$f2 < $ff} {
                                lappend pxylist $x2 $y2
                                lappend vertlist 2
                            } else {
                                lappend pxylist $x3 $y3 $x1 $y1
                                lappend vertlist 3 1
                            c_polygon $chart $canv $pxylist $cont($ic,color)
                        } else {
                            set lst1 [lindex $oldlist 0]
                            set lst2 [lindex $oldlist 1]

                            foreach {side1 ox1 oy1} $lst1 {break}
                            foreach {side2 ox2 oy2} $lst2 {break}

                            if {$side1 == "side12" && $side2 == "side23"} {
                                lappend pxylist $ox2 $oy2 $ox1 $oy1
                            } else {
                                if {$side1 == "side12" && $side2 == "side31"} {
                                    lappend pxylist $x3 $y3 $ox2 $oy2 $ox1 $oy1
                                } else {
                                    lappend pxylist $ox1 $oy1 $ox2 $oy2 $x1 $y1
                            c_polygon $chart $canv $pxylist $cont($ic,color)

                        set oldlist     {}
                        lappend oldlist [list "side12" $xx1 $yy1]
                        lappend oldlist [list "side23" $xx2 $yy2]

                } else {

                    # It intersects this side : between points 3 & 1
                    # Calculate the intersection point 2
                    set xyf2  [fintpl $x3 $y3 $f3 $x1 $y1 $f1 $ff]
                    foreach {xx yy} $xyf2 {}
                    lappend pxylist $xx $yy

                    foreach {xx1 yy1 xx2 yy2} $pxylist {break}
                    if {$glob_var(filled_contour)} {
                        if {[llength $oldlist] == 0} {

                            if {$f1 < $ff} {
                                lappend pxylist $x1 $y1
                                lappend vertlist 1
                            } else {
                                lappend pxylist $x3 $y3 $x2 $y2
                                lappend vertlist 3 2
                            c_polygon $chart $canv $pxylist $cont($ic,color)
                        } else {
                            set lst1 [lindex $oldlist 0]
                            set lst2 [lindex $oldlist 1]

                            foreach {side1 ox1 oy1} $lst1 {break}
                            foreach {side2 ox2 oy2} $lst2 {break}

                            if {$side1 == "side12" && $side2 == "side31"} {
                                lappend pxylist $ox2 $oy2 $ox1 $oy1
                            } else {
                                if {$side1 == "side12" && $side2 == "side23"} {
                                    lappend pxylist $x3 $y3 $ox2 $oy2 $ox1 $oy1
                                } else {
                                    lappend pxylist $ox2 $oy2 $ox1 $oy1 $x2 $y2
                            c_polygon $chart $canv $pxylist $cont($ic,color)
                        set oldlist     {}
                        lappend oldlist [list "side12" $xx1 $yy1]
                        lappend oldlist [list "side31" $xx2 $yy2]

            } else {

                set xyf1  [fintpl $x2 $y2 $f2 $x3 $y3 $f3 $ff]
                set xyf2  [fintpl $x3 $y3 $f3 $x1 $y1 $f1 $ff]

                foreach {xx1 yy1} $xyf1 {}
                lappend pxylist $xx1 $yy1
                foreach {xx2 yy2} $xyf2 {}
                lappend pxylist $xx2 $yy2

                if {$glob_var(filled_contour)} {
                    if {[llength $oldlist] == 0} {
                        if {$f3 < $ff} {
                            lappend pxylist $x3 $y3
                            lappend vertlist 3
                        } else {
                            lappend pxylist $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2
                            lappend vertlist 1 2
                        c_polygon $chart $canv $pxylist $cont($ic,color)
                    } else {
                        set lst1 [lindex $oldlist 0]
                        set lst2 [lindex $oldlist 1]

                        foreach {side1 ox1 oy1} $lst1 {break}
                        foreach {side2 ox2 oy2} $lst2 {break}

                        if {$side1 == "side23" && $side2 == "side31"} {
                            lappend pxylist $ox2 $oy2 $ox1 $oy1
                        } else {
                            if {$side1 == "side12" && $side2 == "side23"} {
                                lappend pxylist $x1 $y1 $ox1 $oy1 $ox2 $oy2
                            } else {
                                lappend pxylist $ox2 $oy2 $ox1 $oy1 $x2 $y2
                        c_polygon $chart $canv $pxylist $cont($ic,color)
                    set oldlist     {}
                    lappend oldlist [list "side23" $xx1 $yy1]
                    lappend oldlist [list "side31" $xx2 $yy2]

