Tk Library Source Code

Artifact [ef95be7c1c]

Artifact ef95be7c1c81ea2e6740d4ce940cfee32c8fcf31:

Attachment "word_fix.patch" to ticket [2890743fff] added by andreas_kupries 2009-11-03 05:07:25.
--- modules/comm/comm.tcl.orig	2009-04-10 16:46:55.000000000 -0700
+++ modules/comm/comm.tcl	2009-11-02 14:06:33.000000000 -0800
@@ -1155,17 +1155,109 @@
     # the whole buffer is a valid list.  This is probably OK, although
     # it could potentially cause a deadlock.
-    while {![catch {set cmd [lindex $data 0]}]} {
+    # [AK] Actually no. This breaks down if the sender shoves so much
+    # data at us so fast that the receiver runs into out of memory
+    # before the list is fully well-formed and thus able to be
+    # processed.
+    while {![catch {
+	set cmdrange [Word0 data]
+	# word0 is essentially the pre-8.0 'lindex <list> 0', getting
+	# the first word of a list, even if the remainder is not fully
+	# well-formed. Slight API change, we get the char indices the
+	# word is between, and a relative index to the remainder of
+	# the list.
+    }]} {
+	# Unpack the indices, then extract the word.
+	foreach {s e step} $cmdrange break
+	set cmd [string range $data $s $e]
 	commDebug {puts stderr "<$chan> cmd <$data>"}
 	if {[string equal "" $cmd]} break
 	if {[info complete $cmd]} {
-	    set data [lreplace $data 0 0]
+	    # The word is a command, step to the remainder of the
+	    # list, and delete the word we have processed.
+	    incr e $step
+	    set data [string range $data $e end]
 	    after idle \
 		    [list ::comm::commExec $chan $fid $comm($chan,fids,$fid) $cmd]
+proc ::comm::Word0 {dv} {
+    upvar 1 $dv data
+    # data
+    #
+    # The string we expect to be either a full well-formed list, or a
+    # well-formed list until the end of the first word in the list,
+    # with non-wellformed data following after, i.e. an incomplete
+    # list with a complete first word.
+    if {[regexp -indices "^\\s*(\{)" $data -> bracerange]} {
+	# The word is brace-quoted, starting at index 'lindex
+	# bracerange 0'. We now have to find the closing brace,
+	# counting inner braces, ignoring quoted braces. We fail if
+	# there is no proper closing brace.
+	foreach {s e} $bracerange break
+	incr s ; # index of the first char after the brace.
+	incr e ; # same. but this is our running index.
+	set level 1
+	set max [string length $data]
+	while {$level} {
+	    # We are looking for the first regular or backslash-quoted
+	    # opening or closing brace in the string. If none is found
+	    # then the word is not complete, and we abort our search.
+	    if {![regexp -indices -start $e {(([{}])|(\\[{}]))} $data -> any regular quoted]} {
+		#                            ^^      ^
+		#                            |regular \quoted
+		#                            any
+		return -code error "no complete word found/1"
+	    }
+	    foreach {qs qe} $quoted break
+	    foreach {rs re} $regular break
+	    if {$qs >= 0} {
+		# Skip quoted braces ...
+		set e $qe
+		incr e
+		continue
+	    } elseif {$rs >= 0} {
+		# Step one nesting level in or out.
+		if {[string index $data $rs] eq "\{"} {
+		    incr level
+		} else {
+		    incr level -1
+		}
+		set  e $re
+		incr e
+		#puts @$e
+		continue
+	    } else {
+		return -code error "internal error"
+	    }
+	}
+	incr e -2 ; # index of character just before the brace.
+	return [list $s $e 2]
+    } elseif {[regexp -indices {^\s*(\S+)\s} $data -> wordrange]} {
+	# The word is a simple literal which ends at the next
+	# whitespace character. Note that there has to be a whitespace
+	# for us to recognize a word, for while there is no whitespace
+	# behind it in the buffer the word itself may be incomplete.
+	return [linsert $wordrange end 1]
+    }
+    return -code error "no complete word found/2"
 # ::comm::commExec --
 #	Internal command. Receives and executes a remote command,