            # Construct the contour line from the intersection 
            # points calculated above
            foreach {xx1 yy1} $xyf1 {}
            foreach {xx2 yy2} $xyf2 {}
            set xylist [list $xx1 $yy1 $xx2 $yy2]

            # Draw the contour line.  If we're doing a "filled contour"
            # (ie coloring each triangle) then use "black" as the color
            # of the line, otherwise use the "contour color" for the line.  
            # A tag is used so that we can "raise/lower" the line if desired.
            if {$glob_var(filled_contour)} {
                # c_line $chart $canv $xylist $cont($ic,color)
                c_line $chart $canv $xylist black -tag contour_line
            } else {
                c_line $chart $canv $xylist $cont($ic,color)

        } else {

            # The current contour value "ff" is such that either :
            #     ff < tfmin
            #     ff > tfmax

            if {$glob_var(filled_contour)} {
                if {[llength $oldlist] == 0} {
                    set pxylist [list $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 $x3 $y3]
                    c_polygon $chart $canv $pxylist $cont($ic,color)
                } else {

                    # We should only reach this point when
                    # ic == imax and we need to finish the color fill
                    # for this triangle
                    set lst1 [lindex $oldlist 0]
                    set lst2 [lindex $oldlist 1]

                    foreach {side1 ox1 oy1} $lst1 {break}
                    foreach {side2 ox2 oy2} $lst2 {break}

                    if {$side1 == "side12" && $side2 == "side23"} {
                        if {[lsearch $vertlist "2"] == -1} {
                            set pxylist [list $ox1 $oy1 $ox2 $oy2 $x2 $y2 ]
                        } else {
                            set pxylist [list $ox1 $oy1 $ox2 $oy2 $x3 $y3 $x1 $y1 ]
                    if {$side1 == "side12" && $side2 == "side31"} {
                        if {[lsearch $vertlist "1"] == -1} {
                            set pxylist [list $ox1 $oy1 $ox2 $oy2 $x1 $y1 ]
                        } else {
                            set pxylist [list $ox1 $oy1 $ox2 $oy2 $x3 $y3 $x2 $y2 ]
                    if {$side1 == "side23" && $side2 == "side31"} {
                        if {[lsearch $vertlist "3"] == -1} {
                            set pxylist [list $ox1 $oy1 $ox2 $oy2 $x3 $y3 ]
                        } else {
                            set pxylist [list $ox1 $oy1 $ox2 $oy2 $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 ]
                    c_polygon $chart $canv $pxylist $cont($ic,color)
                    set oldlist {}

proc fintpl {x1 y1 f1 x2 y2 f2 ff} {

    if {[expr {$f2 - $f1}] != 0.0} {
        set xx  [expr {$x1 + (($ff - $f1)*($x2 - $x1)/($f2 - $f1))}]
        set yy  [expr {$y1 + (($ff - $f1)*($y2 - $y1)/($f2 - $f1))}]
    } else {

        # puts "FINTPL : f1 == f2 : x1,y1 : $x1 , $y1 : x2,y2 : $x2 , $y2"
        set xx $x1
        set yy $y1

    set xmin [min $x1 $x2]
    set xmax [max $x1 $x2]
    set ymin [min $y1 $y2]
    set ymax [max $y1 $y2]

    if {$xx < $xmin} { set xx $xmin }
    if {$xx > $xmax} { set xx $xmax }
    if {$yy < $ymin} { set yy $ymin }
    if {$yy > $ymax} { set yy $ymax }

    return [list $xx $yy]

proc min { val args } {
    set min $val
    foreach val $args {
	if { $val < $min } {
	    set min $val
    return $min

proc max { val args } {
    set max $val
    foreach val $args {
	if { $val > $max } {
	    set max $val
    return $max

proc c_line {chart canv xylist color args} {

    set wxylist {}
    foreach {xx yy} $xylist {
        foreach {pxcrd pycrd} [::Plotchart::coordsToPixel $canv $xx $yy] {break}
        lappend wxylist $pxcrd $pycrd
    eval "$canv create line $wxylist -fill $color $args"

proc c_polygon {chart canv xylist color args} {

    set wxylist {}
    foreach {xx yy} $xylist {
        foreach {pxcrd pycrd} [::Plotchart::coordsToPixel $canv $xx $yy] {break}
        lappend wxylist $pxcrd $pycrd
    eval "$canv create polygon $wxylist -fill $color $args"

#  The following two routines were borrowed from :

# rgb2hsv --
#       Convert a color value from the RGB model to HSV model.
# Arguments:
#       r g b  the red, green, and blue components of the color
#               value.  The procedure expects, but does not
#               ascertain, them to be in the range 0 to 1.
# Results:
#       The result is a list of three real number values.  The
#       first value is the Hue component, which is in the range
#       0.0 to 360.0, or -1 if the Saturation component is 0.
#       The following to values are Saturation and Value,
#       respectively.  They are in the range 0.0 to 1.0.
# Credits:
#       This routine is based on the Pascal source code for an
#       RGB/HSV converter in the book "Computer Graphics", by
#       Baker, Hearn, 1986, ISBN 0-13-165598-1, page 304.

proc rgb2hsv {r g b} {
    set h [set s [set v 0.0]]]
    set sorted [lsort -real [list $r $g $b]]
    set v [expr {double([lindex $sorted end])}]
    set m [lindex $sorted 0]

    set dist [expr {double($v-$m)}]
    if {$v} {
        set s [expr {$dist/$v}]
    if {$s} {
        set r' [expr {($v-$r)/$dist}] ;# distance of color from red
        set g' [expr {($v-$g)/$dist}] ;# distance of color from green
        set b' [expr {($v-$b)/$dist}] ;# distance of color from blue
        if {$v==$r} {
            if {$m==$g} {
                set h [expr {5+${b'}}]
            } else {
                set h [expr {1-${g'}}]
        } elseif {$v==$g} {
            if {$m==$b} {
                set h [expr {1+${r'}}]
            } else {
                set h [expr {3-${b'}}]
        } else {
            if {$m==$r} {
                set h [expr {3+${g'}}]
            } else {
                set h [expr {5-${r'}}]
        set h [expr {$h*60}]          ;# convert to degrees
    } else {
        # hue is undefined if s == 0
        set h -1
    return [list $h $s $v]

# hsv2rgb --
#       Convert a color value from the HSV model to RGB model.
# Arguments:
#       h s v  the hue, saturation, and value components of
#               the color value.  The procedure expects, but
#               does not ascertain, h to be in the range 0.0 to
#               360.0 and s, v to be in the range 0.0 to 1.0.
# Results:
#       The result is a list of three real number values,
#       corresponding to the red, green, and blue components
#       of a color value.  They are in the range 0.0 to 1.0.
# Credits:
#       This routine is based on the Pascal source code for an
#       HSV/RGB converter in the book "Computer Graphics", by
#       Baker, Hearn, 1986, ISBN 0-13-165598-1, page 304.

proc hsv2rgb {h s v} {
    set v [expr {double($v)}]
    set r [set g [set b 0.0]]
    if {$h == 360} { set h 0 }
    # if you feed the output of rgb2hsv back into this
    # converter, h could have the value -1 for
    # grayscale colors.  Set it to any value in the
    # valid range.
    if {$h == -1} { set h 0 }
    set h [expr {$h/60}]
    set i [expr {int(floor($h))}]
    set f [expr {$h - $i}]
    set p1 [expr {$v*(1-$s)}]
    set p2 [expr {$v*(1-($s*$f))}]
    set p3 [expr {$v*(1-($s*(1-$f)))}]
    switch -- $i {
        0 { set r $v  ; set g $p3 ; set b $p1 }
        1 { set r $p2 ; set g $v  ; set b $p1 }
        2 { set r $p1 ; set g $v  ; set b $p3 }
        3 { set r $p1 ; set g $p2 ; set b $v  }
        4 { set r $p3 ; set g $p1 ; set b $v  }
        5 { set r $v  ; set g $p1 ; set b $p2 }
    return [list $r $g $b]

# Main code

plot_contour $filled_cont $rv $simple_box_contour $show_grid